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Public Walks of Life - Ithorian Herdship Festival [Coruscant]


“Ahh, that’s all. Of course.” She feigned deep understanding and equipped a tight smile at the explanation for smoking. As if the concept of just needing the kick of a cigarra had evaded her up until his deadpan response.

No detainment for a concealed weapon? Cordé felt herself frown, chewing on that information with a bite to the inside of her cheek.

“Huh.” She offered at the idea of an insurgency on an Ithorian Herdship. The concept seemed a stretch, but even just mentioning it suggested Agent Cole took little for granted, and had seen his fair share of chit.

“You sound like you’ve done this before.” Cordé mused, stating the obvious. “Several times at least. Which means you're at least not part of the Information Analysis Bureau.”

Definitely overqualified for a security assessment on a roaming ship focused on healing. She took a turn from the pathway toward a glasteel lift that would bring them up to the observation decks, or, further still to the upper city.

Before the confined space though, Cordé shifted to look at her co-agent. Her voice remained conversational, relaxed, as though they were discussing the meticulous grooming of the hedges along the winding water display. “You ever been on the kill teams opposing a Jedi?” She raised a hand, as if erasing the boldness of the ask and that one noun from the air between them. Or explaining the shape of her favourite plant, to passersby. “Or, any Forcer, I guess.

If that makes it easier to answer.”
That tight smile turned slier.

Jaqu'n Boiv Jaqu'n Boiv | OPEN FOR INTERACTION
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"Mhm! What was it like, daddy?"

"A beautiful land of tall, ancient trees. The jungle was full of everything, every type of creature. Some of which would try to eat you. Plants included." He chuckled a little before his smile just dimmed. Just a little. There was nothing like realizing everything that had once been your home was now an exhibit for people to observe and reminisce on because the world was gone. He shook his head of the thoughts.

"We'll see if they did it justice."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


"These were all planets that were.. Lost?"

"Yes, either through corruption of the world, or outright destruction."

Voxum stared in disbelief for a moment. Or at least that's what the attendent assumed, given the droid didn't have a face. Instead they just stayed there, staring. Then turned to walk away without another word. This didn't seem right in the slightest. All these worlds, lost. Because of people fighting? Why must everyone resort to fighting? Their bodies were already so fragile. Death was so easy to claim them.

Why would they kill one another?

They just wandered, half paying attention where they were going. Barely paying attention.

Lily Decoria Lily Decoria | Roxy Rizzan Roxy Rizzan


The Vonnuvi
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"Sounds like New Cov!"

Vera understood there would be differences, but New Cov was a dangerous jungle where a lot of plants and animals would try to eat you as well. It was easy to draw the comparison at a surface level like that. Valery just chuckled, and nudged their little star forward, in the direction of the biodome. Along the way, she had her lollipop to keep her busy.

Which meant she wasn't running as far ahead anymore.

"I'm sure they've done it justice. It's not really for display, but more like a sanctuary as well." Ithorians were very good at it too, from what she heard. Still, she really hoped that it would live up to his expectations. An outsider might overlook slight errors, but someone like Kahlil could feel whether or not it was right.

But as they stepped into the biodome and were met with a wave of hot, tropical air, Valery relaxed. It almost felt like being back on New Cov, or that one day they had visited Panatha together. "Quite beautiful, hm?" Valery smirked and inched closer to push the stroller along, just so he could take a look around with Vera.

Who was, again, running around to take it all in.

"What do you think, love? How does it feel?"


The Vonnuvi, Markets
Vinci Carmaad | OPEN

The more the banker spoke, the more Gillom's expression furrowed. The organization he represented was hardly the first of its kind to try and ingratiate themselves to the Vonnuvi's cause for profit, and likely would not be the last. High Priest Rone was a lenient man, but he was not a fool. The Pau'an's sycophantic spiel fell on deaf ears. He raised a hand up as if to cut off the conversation, and tapped his cane on the ground, "Your enthusiasm is appreciated. But the Vonnuvi has no need of investment from your business at this time." He shut it down quickly and simply, never losing his polite tone— Even as whispers of the Force reinforced his uneasy feelings about the businessman.

"Enjoy the celebration, friend," The Ithorian dipped his head, and turned to try and dismiss himself from the conversation. There was far too much happiness about to be tied down by talk of business.
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Sapere Aude
Operative "Sable"
Special Intelligence Agency

Location: The Vonnuvi | Inner City | City Commerce Sector
Assignment: 'Sightseeing'
Tags: Cordé Sabo Cordé Sabo | Open for Interactions
Andrew had ignored the quip she retorted with, sensing it to be part of her overall demeanor whether on the job or off. Not that it would have bothered him for the odd tick in the agent to pick at him for whatever response he gave. Perhaps if they had been closer, not on mission, or vetted to the point of no amount of uncertainty left, well. Maybe a chuckle would have left his throat. Instead, he merely only stared ahead in their stroll, occasionally giving a glance about as if he were trying to enjoy some off time for once.

He didn't offer much beyond the silence of his smoking as they strolled into the grav lift, only giving the agent at his side a glance to watch what key she'd press for their next destination. Both possibilities were kept in mind as his back turned to the expansive view, leaning against the convenient railing lining the tubed lift itself. A civilian had approached the tube, expecting to take a convenient ride instead of waiting like anyone else would. Though the cold stare from the plain-clothed had changed his mind real quick. The man, a Rodian, stopped dead in his tracks just as the doors closed, cutting out the noise of commotion to that of the confined space of the lift.

"More than several," he admitted with no change to pitch or tune. No coldness tipped the end of his tongue, nor any pride was evident in his response. "Lived it enough to know how to tie the noose to the point of neck breaking. But when you know where the knots are, it brings an understanding of how to avoid falling into the noose in the first place. Though, I'll say it now that Strategic Intel or her sister agencies hadn't taught me what I know. Something you may already be aware of."

All he stated was the obvious on his last remark. There was a profound understanding that he may have been overqualified as some ordinary agent to be conducting this sort of evaluation. An understatement considering the ops he's practically been thrown into the last few months, those several leading into the big Battle of Exogel. Annihilation, more like. Where others may feel apprehensive against the pressure, hesitant to perform their job- Sable wasn't so much that way. He practically jumped at each order knowing the stakes for each one. So much so that it made it plain as day to the fact that he was an operator. His armor and weapons were what made him one of a kind at just the surface level alone.

"Wasn't in charge of that kind of Kill Team... But, didn't stop mine from getting assigned a Force User to neutralize." The overqualified individual let out another puff of smoke with his exhale, green eyes staring forward into Cordé's own in the conversation. In contrast to her animated nature, he was stiff. Relaxed, sure, but not one for giving hand gestures just for the sake of it. Andrew's voice remained at that same level of emotionless delivery as ever, gruff and dry. Perhaps he was like this all the time. But one thing was certain, the question happened to be easy for him to answer. Almost too easy, as he went on in elaboration.

"Core worlds were being raided a planet at a time by some new pirate lord of the year. Master and Padawan pair were sent out to dispatch the raider and his crew. However. Master got shot attempting a diplomatic effort. His Padawan- Of course, avenging her master's death, was hailed the new captain by her newly acquired crew. Intelligence thereafter discerned that she wasn't coming back to continue her Jedi lessons. As it happened at the time, my Kill Team was the closest at hand to prevent more damage being done." He paused, taking a long drag that burnt the cigarra down to about three-fourths left of the small stick left to smoke. His conclusion to that short summary came shortly after.

"Edge of Core Space was as far as she got in the end." No pain, no remorse. It came out as simply as it sounded- A necessary elimination of a Jedi gone rogue. It was left unsaid whether the Order had been aware of this operation, or even allowed the neutralization of one of their own. That is, if they happened to be involved in the first place.



Kahlil chuckled and nodded to Vera, though once they reached the dome his smile was certainly lessened. An almost sad expression stayed on his face as he looked about it all. All the trees, all the plantlife, animal life just out of sight, he could feel them all. It almost felt like home. Almost. An echo of what was lost. He was certain there were many who'd appreciate being able to see their home again.

But it was still fresh in their minds and hearts. Their home was gone.

".. It's.. Something, I suppose. All I feel is melancholy."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


The Vonnuvi
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Kahlil would swiftly but gently feel Valery's hand slipping into his, her fingers interlacing. She squeezed his hand, looked out into the jungle, and softly nudged into him with her side. "Maybe this isn't the right time, then," she said while she looked at him now, from the corners of her eyes. Vera was less bothered by it all, but she wanted this trip to be a chance to forget about the war and the things they lost.

Even though this wasn't Panatha, it still seemed to open old wounds too much.

"I think I saw some familiar faces earlier. Want to go say hi?" she shot him a loving, supporting smile and only averted her gaze when she heard one of the triplets squealing. Aeryn was always the difficult one when it came to sleeping, but at least she looked happy and comfortable with her stuffed Vornskr — the gift from her big sister.

“Oopzzz zzorryzzz, ohzz...”

"What on Coruscant is that ungodly noise? Are they having issues with the audio?"

Cora narrowed her gaze onto the merchandise vendor she was facing. The man shrugged as he ran her credit stick, before handing the chip back to the newly converted Sithspit fangirl.


Tilting forward, the blonde wobbled in place before righting herself. She turned to see who'd bumped into her, displeasure working into surprise at the alien face. Despite her travels with the Jedi, she was still relatively unused to non-humanoid species.

"Oh, it's- it's fine." Cora waved off his concern, still a bit struck by his strange features and mask. "A music lover, are you?"

She idly patted the Sithspit tee that was draped over her arm.


Kahlil blinked slowly before glancing to Valery. Smiled, just a little, before nodding in agreement. It was too soon. Maybe later, some time when the wound wasn't still so fresh. .. It'd probably be some years before then, at least. He squeezed her hand in turn just as he heard one of the triplets. And chuckled as he glanced down to her. Gently patted her head as she snuggled into the Vornskr doll she had.

"Let's do that, yeah."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


The Vonnuvi
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Colette Colette

When Kahlil looked her way, Valery reached over and poked his forehead. Of course, with a dumb grin on her face, because he always poked her when she needed to get out of her own mind. But if it wasn't the poke, the squealing of their daughter surely did the trick. After a gentle pat on the head, she snuggled back up with her stuffed animal and went back to sleep.

"Alright, let's go," Valery smiled and held onto his hand before walking out of the biodome. Vera followed and, naturally, ran ahead again as they walked through the city. But it wasn't long before the young Noble spotted something interesting. Or rather, someone interesting.

A young woman and she seemed to be... sleeping.

poke poke poke

Vera prodded her forehead several times with her finger, while big multi-colored eyes waited for Colette Colette 's eyes to open. When they finally did, she grinned and waved. "Hello! I'm Vera!" she exclaimed.

"Love, I think she's bothering a homeless person," Valery commented stupidly because she couldn't see who it was from afar. But then she realized who was actually sleeping by one of the Nerfs and blinked. "Or uh, a Padawan..." she smiled sheepishly at her husband.

"My Padawan."



Kahlil hummed a little as they walked, just looking around. Generally distracting himself. And then, confusion. A homeless person? He glanced towards Vera, then to the girl she was bothering. Then back to Valery with a brow raised so far up it might actually fall off his face.

"Did you just call your own Padawan a homeless person because you couldn't recognize them?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Colette Colette
Valery Noble Valery Noble // Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

… The elder spread their arm out to point towards the wide open fields of Poke. Colette soaked up the familiarity of the moment and looked over the horizon towards the valley of Reiak where the bantha roamed and smiled. It was— a— it was—

"Are you asleep, child?" The elder asked.

"Nnno, Elder, I am—" Colette mumbled as she slowly came to life. "I am just resting my eyes for a moment…"

She sat up from the nerf's side only to come into contact with something else, a smaller beast but one that could be just as dangerous. Colette tried to remember why that name was so familiar. She ran it across her mind a few times over and over again: Vera. Amidst her hazy thoughts she gently waved back at the child and yawned, stretched her arms.

Wait, that voice.

Wait, whose padawan?

Where was—

Colette froze. The herdship, the nerf, the care given. The Jedi, the child, the child's mother: her newly appointed 'master'. The teenager quickly pushed off the ground and straightened her back.

"Master, I was—..." Colette's hand covered her mouth and she cleared her throat. "Taking care of this nerf's pelt. Very deeply. Had to, uhh… Apply pressure to it, using my, ehm… Head, actually."

By the time that she was looking down at Valery's child she could already feel the way her skin wanted to burn its way through her clothes until it melted into a thick pool on the floor. That kind of really viscous form of humanity. The one that only professional mess ups could experience. She needed to change topic, fast.

"Wow! You are… A lot taller than I thought you would be, Vera."



A certain amount of evasiveness was expected when it came to discussing hunting down Force Users, especially Jedi. Baited by the hooks of the story, Cordé listened with revered silence. The lift stopped when the story did, and the doors whooshed open to the primary observation deck.

Cordé wanted to see how far someone could see from this platform to help with those biome takeovers or leverages Agent Cole had implied as a stratagem.

“Power corrupts.” She nodded, and stepped out of the lift. It was a tragic story even in its brevity. Two Ithorians took a step back from crowding the door to let the pair inside out. Maybe Agent Cole should have gone first for physical insistence to get space, but the Ithorians weren’t impolite, nor were they in a rush. They were just big.

“How’d you do it?”

Jaqu'n Boiv Jaqu'n Boiv | OPEN FOR INTERACTION


The Vonnuvi
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Colette Colette

Valery turned to her husband, narrowed her eyes, and flicked a few fingers against the side of his head, "Not because of that!" Valery grumbled before glancing over at Colette again. "I'm not as tall as you... I just... saw someone sleeping there and it looked like... never mind." She knew he was just teasing her again, so she looked away to avoid what always followed.

She already felt his grin burning in the back of her skull again.

At least he didn't seem to realize that she hadn't mentioned getting a new Padawan before. It was supposed to be something she'd bring up later, but might as well cover that now.

"Hey Colette," Valery then said as they approached. The cover story was amusing and got her to smirk. The way she looked at her Padawan made it clear she saw right through it. But before she could say anything-

"Nuh-uh. She was sleeping," Vera chimed in, much to her mother's amusement.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with a nap. And uh, I don't think you've met my husband before, right? Kahlil, this is Colette, my new Padawan. Colette, this is my beloved husband" She shot him a bit of a look for his earlier comment, then stepped behind the stroller to handle the triplets, so the two could introduce themselves more properly.



Location: The Vonnuvi, Commerce Sector
Tag(s): Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania


“Ungodly noise?”

Ko understood the sentiment, it was pretty awful sounding but it didn’t feel very nice. When she turned to face him he looked down at her. Unlike the person before him, his years with the Jedi have made him plenty familiar with humans and their close counterparts. They covered every corner of the galaxy for the most part.

She asked him if he was a music lover, afterwhich his covered eyes looked down as she patted her newly bought shirt over her arm. Must’ve been a fan of the band that played just prior. Ko nodded, “Yes, although admittedly I have more of a fondness for woodwinds. Haha” He said, referring to the family of instruments, a small chuckle came at the end.

“Um, I take it you are as well, and a fan of the previous band… Sithspit was it?” Ko asked, taking a moment to try and recall the name. Thinking it was rather catchy and had a "punk" vibe to it. Waiting for her reply he slotted the straw and his drink back with his breath mask to sip a bit more from his call of ice tea.


Kahlil bit back a laugh. As much as he could. With the light thwap he couldn't hold it back any longer. There were always chances to make fun of Valery for him as her husband, but it was rare it crossed into their lives as Jedi. Like this. Like now, with her own Padawan.

Which, he certainly had something to ask about with that.

"Pleasure to meet you, Colette. It must be interesting to be another Padawan under the Sword."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Colette Colette

The Vonnuvi, Jedi Enclave
Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | OPEN

Amani couldn't help but grin at Jasper's fluster. Her reaction probably would have been similar before she met Alicio. What was most surprising was hearing him say that he was actually seeing someone. The two of them had never really taken a deep dive on each other's personal lives before, "Oh?" Her tone was slyly curious.

I think we're gonna take it slow, at least for a little while."

"Nothing wrong with that," The mirialan nodded. Both Amani and Alicio knew they wanted to have a family at some point, and for them the timing just worked out. Jasper mentioning Val made her raise an eyebrow, and feign insult, "Oh, but not me? The married, soon-to-be mom you're talking to right now?" She brushed a side a lock of hair, then smirked.

After a bit of a pause, Amani just as quickly transitioned to the next topic. Or rather, circled back to the one she was most interested in, "Sooo who is she?" This mystery woman he was considering one day starting a life with.

Sapere Aude
Operative "Sable"
Special Intelligence Agency

Location: The Vonnuvi | Inner City | City Commerce Sector
Assignment: 'Sightseeing'
Tags: Cordé Sabo Cordé Sabo | Open for Interactions
The man hardly gave much of a moment to sit and ruminate on his thoughts. Not there was much to sit on top of, he had no peace to make with what was done. His eyes only darted for the sliding doors of the lift as the slow shift of gravity slowed the tube at its final destination. Not alarmed, but obviously playing to some invisible checklist of his that came as natural as one breathed.

When he stepped in line behind his fellow agent, slipping past the Ithorians with an ease that was only manageable in the instance, he dragged the last of what he would get out of his cigarra. Without so much as complaint or quip, he tossed the burnt stub aside into a nearby bin as his eyes went forward. It was an expansive view, he'd have to admit. But with only one way up, that meant there was only one way down. If you didn't want to make it your last trip for getting a pretty view as it were.

He knew what exactly she was asking. The know-how as to figure out how to board whatever ship, if not a fleet, the new Padawan had ascertained for her own power base. Nitty-gritty details of the fighting, blaster bolts being exchanged between invader and defender, only for one side to be slaughtered as the stalkers from the void advanced with lethal precision. All to find the Padawan holed up in some grand chamber, holding what was probably some deranged last stand with whoever didn't reconsider their life choices. And how it all came to a brutal firefight that violently rearranged everything that wasn't bolted down to the deck. But he didn't tell any of that. It was much easier to just say how it ended.

"I lined up my optic and then squeezed the trigger."

That was all there was to it- No more, no less. The secrets within that mission would be taken to the grave if it couldn't be pried from him at a later date. Or perhaps he wasn't in the storytelling mood.

Andrew approached yet another railing, apparently his day full of them in this detour from his more common and preferred skillset application. An expansive view laid before the pair, and to his mind, it was clearly unnatural. Different biomes that either complimented or completely contrasted with one another lay separated from one another. Yet all laid under a durasteel sky, and beyond that, the killer void of space. While it might have been something to marvel at, it was only just a reminder that it only took a charged turbolaser to shorten your run time significantly. Much more so here as one shot didn't need to hit you directly for you to succumb to the harsh and cold embrace of the space between stars. Not when the only thing for an atmosphere you had was just breathable air and the hull plating that only had so much to give.

"Effective view," he went on. As if he hadn't just shared the fact that he had once eliminated a Jedi from the Order. As if his mind was still on mission, and more recently, playing back to the proposed war games. Sable was still the attacker, but this next point came from playing either side. Because he had been on both sides. "Could change the course of a battle from reconnaissance, or actively aiding the nearby vicinity with support by fire. But, too open for my tastes. Most cases if there's only one way up a structure this tall, either it's going to be a difficult fight coming back down if you don't want to be stuck up here. Or, it's going to be a really long and hard fall."

Whether by some unknown curious nature, or simply just leaving it there, Andrew concluded the thought. Staring outward into the roaming station to watch the way of life that was to be in a semi-recreated experience, Cordé had plenty interpretations to make of the points thus far. Whether it be their little hypothetical wargame or his vagueness about his own lethal capabilities, well. That seemed to be up to the agent to poke and prod at.


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