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The Archaeological Association

An organized association of scientists, researchers and archaeologists who study and uncover ancient civilizations and technologies, often recovering them for historic preservation and public safety.

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The Archaeological Association is a organized group of scientists, researchers and archaeologists who are dedicated to uncovering information about long forgotten civilizations and ruins. They do this through the exploration, recovery and examination of remaining material from the past - such as graves, buildings, tools, tomes, and artifacts.

For the most part, the association works in public interest, however private contracting is available for enthusiastic collectors.

This is not a job taken lightly. Not in a galaxy that has a history filled with conquering Empires, dark side cults and invading extragalactic aliens. Often, some of these relics and artifacts can prove dangerous, and it falls to the Archaeological Association to recover and secure these dangerous items - to keep them secure and prevent misuse by those inclined to malevolent intent.

Being a member of the Archaeological Association isn't about dusting pots or collecting rock samples - no, being a member of this organization requires knowledge, wits and daring:

You will be shot and/or slashed at.

You will be attacked by ancient spirits and/or cults.

You will be walking into some of the most dangerous locations in the galaxy... and often armed with little more than what you can carry.

If this hasn't deterred you, then find the enclosed membership application, and welcome to the Archaeological Association.

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