Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To the Jungle to seek

Breathing much easier now, finding herself looking over at all, as the cry was made out that food was done. Bring [member="Regor Laxvan"] to where others was starting to sit, before them would be much food as some of the cooks/wives brought it in. Coming to a place where it was all could do was smell it, once again filling his cup, knowing with out a doubt that he would either remember all or have a very bad hand over in the morning either way she was going to enjoy herself. That what did when digging into what laid before them as if no manners came into play just fingers, taking some of the white tasting meat putting it in her mouth to enjoy it. On to the next one a few fruits and veggies. Then pouring some more drink in both, laying on a think laughter as there begin to be wild dance in play now. Even to the fact that some left with out clothing, watching his face for sign of anything.
I told you, well trying to tell you earlier. After that was a warrior dance to find herself enjoying before she was brought to her feet from behind pushed out there. Giving away to what learn, falling into step, as she looked around the big fire at all the warrior tribes some even now on there feet clapping, to the beat of the drums. Finding herself moving faster and faster. Bring down each step until it was over she laid on the dry hard ground. It wasn't who thought but a stranger from another tribe wanting her to join his buddy for a few drinks and stories looking back at [member="Regor Laxvan"], as if to say, that she be right back.

That was went her friend Gineoa came to Regor side started to eat some off the table. So, where did you met up, and do you really like her or is it like any other guy here has that fasations about her just want to let there one head do the thinking. I think your hot would take you out there in a dance do you right there, with no regrets. Giving a wink to regor, with a little smile and blushing, trying to touch his hand. Here have more to drink.
Regore smiled thinking of howe They first met " she helpt me free some slaves, we could have never done it whitout her, and i do like her, migt go as far as to say i love her, so thanks fore the offer but i hope you can understand why i can't" he took a other drink looking At her whit a bit guilty [member="Maya Whitelight"]
Gineo looking over to where Maya had been drag off to then back at [member="Regor Laxvan"] then putting a really big grin upon her face. Does she know how you feel about her? Whispering once more to her, tell her. Getting up to walk and set down a few feet way to find someone else to hit on her. Having to now Maya laughter being higher now, as joking around as most would see, going on. Taking some more to drink, only to feel it again, this was soemthing of normal for a freast like this one. [member="Regor Laxvan"]
Finally breaking away from the group, to find [member="Regor Laxvan"] coming from behind him lending over his shoulder, kissing him softly, You enjoying yourself, I think that the really stuff going to be starting soon do you want to stay or take a moonlight walk with me, sweets. Letting someone feel her cup full again. Before giving a laughter at her kid brother making a fool of himself in front of some of the maidens. I think he going to regrate that in the morning but to be young again, what am I say I am young, all and.....
Regore finished his meal, "we can go fore a walk, i dont thik i can eat muce more anyway" he looked At wat her brother was doing "wel atleast he is having a good time, and yes you are". [member="Maya Whitelight"]
with a playful grin upon her face before letting her fingers slide down to his hand. I respect and love my people, but I can't understand that when drink come into play its as if they are ones different, that this is just human nature taking over. this was what trying to get up in the afternoon about these feast many would couple tonight some would stayed couple others would go there own way. How many new force gifts bundles would be born only cycle of 9 moons would tell. Letting her feet do the walking as looking at how others had became, even having to step over one couple. Finding the path that she seeking took sometime, looking up at the shivering moon light it was always a calling to her.

Bring him to a place trying to him first placing a soft kiss upon his lips. Its almost time, are you ready to see. Knowing at anytime light would hit the plant of life as was called by many on the planet. Bring forth a glowing yellowish/blue light, then came the life of those bugs around it as if magic was taking a hold of the place. [member="Regor Laxvan"]
Regore folowed her looking At some if the coupels before They arived. He looked in awe At the spectical happening before his eyes, folowing one of the bugs whit his eyes fore a few seconde "wow this is realy beauteful". [member="Maya Whitelight"]
Smiling at him with enjoyment in her eyes as to what been shown to [member="Regor Laxvan"]. Yes, it is very much, it only happens once every 4 months they call it the guiding path or Home calling. You see its the cycle of these lighting bugs that bring about the plant natural like, that only happen for its the end of those bugs life. It leaves something beautify, I just wish you could feel what I feel in the light around the warmness the peace, just like when in those hot springs, it washed over me to help me heal faster. Hear close your eyes let me see if I can do these.

Stepping in front of him pushing her body close to hers, placing both hands on each side this opening all the way up in the force to let the warms flow into him fully let his hearing, smelling his touch became sharper then every before, all the while she felt herself let go much more as the flow much stronger as if one could see what to come. Letting this sink into him for the moment in time, before Open your eyes and see what I see in everything around me. His eyes would be sharp to pick out details that one would miss with just eyes of normal seeing. what do you see, sweet.
Regoe waited fore wat she would do doing as she said.

He opend his eyes seeing things he never head before, frome the vians on the bugs to the smalses markings on the leaves, smiling smels he never even knew existed, looking at evryting whit wonder "iv never knowen some muce diatal before, this is wonderfull, I this wat you see al the time?" [member="Maya Whitelight"]
Yes it is, much more I can see into people feel what they are feeling, when I was much younger I couldn't control this ability, there was days I went out here in the jungle way from all live but the nature around me, I could handle the buzzing of this live more then that of human. As I grew I could learn others ablities that help me just as like this, Letting what once controlled of her pheromones stronger then every before even so with what she was doing to enhance his sense of smell. Letting it flow free and wild, it would hit him like a wall at first over whelming him if that would happen, she would be there to catch him for even to put up the blocker again. [member="Regor Laxvan"]
"thank do you knew wat I feel when I look upon you" he askt just being hit by a overwhelming sent afther wars, taking deep breates enjoying the sent "wel this smelss good" [member="Maya Whitelight"]
[member="Regor Laxvan"]
What do you feel when you look upon me? her eyes glowed even more then they did before, as the smell of her phersomones swirled around her as if there was now a blanket that had form around them both. Only thing was the shivering of the light from the moon and the glowing from the plants and bugs as if they wasn't even on a planet but was on a paradise.
I feel that all the time, when I get to spend a bit of time with you even those its short missions, these past few months I have came to grow a closer bond with you, which to put it into words I always mix up some how, I want to say what I truly feel only is that I show better then I can use words for now. It something new for me, these emotions are raw I want to act upon them. There it was out in the open to what felt in her heart in her spirit but this was one step doing the job so long ago to help save those from the slavers. It had to be the hardest step, to take but also the right one, feeling their bond growing, more so then any other bond that had been before him. He wasn't the most hansom it was something deeper it was what rested in here, coming to place one of her hand upon his chest in by her heart. Letting him now look fulling into her eyes to see every detail letting him into her soul the most guard of herself. [member="Regor Laxvan"] I serve the force the light, I'm bonded to it, just as much as I'm......
I'm to you, Regor. It was as if the great curtain with in had lifted up. In that moment all else went way as if the blur was going. All that was standing was the two of them. Waiting to see what his reaction would be, to the bonding this was something that wasn't taken light or that one did to all that they was close to it was only a select few. It was as if all done all that she held together but a thin thread was now no more. In this her hand went into his hair running her fingers threw it. [member="Regor Laxvan"]
"and I am yours"he said, feeling like somting hade chanced a newe closnes to her, but not abel to fully onderstand it, fore nowe thoug he just enjoyd beang so close to her [member="Maya Whitelight"]

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