Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private To Give And To Take

Darth Aion Darth Aion

Revna was restless.

Ever since that fateful day where she had come face to face with the Void, the Entity that had nearly taken her life yet had seen fit to spare her, she’d felt something through the Force: a pulse that had been barely noticeable, until the small Sith woman saw the Void again seated at the dinner table of the Sith Emperor. It, he, had noticed her then - had recognized her, and that pulse had become far stronger.

Almost like it was a heart that beat in the space between them.

The young Sith apprentice wondered if it had something to do with the offer she had made to the Entity in order to preserve her life: that she would willingly surrender her own life essence to him, whenever he desired it of her…in exchange for her life, and for her to gain something from him that she felt was far more valuable than whatever essence he claimed from her: knowledge.

But it wasn’t the pulse that made her restless. No…it was the growing pull she felt through the Force, and she knew it was somehow connected to the Void. At first, she tried to ignore it, tried to shut it out but it only grew stronger and stronger until she was forced to face it.

The young Sith meditated, and she focused on the thrum she felt, tracing the lines of it so she could make sense of the draw she felt. Revna was guided through the Force, willingly going with its flow as it flashed images at her of a planet that seemed to be the focal point of the pull she felt.

It wasn’t too far from her current location near Faldos, and was certainly located in Sith Space. Yet still she hesitated; she knew her Master wouldn’t be too keen on her venturing off again - and if she got herself into trouble again, then he might just leave her to figure it out for herself. Still…the pull on her became stronger, and Revna realized that she could not ignore it any longer.

So, like she had numerous times before, Revna found passage off-world silently, though she knew that there were eyes and ears all around that would report her movements to her Master, should he inquire as to where she had gone off to. She knew that she was testing his patience with her, risking his wrath - but she had to find the source of this pull, and why it seemed connected with the Void who eerily reminded her of the ancient Sith Lord, Darth Nihilus.

Revna followed the tug, letting the Force guide her until they came upon the world she had seen in brief glimpses. It was a volcanic world, one that was infamous in Sith lore as being the stronghold of another ancient Sith Lord known as Darth Vader.


The pull she felt was strongest here, and she knew she was in the right place. The starship she was in descended into the planet’s atmosphere, the pilot guided by Revna’s Force sense and directions. There was a place, a structure, that drew her attention, and she had the pilot land near to it, but not too close. She remained inside the starship as it powered down, pondering what her next steps would be.

Quietly, the young Sith woman found a place of silence and stillness aboard the craft, and there she sat down with her legs crossed as she closed her eyes and began to concentrate. It didn’t take her long to find the direct source of the thrum through the waves of the Force, as her senses stretched out beyond her, sensing the Void and his terrible hunger, his raw power:

He was here.

Revna’s eyes snapped open as cold fear draped over her shoulders and crawled down her spine as the truth became clear to her: she had been pulled directly to his lair. And she had gone to him like a lamb to the slaughter. She took a deep breath to steady herself. She wasn’t entirely sure if she was welcome, yet. But she knew that he sensed her presence, just as she felt his.

She would wait to be summoned, and to see what the Void had in store for her.


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