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Empire of the Lost

A coalition of former Imperials and displaced refugees based in the Lianna system rallying behind the idea of establishing an empire to secure peace and order for their people, noted for their realpolitik attitude and flexible internal affairs.

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The New Imperial Inquisitorius

Aculia Voland

Protecting her children from the shadows.

The New Imperial Inquisitorius


(Note to self: Do a SPAG pass when you have the time).

In the vast and mysterious realm of the Empire of the Lost, a clandestine organization known as the New Imperial Inquisitorius emerged as the enforcers of the Empire's will. Unlike their counterparts, the Fel Imperial Knights, who adhered strictly to the Light Side of the Force, the Inquisitors embraced the Dark Side, wielding its power to ensure the success of their missions.

The Inquisitors are a select group of Force-sensitive individuals who underwent rigorous training to hone their combat skills and deepen their connection to the Dark Side. Their primary objective is to seek out and secure powerful artifacts of the Force, which were then locked away within a highly secure imperial facility. These artifacts, often relics of the Jedi and Sith, held immense power and are deemed too dangerous to be left unchecked.

Operating as a clandestine Force User secret police, the Inquisitors specialized in matters concerning Jedi and Sith affairs. They are tasked with hunting down individuals who posed a threat to the Empire, be it rogue Jedi, renegade Sith, or other Force-sensitive entities whose actions were deemed hazardous to imperial rule. The Inquisitors' relentless pursuit of these threats made them feared and respected throughout the Empire.

Within the Empire of the Lost, the Inquisitors are known for their distinct appearance and formidable abilities. They adorned themselves in dark, intimidating attire, often wearing masks that concealed their identities. These masks embodied the enigmatic nature of the Inquisitors, shrouding them in an aura of mystery and fear.

As agents of the Empire, the Inquisitors are granted access to a vast array of resources and technologies to aid them in their missions. They utilized advanced surveillance equipment, specialized starships, and had direct access to the Empire's intelligence network. This allowed them to gather information on potential targets and track down hidden Force artifacts with unparalleled efficiency.

While the Inquisitors were unquestionably loyal to the Empire, their allegiance lay primarily with the Force and its potential for dominance. They saw themselves as the keepers of balance, believing that by wielding the dark side, they could maintain order and stability within the Empire of the Lost. However, this commitment to the dark side can often lead to internal struggles and conflicts within the ranks of the Inquisitorius, as individual Inquisitors wrestled with the temptations and corrupting influence of their chosen path.

In summary, the New Imperial Inquisitorius of the Empire of the Lost is a secretive organization of Force-sensitive agents who utilized the dark side to ensure the Empire's success. Tasked with retrieving and safeguarding powerful Force artifacts, they operated as a specialized Force User secret police, hunting down threats to the Empire and dealing with matters pertaining to the Force. Their unwavering loyalty to the Empire, coupled with their formidable abilities, made them a force to be reckoned with in the galaxy.
The principles and philosophy of the New Imperial Inquisitorius set them apart from both the Jedi and Sith, forging a unique path in their pursuit of maintaining order within the Empire of the Lost.

The Balance of Dominance: The Inquisitors believe in the concept of the "Balance of Dominance." They recognize that both the light and dark sides of the Force hold power and significance. Instead of rejecting or suppressing the dark side, they seek to harness its potential alongside the light side. By embracing the duality of the Force, they strive to maintain a delicate equilibrium, utilizing the dark side's strength when necessary while remaining wary of its corrupting nature.

Pragmatic Utilization: Unlike the Jedi, who often adhere strictly to a code of ethics, the Inquisitors prioritize practicality and efficiency. They understand that the pursuit of absolute morality can hinder progress and compromise the Empire's stability. While they have a clear allegiance to the Empire, they are willing to employ morally gray methods and make difficult choices in order to achieve their objectives, as long as it serves the greater good of the Empire.

Knowledge and Control: The Inquisitors emphasize the acquisition of knowledge and the mastery of control over the Force. They believe that true power lies in understanding the intricacies of the Force and using it as a tool rather than succumbing to its influence. Through rigorous training and discipline, they seek to unlock the full potential of their own abilities and manipulate the Force to serve their purpose, ensuring that it remains a tool for order rather than chaos.

Adaptability and Evolution: The New Imperial Inquisitorius values adaptability and evolution as essential traits for survival and success. They acknowledge that the Force and its wielders are constantly evolving, and as such, they must also evolve their methods and ideologies. Inquisitors are encouraged to learn from the mistakes of the past, shaping their practices based on the ever-changing landscape of the Empire and the galaxy.

Unity of Purpose: The Inquisitors believe in the strength of unity and coordination. While individual Inquisitors may have their own specialties and areas of expertise, they understand that their collective efforts are what make them formidable. They foster a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose, collaborating closely with one another and other branches of the Empire to achieve their goals. This unity allows them to pool their resources, share knowledge, and effectively counter threats to the Empire.

By embracing the Balance of Dominance, emphasizing pragmatic utilization, pursuing knowledge and control, valuing adaptability and evolution, and fostering unity of purpose, the New Imperial Inquisitorius carves their own distinct philosophy that sets them apart from both the Jedi and the Sith. They strive to wield the Force in a way that upholds order, protects the Empire of the Lost, and ensures the preservation of their unique place in the galaxy.
The recruitment process of the New Imperial Inquisitorius within the Empire of the Lost is highly selective and rigorous. Force-sensitive individuals are scouted from various sources, including the Imperial academies, independent Force-sensitive individuals, and even from within the Empire itself. Potential candidates undergo intense screening processes to assess their suitability for the Inquisitorius. Attributes such as strength in the Force, adaptability, loyalty to the Empire, and a willingness to embrace the duality of the Force are key criteria for selection.

Once chosen, recruits enter a comprehensive training program that combines combat, espionage, and deepening their connection to the Force. The training takes place within specialized Inquisitorius academies, hidden from the prying eyes of the galaxy. The curriculum focuses on combat skills, lightsaber training, mastering the use of the dark side of the Force, interrogation techniques, infiltration, and investigation. Inquisitors are taught to be versatile and adaptable, capable of handling a wide range of missions and threats.

The training also includes theoretical studies, where recruits delve into the history of the Jedi, Sith, and other Force-related organizations. They study ancient texts, artifacts, and the records of past conflicts, learning from the successes and failures of those who came before them. This knowledge helps shape their understanding of the Force and its complexities.


The Inquisitors are equipped with advanced gear and weaponry to aid them in their missions. Their most iconic weapon is the lightsaber—a weapon they wield with deadly precision. Inquisitors often possess specialized lightsabers that can be customized to suit their combat style and preferences. These lightsabers may have unique modifications, such as dual-phase blades, cortosis-weave armor, or other enhancements for versatility and increased effectiveness.

In addition to lightsabers, Inquisitors are equipped with state-of-the-art surveillance and intelligence-gathering equipment. They have access to advanced communication devices, encrypted data pads, stealth technology, and sophisticated sensor arrays. This gear enables them to infiltrate, gather information, and execute their missions with precision and efficiency.


The New Imperial Inquisitorius operates within a hierarchical structure, led by a Grand Inquisitor who reports directly to the Emperor or the highest-ranking authority within the Empire. Beneath the Grand Inquisitor, there are several ranks and divisions that serve specific functions within the organization. These divisions may include:

Field Operations: Inquisitors assigned to field operations are responsible for carrying out missions on the ground. They are skilled in combat, espionage, and investigation, and operate individually or in small teams. Field Inquisitors often work closely with other branches of the Empire, such as intelligence agencies or military units, to achieve their objectives.

Artifact Recovery and Analysis:
Inquisitors specializing in artifact recovery and analysis are tasked with locating and securing powerful Force artifacts. They possess deep knowledge of ancient and obscure artifacts, their history, and their potential applications. They work closely with historians, archaeologists, and other experts to ensure the safe retrieval and analysis of these artifacts.

Interrogation and Intelligence: Inquisitors in this division specialize in extracting information from captured individuals or suspects. They are proficient in various interrogation techniques, both mental and physical, and possess a deep understanding of psychology. Their role is to gather intelligence, uncover secrets, and identify potential threats to the Empire.

Training and Recruitment: Inquisitors assigned to training and recruitment oversee the selection and training of new recruits. They are responsible for evaluating potential candidates, designing training programs, and mentoring and guiding the next generation of Inquisitors. They ensure that the organization maintains a high standard of excellence and continues to evolve.

The structure of the New Imperial Inquisitorius fosters a balance between individual expertise and collective cooperation. Inquisitors work both independently and collaboratively, depending on the nature of the mission. This hierarchical structure ensures efficient coordination and the effective execution of the Empire's objectives.


The rank system within the New Imperial Inquisitorius of the Empire of the Lost. It consists of several distinct ranks, each representing an individual's level of expertise, experience, and authority within the organization. Here is an overview of the rank system:

Acolyte: Acolytes are newly recruited individuals who have shown potential in their Force sensitivity and dedication to the Empire. They undergo extensive training within the Inquisitorius academies, where they learn the fundamental skills and knowledge required to become Inquisitors. Acolytes serve as apprentices to higher-ranking Inquisitors, assisting them on missions and honing their abilities.

Inquisitor: Inquisitors are the core members of the Inquisitorius. They have completed their training, demonstrating proficiency in combat, investigation, and mastery of the Force. Inquisitors are assigned to various missions, working individually or in small teams to carry out the objectives of the Empire. They possess autonomy and decision-making authority within their assigned tasks, reporting to higher-ranking Inquisitors or superiors as required.

High Inquisitor: High Inquisitors are experienced and accomplished members of the Inquisitorius who have proven their capabilities in multiple missions and demonstrated exceptional leadership. They are entrusted with overseeing specific divisions or regions within the Empire. High Inquisitors provide guidance, mentorship, and supervision to lower-ranking Inquisitors, ensuring the organization's efficiency and success. They report directly to the Grand Inquisitor and assist in strategic planning and decision-making.

Grand Inquisitor: The Grand Inquisitor is the highest-ranking authority within the New Imperial Inquisitorius. They are chosen by the Emperor or the ruling body of the Empire for their exceptional skills, wisdom, and loyalty and are second in the NISB only to the Director himself or herself. The Grand Inquisitor is responsible for the overall direction, coordination, and management of the Inquisitorius. They set the organization's priorities, oversee major operations, and represent the Inquisitorius in dealings with other branches of the Empire. The Grand Inquisitor also acts as the principal advisor to the Emperor on matters pertaining to Force-users and the Inquisitorius.

It's important to note that within each rank, there may be additional sub-ranks or designations that reflect specialized roles or areas of expertise. These could include divisions such as Field Operations, Artifact Recovery and Analysis, Interrogation and Intelligence, and Training and Recruitment, among others. These divisions provide further structure and specialization within the Inquisitorius, allowing individuals to focus on specific aspects of their work while still operating within the broader rank system.

Overall, the rank system of the New Imperial Inquisitorius ensures a clear chain of command, promotes professional growth, and recognizes the accomplishments and contributions of its members as they work towards upholding the Empire's interests and maintaining order in the galaxy.


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