Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Zaiya




NAME: Zaiya Ceti
AGE: Young Teens
CITIZENSHIP: Presently on a student intergalactic visa for the University of Commenor


FATHER: Navi Ceti (Deceased)
MOTHER: Ankaa Ceti (Deceased)
OTHERS: Dr. Merak Izar ( University Sponsor )


SPECIES: Lovalla | Dresh
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 1.524m ( 5'0 ft)
WEIGHT: 43kg ( 94lbs )
HAIR: White, but she likes to dye it different colors
EYES: Iridescent color-shifting hues.
Skin: Colourful, hue varies based on emotional and/or hormonal state. Typically she is a rosy gold and iridescent blue with mottled stripes and whirls. Pink tends to indicate pleasure at meeting a friend or colleague. Brown's and greys are rarely seen and tend to show negative emotions. Her skin is able to emit a faint glow when particularly strong emotions are felt.

Traits and Abilities

Dresh linage - Cultural Traits: As a Lovalla Dresh, Zaiya has a higher tolerance to cold weather, allowing her to survive in the most brutal of winters. She also has a unique trait, unlike the other two Lovalla races, in the form of nictitating membranes that would protect her eyes and allow her to see into the ultraviolet range of the spectrum. These also protect her eyes from intense flashes of lights as well as flying debris. She has nimble, dexterous fingers, a brilliant mind for innovation, and a bit of an obsession with high technology.

Lovella Racial Trait - She's just not that into you: As an early teen, Zaiya is too young for a mate, and odds are low she will find one, as Lovalla are extremely rare in the galaxy. Due to the uniqueness of their physiology, which requires establishing monogamous empathetic bonds with their mate for months or often years before activating the desire for sexual intimacy, they may not show any romantic or sexual interest in other species. This particularity gives Zaiya an advantage over Zeltron or Falleen pheromones, as her biological hormone cycles and requirement for established empathic bonds allow her to resist falling victim to their wiles.

Faults and Disabilities

Dresh linage - Physically Weak: Zaiya is weaker and less robust than a human (an exception is when a mate is under threat, a sudden burst of hormones can make her stronger than a typical human during this period. [roughly double])

Lovalla Linage - Non Violent: Zaiya can be considered to be very placid as Lovalla very, very rarely turn to violence with the exception of when a family member is threatened.

Claustrophobic - Fear of being buried alive: Zaiya's parents sacrificed their lives to ensure she survived the orbital bombardment of Commenor and managed to get her into her nest shelter before their home fell. Zaiya spent a week alone, barely surviving in claustrophobic conditions under the debris. Any similar tight situation that may make her feel she will be buried alive or left behind will send her into a panic.

Lovalla Linage - Till death do we part: In Lovalla culture, finding mate results in a deep, symbiotic monogamous bond that synchronizes their hormonal cycles and creates an empathic connection. Being apart from a mate for extended periods can have serious physical and emotional consequences, including loss of coloring, depression, and even physical deterioration to the point of death. Laws in civilized nations often prevent employees from separating Lovalla mates for long periods to protect their well-being.


Zaiya Ceti is a young teen Lovalla female who has experienced tragedy early in her life. Her parents, Navi and Ankaa Ceti, were Lovalla professors who worked at the University of Commenor. As a mated pair, they were hired at the university under a special dependent visa. Upon the news that they had successfully conceived a kyck (a Lovalla term for youngling), they began preparations to build their nest and welcome their child. They assumed that Zaiya had a particularly strong emphatic family bond, but in actuality, Zaiya was one of the very rare Lovalla to be force-sensitive. They lived in relative peace and harmony until Zaiya was nine years old when both her mother and father were killed in the Battle of Commenor. She alone survived, thanks to the precautions the Lovalla pair had prepared in their nest, a small shelter to protect the young kyck from the ensuing Sith attack.

She was found among the debris about a week and a half later after a University recovery crew discovered the deceased Lovalla pair and their nest shelter. Upon opening it, they discovered the Lovalla kyck, who had been crying for so long that she lost her voice, her normally bright mottled patterns now colored a dull, muted brown and grey hue. Ever since then, Zaiya has been a ward of the University of Commenor with Dr. Merak Izar, a Cyberneticist who had worked closely with her deceased parents.

As a young kyck without a family meant that Zaiya is unable to maintain the necessary family empathic bonds she had before. This has affected her display of colors, and more often than naught, her color-shifting skin maintains at a muted hue level than typical Lovalla. The only exception is when she is feeling particularly strong emotions, and the vibrance and glowing bioluminescence of her skin can be considered to be rather extraordinary.

At first, Zaiya was unaware of her Force Sensitivity, as she has lived her entire life within the University grounds assisting Dr. Izar with her research. As a Dresh, she has a keen interest in high technology, especially in cybernetics.

Upon meeting Aris Noble, however, Zaiya discovered that perhaps she just might be Force Sensitive. Unaware of what that meant, who the Jedi were, or how this affected her, her conversation with the young Noble tean resulted in discovering that with this Force, she just might be able to form empathic bonds with others outside of her own kind. This greatly excited Zaiya, as she had been desperately missing the social bonds of her family, and it meant that she just might be able to stop feeling so alone anymore. That day, Aris and Zaiya became friends, exchanging their comm information and became holo pals.

Aris invited her to come visit and meet his friends, learn more about the Force, and make her own investigations and observations regarding the Force to see if she wanted to join the Jedi Order. From this, she met Braze and Loomi, other Jedi Padawans. To Zaiya's delight, her circle of friends was growing, allowing the lonely Lovalla to start feeling as if she just might feel as if she had a family again.

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Force Potential

Sense Powers
Force Empathy - Zaiya's Lovalla heritage typically allows her to form strong empathic and social bonds with other Lovalla, especially with a mate. As a Force-sensitive, she has the natural tendency to unconsciously use the Force in the manner of Force Empathy, allowing her to pick up impressions of an individual's feelings and general emotional state. She has been slowly practicing reaching out with this to try and sense others' emotions as well as project her own. With continued training, she may eventually pick up motivations, hidden feelings, and even deeply guarded secrets.

Sense Force - With her ongoing practice on sensing the Force and due to her empathic racial abilities, Zaiya is able to sense the ambient Force in a given area. While she can not detect sentient beings, she is slowly able to sense the magnitude of Force in an area or object, and even if that Force was aligned with the dark side of the Force, or the light. Although she still does not know or understand what those differences mean, other that the Light side of the Force feels happy and content, while the Dark side of the Force feels nauseating and smothering.

Life Detection - Zaiya was honing her ability to discern friend from foe by sensing their life signatures. Through this newfound skill, she could sense the warmth and reassurance emanating from friendly colleagues or locals, setting them apart from the hostile aura of enemies. Moreover, she was becoming adept at detecting whether someone had a connection to the Force. This also allows her insights into when someone was tapping into the Force.

With practice, Zaiya anticipated that she would eventually receive warnings when individuals or creatures entered her range, along with knowledge of their whereabouts. Over time, she hoped to refine her abilities to the point where she could instantly recognize the identity of anyone within her range.

Force Healing - Shan has taught Zaiya how to utilize a shard of a Healing Crystal of Fire to enhance her use of the Force while Force Healing. She isn't particularly strong with it, as she just began to learn how to use it. With practice, she will learn to be able to use the Force to accelerate healing without having to depend on the crystal for use.


Small Satchel - A satchel that belonged to her mother
Zaiya's Cloak - This is a light-absorbing cloak that is super pretty!
Gala Line - Rosewood Hairsticks
BCA - Solid State Hologram Tool Band - Solid State Hologram and Light Bracelet
Hush - 98 Commlink and Projector - A stealthy comm-link and holoprojector
Encrypted Datapad - Holds her diary and education resources
AbsorBelt- Chic belt that negates electrical attacks.
Jolt Ring- Electroshock stun device disguised as a ring
HH Eclipse-Ring that subtly alters wearer's appearance.
One pretty Kyber Crystal

Nana - The Babysitter Droid
Item -

Character Development

Active Threads
Bazaar of the Four Winds: [ Complete ]
Zaiya meets Aris Noble Aris Noble at the Bazaar on Liliac. She is intrigued by his cool flying swords and is curious about the Force that powers them. She discovers that the Force Aris mentions might be able to reconnect the social bonds she lost with her parents' death. They start to chat more about Zaiya's professor's ship, learn more about Aris's saber, share a meal, and start to plan when to hang out next.

[GA | DE] Operation Shadow Hand | GA Defense of Tython, Empress Teta, & Prakith: [Complete] Aris invited Zaiya to Tython to learn more about the Force and the Je'daii, where she met Braze Braze , another Jedi Padawan. However, the Dark Empire chose this day to attack Tython, disrupting the teens' plans and forcing them into situations with the creepy, stinky mean Lord Kalrath Lord Kalrath that may threaten their survival. They barely manage to escape, grateful for their lives, but still shaken by the violent interaction.

Fires of War | Sellian Jedi Praxeum: [Complete] Regrouping after fleeing Tython!

Rituals of the Past: [Complete] Braze Braze takes her to meet his friend Teresa Pelles | Darth Pellax Teresa Pelles | Darth Pellax , and he takes them both to an incredibly cool cave they had visited before.

Meditation in Motion: [Complete] Braze teaches Zaiya about the benefits of meditation. She meets Loomi Loomi who is also an empath and can create cool bonds Loomi also helps Zaiya with learning how to meditate and reach out to others. Zaiya is excited because she wants to know if she can do this over varying distances too!

Uptown Girl: [Complete] Braze Braze teaches Zaiya some basic martial moves, and she gets his advice on making something special for Aris Noble Aris Noble .

Behind Enemy Lines [Paddy Pack, Sith]: [Complete] A field trip while hanging out with friends goes wrong, and their shuttle crashes on the world of Myrkr. Immediately, Zaiya can sense there is something terribly wrong. What will happen next?!

It's Not My Birthday | Coruscant, Jedi Temple: [Complete] It is Loomi's not-birthday!

Proving Grounds: JEDI Master Vs Apprentice: [Complete] Zaiya is in her dorm room cheering for Aris Noble Aris Noble as he spars in pairs with Konrad Montrose Konrad Montrose against Auteme Auteme ! Go, Aris you can do it! Shakes her pom poms

Market Mischief: [Complete] Zaiya goes clothes shopping with Braze Braze and Aris Noble Aris Noble ! All the pretty clothing, YAY!

I Have the Power of the Force and Atrisian Graphic Novels on My Side: [Complete] Training on forms with Braze Braze , Aris Noble Aris Noble , and Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Broken Wings: [ Complete ] Zaiya meets a cool girl named Colette Colette

Paradigm Shift [GA/NJO]: [Complete] Aris and Zaiya are on Coruscant, helping with whatever they can. They meet up with Shan, Aris's father's padawan.

Candle in the Rain | Sacorria: [Complete] Zaiya can create cool things with her mind! Like a floating flame-haired girl.... err, wait, no, she makes a new friend named Phobos Phobos

The Courtship of Ukatis [GA Populate of Ukatis Hex]: [Complete] Zaiya meets up with Aris and meets his sister Vera Noble Vera Noble at the Festival on Ukatis.

Another Day, Another Would-Be Jedi [Zaiya Ceti]: [ Complete ] Zaiya quite literally crashes into Balun Vale Balun Vale at the Jedi Temple.

Little Girl, Big World: [ Complete ] Zaiya meets Astri Elyse Astri Elyse at the Jedi Temple!

Rebel Yell: [ Complete ] Zaiya takes a public transport that ends up getting hijacked!

[NJO] Knighthood Ceremony - Shan Pavond:[Complete] Shan gets Knighted! And Zaiya finally gets caught!

Eye of the Tiger: [Complete] Meeting Valery Noble -- uh oh, the ruse is up!

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