Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Training Requests

Name: Evaelyn Zambrano

Rank: Dark Jedi Padawan/ Disciple

Seeking a Master: Y (Any)
Seeking Lessons: Y (Any)
Desired Skills: (Any)
  • Way of the Ren
  • Lightsaber Skills
  • Basic Force stuffs
  • ^Pretty much anything. Open for any kind of focus the master-person might have. Though Evaelyn is fairly close-combat oriented
[member="Evaelyn Zambrano"]

I would definitely be interested in working with her but at moment, my Knight is having a pesky problem with the Force (Force Light FTW). Once she's through this arc and regained her full strength, if you are still interested, I'd be happy to work through a few skills with you, as your official Master or just a guest lecturer ;)
I'll be eager to jump in on any training threads or general character devs if it would help having another disciple to spar with/against.

Anyway I can help, really :)
Name: Eden Ren, Vomi Sau

Rank: Disciple of Ren

Seeking a Master: Y
Seeking Lessons: Y
Desired Skills: Everything, literally everything. Though, I intend for him to use his lightsaber more often than the Force.


A Little Ghostish
Name: Myrne

Rank: Disciple

Seeking a Master: Y
Seeking Lessons: Y
Desired Skills: Anything related to the Force. Myrne does not use lightsabers, so he does not require training in that area.
Myrne said:
Name: Myrne

Rank: Disciple

Seeking a Master: Y
Seeking Lessons: Y
Desired Skills: Anything related to the Force. Myrne does not use lightsabers, so he does not require training in that area.
The Request for a Master/Mentor has been fulfilled by myself.

Individual lessons are still encouraged.
Name: Doran Ren

Rank: disciple

Seeking a master: In need of a master that can teach the more intermediate and advanced ways of the force.

Seeking lessons: seeking a master that can teach Doran how to control his force abilities.

Desired skills: The ability to use the force on an intermediate and advanced level, as well as advanced swordsmanship.

no special requests

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