Clockwise from top left
New Imperial Stormtroopers in Harnaidan. A Sith Lord leads Sith-Imperial Legionnaires into battle at Borosk. Eternal Empire Ultranauts at PL-40112-CE-021105. Sons of Mandalore led Stormtrooper unit arrives at Jaemus. Galactic Alliance Rangers charge 'Target Beach Byss' on Dubrillion. Thyrsian Sun Guard assault Echoy'la.

Date860 ABY - Ongoing
PreviousJen'ari Heresy
Re-formation of the Galactic Alliance
ConcurrentSilver Jedi-Sith Imperial War
The Bryn'adul Crusade
Agents of Chaos Insurrection of the Confederacy of Independent Systems
LocationBraxant Run, Mandalore Sector, Outer Rim, Unknown Regions, Mid Rim
Formation of the
New Imperial Order
Re-formation of the Imperial Knights
Beginning of the Sith Schism, 'Zatitsisajak Heresy'
Public withdrawal of
Kaine Zambrano as Sith Emperor
Capitulation of The Network
Collapse of
Sith-Imperial Sector Groups I and II
Beginning of New Imperial Order control of the Braxant Run
Destruction of the Hydian Bastion over Prefsbelt IV
Sith-Imperial government moves to Dromund Kaas
Beginning of Operation Kyber Dark by the New Imperial Order
The Sith Apostasy is driven into hiding after being 'purged' by the New Imperial Order
The New Imperial Order takes the Sith-Imperial Throneworld of Bastion in the Battle of Bastion
End of Sith-Imperial control of the Mandalore Sector
Foundation and later dissolution of the 'Elder Compact'
The Sith Empire fail to retake Bastion
'Sith Eternal' and 'Warlords of the Sith' arise from the Sith schism as splinters from the Sith Empire
*Eternal Empire was Loyalist belligerent from 860-Battle of PL-40112-CE-021105
**Warlords of the Sith were a co-belligerent of the 'True Imperial' bloc until the
Battle of Bastion
True Imperial BlocSith Imperial BlocSith Apostates
Irveric Tavlar | NIO
Tyrell Paxxus | NIO
Vaulkhar Zambrano | NIO
Kor Vexen | NIO
Vyaz'oves'aissar | NIO
Crius Hannad | NIO
Lucien Dooku | NIO
Rurik Fel | NIO
Errant Varanin | NIO
Lyra Voi'kryt | NIO
Waylon Treicolt | NIO
Hiram Voss | NIO
Grigory Tallis | NIO
Kardev Byrric | NIO
Kyrel Ren | NIO
Kan Belisarius | NIO
Zori Kapshan | NIO
Marlon Sularen | NIO
Agrippa | NIO
Valdus Bral | NIO
Lunafreya Solidor | NIO
Del Lovruc | NIO
Ravraa Vyrshraal | NIO
FN-999 | NIO
Cameron Farwell | NIO
Spencer Varanin | NIO
Adrial Magnus | NIO
Sam Deckard | NIO
Davis Garrick | NIO
Lord Halketh | NIO
DK-03's Tauntaun | NIO

Kestus Bralor | SoM
Trajan Kurze | SoM
Careena Fett | SoM
Koda Fett | SoM
Vilaz Munin | SoM
Amon Vizsla | SoM
Ra Vizsla | SoM
Rynn Vizsla | SoM

Pythia | WLOTS
Avernus | WLOTS
Derleth Par | WLOTS
Vora Kaar | WLOTS

Emmen Tagge | GA
Dracken Pryce | GA
Cassius Callaesar | GA
Ryv Karis | GA
Maynard Treicolt | GA
Loske Matson | GA
Gideon Raith | GA
Din Marren | GA
Olen Halcorr | GA
Constantine Oliva | GA

Gat Tambor | TF

Khonsu Amon | TSG

Kainan Wolfe | EE
Kaine Zambrano | TSE
Braxus Zambrano | TSE
Vesta Zambrano | TSE
Joycelyn Zambrano | TSE
Braith Achlys | TSE
Taeli Raaf | TSE
Ophidia | TSE
Adrian Vandiir | TSE
Johnathan Boke | TSE
Vaylin | TSE
Kascalion Giedfield | TSE
Cara Dorniarn | TSE
Telis Taharin | TSE
Jorryn Fordyce | TSE
Quinn Varanin | TSE
Allyson Locke | TSE
Melia Siari | TSE
Thaelius Ordo | TSE
Djorn Bline | TSE
Aerarii Tithe | TSE
Madelyn Lowe | TSE
Karina Lowe | TSE
Hont Ateilles | TSE

Alis'ila'miurani | CA

Ingrid L'lerim | EE




Pythia | WLOTS
Avernus | WLOTS
Derleth Par | WLOTS
Vora Kaar | WLOTS
Kezeroth The Hateful | WLOTS
Atlas Kane | WLOTS
Salvor Thul | WLOTS
Vella Forte | WLOTS







Skirmish of Velmor............ | Skirmish | SJC, NIO vs TSE | SJC Victory
Blockade of Pabol Hutta....... | Skirmish | SJC, OPA, GA, CIS, NIO vs TSE | Coalition Victory
Battle of Muunilinst.......... | Invasion | NIO, GA vs TSE
| NIO Victory
Battle of Mygeeto
............ | Invasion | NIO, WLOTS vs TSE | NIO Victory
Battle of Wayland............. | Invasion | TN, SoM, NIO vs TSE | TSE Victory
Battle of PL-40112-CE-021105.. | Invasion | NIO, EE vs TSE | EE Victory
Battle of Borosk.............. | Invasion | NIO, SoM, GA vs TSE | TSE Victory
Battle of Dubrillion.......... | Invasion | NIO, SoM, GA vs TSE | NIO Victory
Skirmish of Abyssal Maw....... | Skirmish | SoM vs TSE | SoM Victory
Assault on Prefsbelt IV....... | Dominion | NIO vs TSE | NIO Victory
Occupation of Orinackra....... | Dominion | NIO vs TSE | NIO Victory
Battle of Bastion............. | Invasion | NIO, GA, SoM vs TSE vs WLOTS | NIO Victory
Battle of Dantooine........... | Invasion | NIO, GA vs TSE, CIS, SJC, EE | Elder Compact Victory
Battle of Byss................ | Invasion | GA vs EE | GA Victory
Battle of Felucia............. | Invasion | GA, NIO vs TSE | GA Victory
Battle of Korriban
........... | Invasion | GA, NIO vs TSE, EE | GA Victory
Second Battle of Bastion...... | Invasion | NIO vs TSE, EE | NIO Victory
Battle of Helgard............. | Invasion | NIO, SoM vs TSE, EE vs WLOTS | NIO Victory
Battle of Ziost............... | Invasion | GA, NIO vs TSE | TSE Victory