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Approved Tech The Royal Dragon ~ Gwyneira Krayt's Lightsaber

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  • Intent: To make a sweet lightsaber for Gwyneira Krayt, with intriguing aspects and concepts from Canon.
  • Image Source: Here.
  • Canon Link: N/A.
  • Permissions: N/A.
  • Primary Source: Lightsaber; Krayt Dragon Pearl.


  • Classification: Lightsaber.
  • Size: Average.
  • Weight: Average.

  • Single bladed lightsaber with a purple blade, produced from a Krayt Dragon Pearl.
  • Bifurcating Cyclical-Ignition Pulse for underwater functionality.
  • Beskar protected hilt.
  • The lightsaber itself glows purple in places when the blade is activated.

  • It's A Karabasting Lightsaber: The lightsaber blade can cut through most materials with casual ease.
  • Ocean Waves: This lightsaber can function underwater.
  • Protected: The beskar casing protects the hilt from damage from other lightsabers and blaster bolts.

  • Cortosis: Cortosis will short the blade if physical contact is made.
  • Lightsaber Resistant Materials: Materials such as beskar and phrik are immune to the cut of this lightsaber's blade.
  • Loud: The Krayt Dragon Pearl causes the lightsaber to emit a ferocious howl when ignited. This could blow stealth in an instant.

As a member of the Mandalorian Clan Krayt, it seemed symbolic and perfect for Gwyneira the kill a krayt dragon and take its purple pearl for her own. Indeed, when making her krayt dragon lightsaber, she was sure to pour her heart into including the culture of her adopted family and people. The lightsaber is guarded with brilliant beskar, ensuring that the hilt does not break from lightsabers and blaster bolts. Furthermore adding to the versatile uses of the lightsaber, it can function perfectly well underwater.

The Royal Dragon, a glowing purple lightsaber enforced with black beskar. A beautiful lightsaber, from the hilt to the pearl to the plasma edge. Truly a work of art to behold, and a weapon Gwyneira Krayt is proud to wield.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla

Simple and solid. However the last two isn't a weakness. The Beskar one is a strengths, because other lightsabers cannot cut the hilt. So please delete these from the weaknesses and add one more pvp relevant weakness to your list.

Edit: I mean please specified that beskar weakness is not meant to your weapon hilt. I misinterpreted at the first time.
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