Braze had been dedicating himself to his training on Tython, working closely with Cyran Vaas in martial arts to navigate the challenges presented by his newly acquired disability. He was committed to exercising his paralyzed arm to prevent atrophy, a task that tested him deeply. His mind struggled to accept the harsh reality that his dominant arm no longer functioned as it once did. This denial sometimes led him to overlook the severity of his situation, a coping mechanism that he was slowly learning to address.

In addition to physical therapy, Braze diligently practiced using his other hand for tasks that once felt second nature. He filled numerous notebooks with writing exercises, starting with shaky and messy scrawls that barely resembled coherent text. These early attempts were more about mastering gross motor skills than producing legible writing. Over time, however, his perseverance paid off. The quality of his handwriting improved dramatically, evolving into a script that was not only legible but, in some ways, surpassed the finesse of his handwriting before the injury.

Braze had explored several strategies to manage the limitations imposed by his limp, unresponsive arm. Among his efforts were rigorous routines designed to stimulate nerve response and maintain muscle mass, involving resistance bands and weights. Despite his dedication, these exercises yielded little in the way of restoring function. Braze turned to less conventional treatments as well, including acupuncture and herbal remedies reputed to stimulate healing in paralyzed limbs. Despite his openness to these methods, they failed to produce any noticeable improvement. Deep, Force-focused meditation sessions aimed at channeling healing energy to the affected arm. While beneficial for his mental state, these sessions were hampered by the presence of the void stone.

The void stone he carried as part of his training with Cyran served as a constant barrier to the Force, a deliberate challenge to make him less reliant on it for everyday tasks. However, this also had the unintended consequence of muting and almost severing his connection with Loomi . The stone not only isolated him from the Force but also from the companionship and support provided by his force bonds, plunging him into a profound sense of loneliness. This isolation compounded the frustration and difficulty of his situation, making the struggle with his paralyzed arm feel even more insurmountable.

Without the comforting presence of the Force and the camaraderie it facilitated, Braze had to confront his disability and the ensuing challenges with sheer effort and the support of his mentor, Cyran.

For today, Braze's task was simple in theory but immensely difficult, taking his skill at focus and balance to a whole new level. He had set aside the void stone, allowing himself full access to the Force for this particular challenge. His objective was to execute a handstand on the very tip of his index finger, but with a twist: at the tip, he had to maintain a concentrated, tiny ball of Force wind to balance upon.

The courtyard of the Jedi Temple on Tython served as the backdrop for this daunting exercise. Early morning light filtered through the ancient trees, casting serene shadows on the stone pathways. Braze, dressed in his training robes, stood in the center of the courtyard, his expression that of pure concentration.

Taking a deep breath, he crouched low, placing his right hand flat on the ground, his left arm having been pinned to his chest with a sling. Then, with a fluid motion, he kicked his feet up into the air, entering a one-handed handstand. He pressed up and switched on to his his right index finger leaving it as the only part of his hand touching the ground, displaying his already formidable strength, balance and control.

But the real challenge was just beginning. Closing his eyes, Braze reached out with the Force, summoning a tiny vortex of wind around the tip of his finger. The ball of wind was barely visible, a shimmering distortion in the air that had to be both created and controlled with exquisite precision.

The task was a balancing act in the most literal sense—too strong a gust, and he would be thrust off balance; too weak, and the ball would dissipate, leaving his finger to scrape against the stone. It required a harmony of physical prowess and Force sensitivity that few could achieve.

Sweat beaded on his forehead as he fought to maintain his position. The muscles in his right arm quivered under the strain, showing any on lookers the real physical toll this exercise took. Yet, Braze remained steadfast, his focus unwavering as he continued to balance atop the tiny Force-induced whirlwind.

Minutes passed like hours, with Braze fully immersed in the challenge. His world was reduced to the point of contact between his finger and the Force wind, everything else fading into insignificance.