Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tower on Almas (Jedi, Republic, Mando, whoever)

Talon Vosra

Almas is in the Curlarin system in republic space. It is home to a fellow Zelosian Sith's tower and a darkside site. Talon is going there to scour the temple and needs allies and enemies so I don't have to play alone. If you're interested in giving me a beat down or helping me delve into the millenia old temple let me know and I'll start the thread.

Tricia Kalamack

Sleeps all day.... yawns all night
Asha and Joshua cleansed a good amount. By the time the shadow team was sent in to the area there was only small tainted area's and some creatures.

Also there is a heavy jedi/CIS presence there now with mining for the CIS, the jedi establishing an outpost in the area and secondary area to send and receive with Ruusan's temple.

Talon Vosra

Oh that would have been lovely. Oh well I will find another way to RP with the Jedi without starting a full scale assault. If anyone needs a nemesis I'm available.

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