







Formos Dresuoti
12:00 PM
[ERROR] / [ERROR] / 876 ABY

"So, how did he get you here?" The mayor of Vada took a long sip from his flask before stuffing it back into his pocket, fixing his counterpart with a glare. "The same way he got you here. Charisma and that fething lightsaber." The other man, acting CEO of the New Formos Mining Coalition, sat back and clicked his tongue in response. "Well you and your people were hardly open to talks before, I'm just wondering what changed." The mayor kept up his glare for a moment before sighing. "If it wasn't for this...Sith and his little cult then Vada would be occupied by pirates again. The man himself set the head of the pirate leader on my desk and offered his hand in alliance. How could I refuse?"

The CEO nodded, his hands clasped together in his lap as he shifted slightly in his seat. The transport was a surprisingly gentle, if slightly long, ride. "He did something similar for me and mine. Our first shipments off-world were being raided by some scoundrels up in orbit. Next thing I know I get reports that some frigate swooped in and destroyed their little pirate haven in less than a day. Next thing I know he shows up at my office and wants to talk business." The mayor seemed amused by the story, as if he found the idea of the coalition getting raided humorous in some way. "What? You can steal land for your mines and equipment but can't guard your little ships?"

There was no response other than a sour glare, the transport soon coming to a stop to both of the men's surprise. The vehicle's doors opened and the pair was greeted by the walls of the Dresuoti that they had been invited to, a well-dressed woman flanked by two guards awaiting them. "Mayor Vialhar, Mr. Hallsty. Welcome to our Dresuoti." Her smooth voice seemed more at home in some ballroom or noble court rather than the makeshift settlement they found themselves in. The two men stepped out of the repulsorlift transport and stood before the smiling woman, the mayor glancing around warily as he noticed how many guards the settlement seemed to have. More than his town of Vada, that much was certain.

"My thanks for the warm welcome! Miss?" Ever the opportunist, the CEO extended his hand to greet the woman and offered his own smile in response. The woman peered at him for a moment before taking his hand, with Hallsty having to stifle a shudder as her piercing gaze held some sort of hunger within. "Exarch Salneva Limont. I am the leader of the Dresuoti in the absence of our High Priest, so we shall work closely together." The mayor chose not to offer his hand like his counterpart had, only nodding in acknowledgement. Before the CEO could utter some charismatic response, the Exarch dropped his hand and turned on her heel. "Follow me gentlemen, with your arrival the meeting shall commence."

Through rows of makeshift shelters and other constructions, past the often hooded and suspicious looking residents of the settlement, the two men were lead towards the center of the Dresuoti. A towering, yet still under construction, building rose up from the shelters and warehouses around it, ominous despite its lack of finish. Two more guards awaited by the entrance and didn't hesitate to push open the large stone doors, inscribed with odd runes and carvings that neither man recognized, as the group neared. Inside sat a large black table, flanked by several chairs with only two of them empty. All sorts of local leaders and influential people from around their area of Formos had been gathered. Mayors, self proclaimed monarchs, CEOs and simple influential townsfolk alike. At the head of the table sat their host, Alisteri Haxim, clad in his usual Sith garb and with his masked gaze regarding the two newest arrivals as they set foot into the dimly lit cathedral hall. "Ah good, everyone has arrived. Please be seated."

Salneva and her guards moved past the table to flank their High Priest, with the Exarch herself by his right side while the guards positioned themselves on either side of the table. The CEO and mayor took their spots, sharing nods and greetings with a couple of the other assembled leaders for a moment before silence reigned once more. "Ladies and gentlemen, leaders and exemplars, you all have been gathered due to your importance in this region of Formos. In our region of Formos."


The people of the small town Vada looked up in surprise as the sounds of vehicles speeding towards them could be heard across the open terrain around them. Some ran inside their homes, others found high places to peer out and see who was approaching their humble home, and even more simply went about their day and hoped that whoever was approaching was peaceful. Soon a couple repulsorlift vehicles arrived at the town, but no assault or pirates spewed forth from them. Instead, hooded individuals emerged from the transports with supplies of food and water for the struggling populace.

Alongside the crates of supplies, the cultists brought something else with them as well. Banners carrying the icon of their religion.

"Many of you represent and lord over the common people of the area, mayors and townsfolk that look after their fellow residents. Trying to make a life for yourselves and your loved ones as you do your part in rebuilding Formos from the ravages of the Bryn'adul menace. We know well of hardship, and our resources will help you if you agree to abide by our dominion."

The bewildered townsfolk soon turned joyous as their new allies eagerly handed out rations and sustenance. As the town square filled with cheering and relived families, the mayor's office was attended by more cultists. They draped their banner right down the front of the building, much to the surprise of the handful of workers within it.


"Shipment is ready, begin takeoff procedures now." The cargo ship's pilot eagerly complied with the order, the older ship creaking as the engines fired to life and began to lift vessel off of the landing platform. The ship soon flew up, leaving the mine and industrial area behind as it sped up to into and past the atmosphere. The pilot held no fear of pirates or raiders like many of his predecessors did, offering a salute to the frigate that sat in orbit above the mines to provide a constant presence of security for their operations.

"Others are working towards rebuilding an economy for this planet, mining and industrial operations are your method to repair Formos. While myself and my people may know little of the finer workings of your operations, we are eager to assist you as well. If you agree to be included in our dominion then your security and defense against pirates is guaranteed."


The local leaders all had their own areas of influence, the few areas of commonality between them all being their proximity to one another and their apparent ally in the cult. Mayors were relieved to hear of support for their towns and cities, many of which had been struggling to survive given rampant piracy. Corporate factors were simply glad that they wouldn't have to fund their own mercenaries anymore, eager to share their resources if it meant a stable supply chain. More militaristic leaders were hesitant to bend the knee to what they saw as an upstart outsider, but none could deny that having a Sith as an ally was worth the cost of allegiance.

"You are all here because you recognize that unity is more important than the differences that divide you now. The vagabonds that prey upon Formos grow bolder each day, but with our help your assets and people have been secured." Alisteri chose his words carefully as he addressed the gathered leaders. Some had already all but agreed to annexation or vassalization, but far too many wished to be allies rather than dependents. He would have to manage with such an arrangement and gradually make them more and more reliant over time, a slow but sure process if he played his cards right.

"Formos is but a single world in such a wide and expansive galaxy. Distant powers would simply snap up this planet without a second thought, most of them caring little for us all given how insignificant we appear to them. But together, as a united front, we stand a chance at making any would-be occupiers think twice about invasion." Now this caught the attention of the militarists and corporates, several leaning forward on the table or nodding in agreement as the Sith gestured to his Legionnaires. "We stand ready to defend all of you with our arms and resources, to bring about order and unity where there is now but patches of civilization in the aftermath of the Bryn's occupation. But we cannot do this alone. Will you stand by us? Will you follow my lead and work with me to bring Formos back to a position of respect and prominence in the galaxy? To show any expansionist powers that we will not be simply cowed and made to bend the knee to whoever comes knocking?"

Silence reigned once more in the cathedral, many of the guests shifting as they pondered the words of their host. Finally though, the leader of one of the many mercenary/militia companies stood up and slammed her fist down on the stone table. "I stand with Wonosa! Count my soldiers amongst your own! Long Live Formos!" Another moment of silence and shock filled the room before the mayor of Vada stood as well. "The people of Vada will be glad to suffer no more at the hands of pirates and scoundrels. We eagerly accept your dominion Sir Haxim, long live Formos!" Soon more and more of the guests would rise and declare their allegiance, or alliance, with the cult as a grin spread across the Exarch's face.

With a chorus of "Long live Formos!" resounding in the dark cathedral, a new power on the world would be cemented. The Dominion of Formos would begin this day.

Formos, Formos Dresuoti
12:25 AM
[ERROR] / [ERROR] / 876 ABY