Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You Did This To Us (Veiere & Caedyn Arenais)

Caedyn Arenais

Starship: The Prophet.
Apparel: Spacer Attire.
Location: The Silver Rest.
It'd been a little while now since Caedyn Arenais had last been to Kashyyyk. When the Je'daii first decided to remove themselves from their temples in favor of The Silent Fleet, Caedyn had followed [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] back to her home-world alongside the Order of the Silver Jedi. For quite some time he considered joining the Silver in the absence of his people, however his Master [member="Asha Hex"] had taught him over the years of the importance in what it meant to be Je'daii, and not to favor one side but to honor and practice a life of self discipline, restraint and balance in the Force. Today however, wasn't about joining the Jedi. He was here to visit his Girlfriend, Asaraa.

The Prophet touched down upon one of the Landing Bays, pre-approved access from his last few visits having since logged his vessels Identification within the Silver Jedi Database and Starship Manifest. His name put down alongside with the name and model of the ship under the category of part-time residency. It was a nice benefit having a Jedi Knight and Junior Member of the Silver Assembly as your Girl.

The doors of the Silver Rest opened up to him and Caedyn smiled to those he passed on his way towards the Knights Quarters of the Temple. Asaraa Vaashe had proven herself as a fully fledged member of the Silver Jedi and Caedyn had been proud of her when she told him. It wasn't the same as his situation where he had promoted himself following his visit to the remaining Tho Yor in the absence of his Master. He wished that he could have ascended the ranks of the Je'daii through some sort of ceremony, but he had been left more or less on his own and so he had done the best that he could.

None the less, the Silver Rest was a friendly place where he was often greeted by the Asaraa's Masters and such with a fond smile; Although he still wasn't sure how [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] felt about him just yet, he hoped that Asa was able to convince him that he wasn't all that bad. The last thing he was expecting however, was to run into his Father of all people. Honestly, he hadn't been in touch with his parents much lately. The last six months had left him in something of a state of loss and so he had been trying to focus on filling the hole that used to be the Je'daii Order back on Aurum.
Life in the Silver Jedi Temple was gradually becoming the norm' again in Veiere's day to day, he had truly missed the fulfilling role of being a teacher for other prospective Jedi. His ability to train himself was only enhanced through the various training facilities of the Silver Jedi, and then there was his duty to the Silver Navy which patrolled the boundaries of Silver Space on the look out for any possibly suspicious activity.

Truth be told, he had been nervous at first, as he had never known whether or not the Silver Jedi would appreciate someone like him within their Order; he'd always been hard on himself, but there had also been a few first impressions that he had gotten the impression could have gone better. Then again, Veiere had been an advocate for tradition back in those days and so much had happened since, he had learned a lot and recognized the faults in his views back then. Unfortunately through all his mistakes and some lessons having to be learned the hard way, not everyone had been so forgiving of him. Most especially his Son Caedyn.

"Caedyn...?" Veiere spoke up upon seeing his Son standing before him, his surprise evident in his voice. He hadn't seen his Son since he had led the counter-attack against the Sith Occupation of Commenor, even then, Caedyn hadn't exactly been very talkative. He'd done his best to avoid having to bump into Veiere aboard the Resolute for the better part of a month as they planned the operation.

"I was wondering if I'd see you here eventually...-I've met your partner, [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]" Veiere smiled warily, the girl was a keeper in Veiere's mind and he was glad to know that his boy had a positive influence in his life, like her; "She's very nice....-I'm assuming she's the reason you're here and this is just a chance run-in on my part?" he smiled, wanting to chuckle though his Son wouldn't likely appreciate his father's dry humor just yet..

Caedyn Arenais

Words never came easily where Caedyn's father was concerned; there was so much damage done to their family over the past years that Caedyn had struggled to forgive. He had often tried to recall and fall back upon his former Master's wish and encouragement that Caedyn accept the past and learn to move on. To continue to have a relationship and bond with his Father, something that she didn't have. Even [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] had quietly and politely suggested he visit Veiere from time to time, in her own subtle way. The Silver Rest on Kashyyyk however was not where Cae had expected to run into him.

Judging by his Father's choice of words, it was easily taken that Veiere had been around quite a bit; "You're with the Silver Jedi?" he asked. His disbelief notable upon his tone, though he had tried to avoid as much. Back when he and his Sister were younger, their Father had become influenced by Bogan. This in itself wasn't something inherently bad in Caedyn's mind as the Je'daii encouraged knowledge with balance and mindful restraint, yet Veiere had been consumed by it and the times that followed were the actions of a father that Caedyn had never known, nor wished to meet.

[member=Veiere Arenais] had been right, of course. Asaraa was his reason for being there; frankly there weren't too many others that he knew all that well about Kashyyyk. None that wouldn't look upon him with the intent of some form of lecture if the past visit was anything to go by. Then again, he couldn't be certain what to expect now having run into someone that he thought never to considered a Jedi again. He couldn't help but feel a little frustrated that he hadn't been told, and thus able to avoid this exact sort of thing, but then again Asa probably neglected to mention it if not only to encourage such a 'coincidence'.
"For a little while now, yeah" Veiere confirmed [member="Caedyn Arenais"]' assumption to be true, also noting his reaction and immediate guard having run into his Father; "Things back home got a little complicated but to put a long story short, your Mother and I are no longer in charge. She's on Zakuul, apparently trying to establish some form of Government there while I've become a full-time member of the Order here on Kashyyyk". It was complicated and he decided to leave out the whole Purgatory debacle, Caedyn didn't need to be stressing about his Mother's safety, nor fearful of the consequences as Veiere found himself concerned for the repercussions of [member="Kay Arenais"]' new-found freedom.

"I'm a Captain within the Silver Jedi Navy nowadays" he added, offering something of a wary smile to his boy; "I know it's probably not what you expected but with our families wealth, I've been taking steps to do what I can to support not just the Silver Order, but all Jedi across the Galaxy wherever possible. I'm also teaching a few classes here when I'm not on duty patrolling the border", he hoped Caedyn would find the news encouraging though his Son was so difficult to read these days. Cae had distanced himself so much from the family lately that Veiere couldn't even get a straight answer out of [member="Loreena Arenais"] as to how he was doing.

"I don't suppose you'd be open to having a Stim-Caf with me?" He asked, a gentle suggestion, not wanting to aggravate or push him away any further; "Completely up to you of course, but I'm sure there's a lot I could fill you in on, with everyone back Home".

Caedyn Arenais

"I'm not sure it's much of a Home anymore when your parents are guilty of treason" Caedyn replied bluntly, "If it wasn't for the Sith having invaded, you'd still be being held accountable for what you did to all of us. Instead you managed to come in like some hero at the opportune moment and it gave Mom the leverage to cover for everything you did...", and it wasn't just [member="Veiere Arenais"] either. His Mom's public admission had been all over the Holo-net; Kay who was thought to be innocent and an image of positivity, an advocate of peace across the political stage.

Apparently his feelings on the matter hadn't subsided at all, and it didn't help that beyond his relationship with Asaraa there, he really didn't have a whole lot else behind him. Now it seemed that his Father would be residing in one of the few places that Cae had thought to be out of arms reach from his family. "I heard about Mom..." He frowned as he spoke the words, "Imprisoned for the murder of the Elders. I don't understand how you both managed to get it so wrong, when all you told Lori and I our whole lives that Commenor was supposed to be a safe place. A good place that we thought was run by good people".

"I guess you're lucky the Jedi preach forgiveness and compassion...".

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