Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Age36 GSY
Height1.88 Meters
Weight95 kg
Force SensitiveNo
VoiceKevin Conroy as Batman

Vaine Ruus is a striking figure with a strong, angular jawline and chiseled features. His piercing blue eyes stand out against his tanned skin, giving him an intense and focused gaze. His dark hair, streaked with hints of gray, is neatly combed back, revealing a high forehead. Vaine's stern expression is framed by a few deep lines that hint at his many battles and the wisdom earned from them. Clad in sleek, advanced Mandalorian armor, his muscular build is evident, showcasing both strength and agility.






Vaine is driven by an intense sense of justice and unwavering determination. Haunted by the trauma of witnessing his parents’ murder as a child, he channels his grief and anger into a relentless crusade against murderers and criminals across the galaxy. Vaine is highly intelligent, possessing a keen tactical mind and an knowledge of various combat techniques and investigative skills. He is fiercely disciplined, often pushing himself to physical and mental extremes to protect those in need. Despite his stoic and formidable exterior, Vaine harbors a deep sense of empathy and a strong moral code, refusing to kill unless absolutely necessary. He also abhors the use of blasters outside of stunning.


Like many other Mandalorian foundlings, Vaine was taught the various forms of martial training expected from his adopted culture. Hand-to-hand combat, edged weaponry, etc. He has become quite adept at using these skills to take down physical threats

Shadow: Atypical for some of his people, Vaine has additonally has learned how to be stealthy and to examine scenes for potential clues. Thus, his mind is good at investigation without being seen, for the most part. He can also use this sense of stealth to surpise enemies and take them out quietly.


Strangely for a Mandalorian, Vaine prefers not to use blasters in his work. It is simultaneously related to the trauma he experienced as a child, and his personal ethos to not kill unless absolutely necessary. He will use them, but typically on stun first before considering the lethal option.

Vigilante: Despite his noble intentions, Vaine often operates outside of established law enforcement groups to achieve his goals for justice. While he does trust what they can do, he nonetheless takes the law into his own hands, which brands him as a criminal in his own right.

Vaine Ruus, originally named Vaine Bruze, was born on the notorious smuggler's moon, Nar Shaddaa. His parents, devoted missionaries from the Church of the Force and compassionate doctors, dedicated their lives to helping the downtrodden and sick. Their noble efforts, however, were tragically cut short when they got caught in the crossfire of gang violence, leaving young Vaine orphaned.

In the aftermath, Vaine was adopted by a Mandalorian warrior from Clan Bralor, who saw potential in the resilient boy. Under his adoptive mentor's guidance, Vaine honed his skills in combat, strategy, and various survival techniques, preparing him for a life dedicated to fighting injustice. His new guardian also instilled in him the Mandalorian creed, shaping Vaine's sense of honor and duty.

As he grew older, Vaine's relentless drive to protect innocents and eradicate gang violence began to clash with the rest of Clan Bralor. Philosophical disagreements and differing approaches to their code of conduct eventually led to a rift, causing Vaine to leave the clan. Seeking like-minded allies, he joined forces with Drego Ruus Drego Ruus , a fellow ex-Bralor who shared his vision, and together they became part of Clan Ruus.

Today, Vaine continues his crusade across the galaxy, donning the armor and name of his adopted clan. He tirelessly protects the innocent and confronts those who seek to bring harm, driven by the memories of his parents' sacrifice and the values instilled in him by his Mandalorian upbringing. His mission is not just one of vengeance but of hope, aiming to bring justice to the farthest reaches of the galaxy.

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