Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private When the Party Ends

Jax Thio Jax Thio

Lossa had a small entourage of people about her. The blatant lie of her age into a small party spot on Denon lending itself to her pheromones of bringing chill and friendly vibes to the whole scene. She had slipped in with ease but hadn't been able to escape the attention it had brought her upon leaving when her energy had flagged.

The two other girls had waved her off when they reached their apartments. The three boys however had deemed it their job to see her home.

Which was an issue since her public pass was for a trip back home rather than a fixed address.

She had laughed and guided their attentions to this and that as they walked on. Her ability wavering with her energy as the trio began to question where they were dropping her off and her interest.

The nervous energy slowly building as it affected the area around her. The trio beginning to become agitated by her failure to answer there questions or her avoiding them altogether. It came to a head when all three began to press her about the address and she couldn't wave off the questions anymore.

A face peeking out of the small store the small group had stopped in front of as she fumbled in the small clutch to find something to aid in her diversion.


Location: Denon
Equipment: Corellian Outfit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain, Eyepatch
Tag: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

For years Denon was considered to be a poor man's version of Coruscant something which some of its inhabitants resented. To Jax it was the same as any other city planet full of glamor and glitz on top and corruption and poverty on the bottom. It was slightly better on Denon though at least there was some reforms taken to help the neglected lower levels. The senate couldn't be bothered to fix the problems that the lower levels had, in fact Jax wondered if the Senate was aware that the lower levels existed.

The Jedi Master walked around the upper areas of Denon mostly looking for a wedding ring for Jairdain Jairdain . Even though Jair said that they should wait, they've been dating for quite a while. Jax won't pop the question now, but he wanted to at least consider a wedding ring to propose to Jair when the time comes. It was funny though, the thought of Jax getting married he didn't think that would happen in his life. Yet here he was wondering around the core in search for a wedding ring. Just then, Jedi Master felt a disturbance in the Force someone was in trouble. Breaking out into a run, Jax turned the corner and saw a woman no, a teenage girl being harassed by three men.

"Gentlemen!" Jax yelled out approaching the trio. "When a lady says no, then that's a sign that you need to leave."

The Jedi Master placed his hand inside his pockets. "Please step away from her and be your way."

He really wasn't in the mood for fighting but it looks like that these thugs really look like they want to throw down.

Lossa had put up her hands when the denial for help had been ignored for a final time. The sound of hurried footsteps catching all their attentions as someone deeper within the force than herself. The long pink hair shifting against the length of her back as hope began to manifest.

The smile shifted from pleasantly enduring their presence to sharp hope as Jax inserted himself between herself and the trio. The stumbled over themselves to keep close to her.

"We were seeing her home."

"She invited us over."

"Where did you come from?"

Lossa dug herself closer to Jax, her energy and pheromones shifting from anxious energy to calming bliss as the trio slowly blinked and ceased arguing. Her eyes fixed on the group as Jax made himself an immovable barrier that they fumbled against.

"I have better things to do anyway."

"Yeah. I've got...something."

"See you guys tomorrow."

"Thank you. I uh. I didn't know a good exit for that spot. Lossa Darcuhl." The friendly energy of her pheromones slipping the leash once again as she smiled bright up to the man that helped her.

"I didn't think masters came down here. What brings you this way?" She asked with unabated curiosity, inserting herself into his life.


Location: Denon
Equipment: Corellian Outfit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

This girl is a Zeltron, long white hair, pink skin, face looks like they've been to a party, and of course, their famous pheromones. Jax could feel the woman's pheromones affecting the men increasing their fear based on what Jax felt. Pretty useful for influencing people though like a Force Mind Trick it only affects the weak minded. Thankfully, these fools were under enough influence to not initiate a fight and left. "You all right?" Jax asked the young girl. "You realize that you're not old enough to be these clubs."

"Jax Thio: Jedi Master for the Galactic Alliance." Jax replied to Lossa's introduction. "Just exploring the place before heading back to Coruscant but you need to get home and not try to lie your way into party places. It's dangerous especially at night with these drunken fools."

"Better now! Thank you!" Came the happy response before hearing his words further. An innocent smile aimed up to him at the mention of being to young for the clubs.

"They didn't card me. So I think the fault is on them." She dismissed the accusation quickly as he replied with his own greeting. A finger went to her mouth, a taste of empathy on her mind as she felt the lingering feelings of devotion and longing about him.

"All that aside. You came here for something. A precious something. I interrupted it, and while I thank you, you need to finish what you started." She offered quietly as she directed them up out of the darker district.

"You can escort me home, Master Thio. I guess I'm a Padawan. But I've got no one to report to. Besides, I don't live here on Denon. Had a pass, but the ride isn't for a while. I have time to burn." She smiled sweetly trying to push past the incident. "Or would you rather I run into more trouble?"

She pouted, leaning her head into his side as a reminder.

"What were you doing here on Denon?"


Location: Denon
Equipment: Corellian Outfit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Zeltrons were known to be clingy though Jax didn't know how clingy they were until he met Lossa. She latched on to him like heat seeking Mynock to a freighter. While Jax knew it was part of their culture, it still felt a little uncomfortable. "I dunno I could sense your fear a bit," Jax said walking away from the club. "It's okay to admit that you're afraid, it's a natural reaction. In fact, the only time a person can be brave is if they're afraid."

Even though fear is a path to the dark side, it was still a natural emotion. The key is to let the fear pass through you and focus on your goal. How one conquers fear was what separates the Jedi from the Sith. He raised an eyebrow when Lossa mentioned that she had no one to report to. "So you don't have a family?" Jax asked. "No friends to stay with?"

Jax did sense the Force inside of Lossa, it was strong perhaps strong enough to have her be a part of the NJO. Though given her love to party, Jax wondered if Lossa would be accepting. "Where do you live exactly?" Jax asked before sighing. "Besides," Jax said. "I'm just here on Denon to explore the sights that's all." Jax didn't really want to tell Lossa about him shopping for rings, it was embarrassing enough as it is doing so.

Her head canted to the side a little as he explained sensing her fear. It seemed a strange thing to notice. Maybe she had been afraid? She wasn't able to discern from the memory exactly what she had been feeling, only that she had been nervous.

"I was taught that fearing something shouldn't make you afraid of it. That you should push through to see the lesson behind that fear. Or at least to understand why it is there." She smiled up at him, ambivalent of his true worry. Then came the observation of admitting to being afraid.

A finger came up to her lip, mind reeling at the thought of admission before pointing to him and his eye.

"Were you afraid when that happened?" She asked blatantly and without reservation. The blank but curious stare of her gaze fixed on him. His question about her family making her smile even brighter as she gave him a toothy and wide grin.

"They check in on me often. Mom and dad usually act like you. Worried and asking. I don't like the worry in their voice. But I stay with the other padawans on Ossus. I wanted to see Denon though and the music was nice. Loud and lively, the floor and air sang too." She prattled on for a while before realizing what she was doing. Her empathy kicking in further when his embarrassment shone in his feelings.

"You don't have to be embarrassed. Everyone does things quietly. Iris likes to paint but doesn't paint the walls because people think it's not right. I don't think it's nice to limit people. How will they learn otherwise?" Lossa went on, letting her head tilt the other way into his side.

"You helped me. I can help you! Sometimes another opinion is helpful after all!" The young lady offered with a joyous noise, trying to get him to smile.


Location: Denon
Equipment: Corellian Outfit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Jax nodded when Lossa said that one must look past fear, indeed sometimes fear can be irrational especially to things that aren't meant to be fearful. "That is correct Lossa," Jax said while they began to walk down the streets. "The best way to combat fear is through knowledge, if you understand why you're afraid you can then plan out a way to take on that fear."

The Jedi Master looked around streets for a brief moment, on the lookout for anyone who would try to attack them. Doing missions in the underbelly of Coruscant for years, had made him cautious. "However," Jax continued. "Fear can sometimes be a good thing, it warns you when to stay back from something potentially dangerous. I mean it's natural to be afraid of driving a Speeder for the first time, but don't be crippled by it because Speeder safety has increased over the years. Whereas sometimes when you're facing somebody who's bigger and stronger than you, it's best to run away."

The Jedi Master frowned when Lossa asked about his eyepatch, memories of the battle of Jedha had resurfaced. Images of and Jax giving into his anger and hate for Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen and Force Choked him trying to make him suffer. Marlon responded in kind by shooting Jax in the eye causing him to stumble and fall off the building. Jax stopped walking staring out to the streets ahead instinctively running his fingers on his eyepatch.

"Let's just say, I didn't feel fear as much as I did shame." Jax said giving Lossa a sad smile. "So, you're a Padawan huh? Figured as much considering that your strength in Force but what I don't understand is why you're sneaking away from your pack? As I recall, Padawans don't go off world unless it's on missions."

Jax sighed. "Do you have a Master?" he asked.

Jax Thio Jax Thio

While she was listening intently, the ever present hum to her interlaced with his words. His explanation of fear left her curious though. At odds with what she had grown up with. There was little fear in her own life. Hard lessons maybe.

But the fear he seemed to be describing made little sense.

"If someone is bigger and stronger, that doesn't mean that they should be feared. Even a small stream can carve canyons out of mountains." She felt that retort was appropriate for the moment as she continued thinking on his words. At least before he spoke of his eyepatch.

She leaned forward when they stopped, watching him rub the cover on his eye.

If he saw her, genuine curiosity gilded her eyes. His words on the matter made her lips pucker as though she had tasted something sour.

"Then it was a hard lesson. Sometimes someone needs a hard lesson. Sometimes we are someone else's hard lesson. If we don't look forward though, and keep moving, we won't grow." She patted his arm before adding more. "You learned. I've heard learning gets harder the older you grow but you seem to be doing just fine."

Then came the question of her status. Which didn't seem to dampen her mood in the slightest from his observations.

"I am a padawan. I had free time so I left. I left a note though." She shrugged as though it was talking about the weather rather than her safety. "No. I don't. Scary eyes is has her hands full with Iris and Bri and I don't know anyone else."


Location: Denon
Equipment: Corellian Outfit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

"There is a time to fight and there's a time run," Jax clarified. "Fear is more of a warning sign, obviously you should never give in to despair, but fear is the basis on what you should do. I never said to fear the person in front of you but rather consider the flight or fight response and determine the right outcome."

"We all need to learn," Jax said. "But sometimes looking back we can find what was wrong and fix them. It's what Master Luke Skywalker did when he first formed the NJO. He read the history of the Jedi, their flaws and triumphs and strengthened the strengths while addressing the weaknesses. How can you move forward if you don't reflect? Especially if you repeat the same mistakes that cost you dearly?"

Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin ..... He still remembered nearly killing her back at Korriban. Even though he tried to move on, the memory still stuck to him like a leech on his arm. "Learning isn't based on a cyclical pattern." Jax said. "It takes years of discipline, years of concentration to truly overcome weakness you have. There will be setbacks, but as long as you are aware of the flaws within you, and you are actively looking for ways to mitigate them, you will be getting closer to your goals."

Jax on the other hand, he wondered how many times he needed to mess up in order for him to overcome his impulsiveness? It nearly cost him his 1st Padawan, his life, and now his eye. He wondered if he was worthy of being a Master all things considered. "Who's evil eyes?" Jax asked trying to shake off his thoughts. "Never heard of them."

He sighed. "We're going to have to send you back to Ossus then." he said.

She was still listening, but the idea of running from a problem seemed at odds with past lessons. Or at least in this context. Setting the matter aside in her mind, she continued listening.

"But too much reflection and you end up never moving forward. But one person's place to stop is another person's reason to move forward. Balance is a tricky idea because what might balance one can upset another." She offered in retort. Her face gained a far and away look as though she were focusing on something else for a moment, before his mention of evil eyes made her laugh.

"Scary eyes, not evil. I think her name is Valery Noble. Orange or yellow and always watching. She's pretty strict and acts like a rock is in her shoe." She made a hand gesture to accentuate her point, wiggling her fingers as she opened her eyes wider and giggled to herself.

His mention of getting her back to Ossus had the small girl slipping from his beneath his side and stepping backwards. Eyes staring at him as she held onto her clutch.

"I will go back. I already have a pass back."


Location: Denon
Equipment: Corellian Outfit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

"I never said you should be dwelling on the past," Jax said. "That's different like everything in life there needs to be a balance. A mixture of both, in order for you to learn and move on you must look at past mistakes that you have made."

It felt good debating philosophy with Lossa, he didn't have a fulfilling debate in years. Lossa's curiosity has pushed Jax often to the edges of his comfort zone but it was great to reflect on his life and his views of the Force. He'd hoped that his views were having the same effect on Lossa as well. " Valery Noble Valery Noble eh?" Jax replied to Lossa. "If she's acting like that then it probably means you're doing something that she disapproves of."

He smirked at Lossa. "Trust me," Jax said. "When I was your age, I was just as free spirited as you are, and it drove my Master nuts."

Jax looked back at those times lost in thought, Master Oda often chiding Jax for not paying attention, sneaking off to flirt with pretty girls and trying drugs alcohol all while he was 16. The Jedi Master wasn't particularly proud of what he did but things did happen for a reason. Lossa needed the right guidance and a Master who could relate to her. Though Jax wasn't sure if he was the right fit. "I'll take you back to Ossus." Jax said. "Heard of Master Noble she's part of Romi Jade Romi Jade Enclave group like I am."

She nodded, reaching a consensus on the ideas she had passed by him. The mention of Valery and her demeanor had her snorting at the fact.

"It was a little bit of paint, but it was like we'd set the whole temple on fire." She remarked with a bit of bite in her tone.

His remark about taking her back to Ossus was met with a little more resistance as she patted her side and stopped, expression changing to sharp alarm.

And maybe even fear.

"My bag. Where's my bag?" Lossa asked frantically. Glancing around, she spun as though it had simply fallen off. "It's a little hip bag. It seals. I have to find it. I can't leave without it."

Her eyes scanned the streets before something clicked.

"One of them must have it. We have to get it back." She declared, beginning to trot away with purpose before turning back to Jax.

"Come on. I need that bag." A small alarm sounded from her pocket, taking out a small datapad and swiping it awkwardly between her clutch and free hand. "I need it soon."


Location: Denon
Equipment: Corellian Outfit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

"Trust me Lossa," Jax chuckled. "Whether you doused a building with paint, Jedi Masters will react as though you've committed a murder." He remembered Master Oda forcing him to run 30 labs around the exterior of the Jedi Temple due to Jax spray painting: "Jax rules" on one of the senator's apartment doors. It was for giggles but apparently fun was phased out if you become a Jedi Master. At least that's what Jax thought at 15, and to think he almost left the order to become a professional Podracer due to that assumption.

Jax immediately sensed Lossa's fear before she reacted, he whipped his head concerned for the young girl. Did she spot trouble? Was she having a breakdown of the fact that she nearly got attacked? "Your bag?" Jax frowned. "Does it contain your valuables? If not you can simply get another one."

He'll never understand women and their obsession with fashion. Even Jairdain Jairdain seemed to love wearing fancy dresses from time to time and she's blind! "All right," Jax sighed. "We'll get it but if things go south leave the talking to me. Remember a Jedi first line of defense are their words not their Lightsabers."

He wanted Lossa to use her Phermones, but he wondered if the thugs would catch wise to that. They may be dimwitted buffoons but they can't be that thick. Right?


Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio

A brief pause to glance back, a waffling expression about how much she felt like sharing about the bag in question. More panic on top of the anxiety now flooded her system as she fumbled on how best to inform him of its importance.

"My valuables are in this." Waving the clutch at him before tucking it beneath her arm. "But I have stuff in my bag I can't easily or cheaply replace. And...and could be sold on the street."

The most she was willing to divulge as she frowned and tilted her head at the lightsaber comment.

"I don't even have my lightsaber on me! Best I could do is make them fall over themselves!" She called back, both sarcastic and annoyed at the mention of violence.


Location: Denon
Equipment: Corellian Outfit,, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain, Eyepatch
Tag: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

So Lossa's valuables were in her clutch, so why worry over the bag unless.....

"What do you have in that bag Lossa that's so important then?" Jax asked eyeing Lossa with suspicion. A mischievous, free spirited young girl running around in the dangerous parts of Denon at night? It's not beyond the realm of possibility that Lossa was experimenting with something.... illegal. The Jedi Master then sighed and shook his head when Lossa said that she didn't have her Lightsaber.

"You must bring your Lightsaber at all times Lossa," Jax said in a disappointed tone. "That weapon is your life, as well as the Force you can't be careless with it."

He shrugged. "But you've used your pheromones well," Jax said. "But next time take your Lightsaber with you."


Location: Denon
Equipment: Civilian clothes, Concealed Sling Bag, Concealed Device in left ear
Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio

"It's my prescriptions. And that alarm was my reminder to take" She answered, casting irritated pink eyes back at him.

The comment about her Lightsaber had her near to fuming as she tossed her hands up mid stride.

"Have you ever tried hiding a double blade in street clothes while dancing? I can handle myself without it. Not everyone uses lasers and glowsticks on the street. " She huffed.

The trio from earlier down the street from them as the energy around her shifted to keen intent. Something close to fighting spirit as she broke into a run after them.

"Hey! Hey! You have something of mine" She hollered, two looking back as the other broke into a run without skipping a beat.


Location: Denon
Equipment: Corellian Outfit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Sometimes being a cynic can bite you in the ass, just because Jax experienced some crazy chit didn't mean that Lossa did it as well. "Ah well.... apologies," Jax said feeling his ears redden. He thought that Lossa was carrying drugs such as Spicesticks or worse..... Deathsticks. As annoying and cheesy as those anti-drug programs were, they did have a point about what those drugs do to your body long term. Jax was glad to quit Deathsticks before it became a problem.

"Yeah once," Jax responded. "And I got stabbed for my troubles, some Gran who was pissed off that I put his brother in jail for drug trafficking tried to get his revenge. I left my Lightsaber at my apartment thinking that I wouldn't need it, turns out it nearly cost me my life."

He turned to Lossa. "It doesn't matter if you have a single blade, double blade, whatever," he said curtly. "A Jedi attracts trouble like a fly to chit, your weapon must always be with you. As a Jedi you must hope for the best but always keep an eye for trouble. It nearly got you beaten up Lossa because no amount Pheromones can defend you from a blaster to the face."

She seemed to lack discipline, not that Jax was the model of discipline but Lossa definitely a teacher. The two of them arrived at the place where the thugs looked dazed and confused. It seemed that Lossa's Pheromones worked a little too well but he had a feeling that the same trick won't work twice. "Let me handle this," Jax muttered. "Gentlemen," He announced. "You are in a possession of my friend's bag, please return it to her."

The Jedi Master shook his head. "We don't want any trouble," he said.


Location: Denon
Equipment: Civilian clothes, Concealed Sling Bag, Concealed Device in left ear
Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio

"It's fine. I don't like telling people about it." Her tone dropped to something close to shame as he explained about an incident of leaving his lightsaber at home. She frowned but understood he meant well by it. It had been a pain trying to figure out a good spot to keep it hidden but held fast.

She'd have to double down on trying at least. Especially with his insistence about keeping it about her. She frowned as he took the lead with speaking to the two that remained as the third turned at the end of the street and watched from a distance, patting his jacket but keeping an eye on the group now.

"I'll keep it on me next time." She muttered, keeping the irritation out of her pheremones, her eyes shifting to deeper rose color rather than the pink they usually were.

The pair glanced between each other as the master spoke, eyes shifting to Lossa as they seemed to hem and haw about speaking.

"What bag? We don't have anything." One spoke up as the other fiddled in his pocket . "Just get her out of here. Otherwise there will be trouble."



Location: Denon
Equipment: Corellian Outfit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

"Good," Jax said. "It's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. If you find the Double-Bladed Saber uncomfortable to clip on might I suggest a single blade or a shoto?"

He came across as a bit blunt, but Lossa needed to learn, better to have Jax talking her ear off than have her body be riddled with blaster bolts. Jax suffered multiple times throughout his life due to him not having his Lightsaber. "Take it from me kid," Jax said. "I nearly got killed a couple of times because I felt lazy and not wanting to take my Lightsaber. It is a precious weapon and one that you should be wearing at all times."

The pair approached the gang who harassed Lossa, they all seemed to have recovered from her Pheromones and looking particularly emboldened. It's amazing how people feel so bold after being punked, maybe it was the adrenaline rushing or perhaps it was just plain old stupidity. Either way the men who harassed Lossa seemed to be more aware of what she did this time. The Jax walked towards one of the men making sure that his hand was touching the hilt of his Lightsaber.

"All I ask is to handover the bag," Jax said seeing one of the thugs fiddling with a small item in his pocket and noticing the subtle shaking on his fingertips. "It contains prescriptions something you're trying to reach in your pocket."

The Jedi Master sighed. "To resort to stealing a young girl's prescription to get high is pretty low." he said. "But I'm willing to let it slide if you hand me her items and the bag."


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