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United Galactic Federation

An alliance formed out of a common goal and Necessity, with three founding factions joining together to help in a shared goal.

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The United Galactic Federation is a joint force between three minor factions that decided to bind together in a mutually beneficial tribunal. Each faction holds power in its respective field. the faction in question go as follows.

slot 1 The Lilaste Order: The Military might

The Lilaste Order, is a semi-militarized faction. Founded by Laphisto Gix and his apprentice, Jacen Law, their purpose transcends the traditional boundaries of the Force as they strive to achieve equilibrium between the Light and Dark sides, and this mission extends to their role within the UGF.

Philosophy and Values:

The cornerstone of the Lilaste Order's philosophy is the coexistence of Light and Dark side Force users. Unlike many other groups, they embrace both aspects of the Force, viewing them not as opposing forces but as complementary facets of a greater whole. Their dedication to knowledge as an inherent right fosters an environment where Force-sensitive members are encouraged to explore and refine their abilities in both Light and Dark side powers.

Balance in the Force: The Lilaste Order's members are encouraged to explore the full spectrum of the Force, cultivating their abilities in both Light and Dark side powers. This balanced approach makes them formidable in combat and brings a sense of equilibrium to the UGF's Force-users, preventing any one aspect of the Force from becoming dominant.

Warrior Culture: Embracing a warrior-like culture akin to the Mandalorians of old, the Lilaste Order places immense value on family names, with members adhering to a modified version of the Resol'nare. This cultural framework instills a sense of solidarity, honor, and an unwavering commitment to protecting their own and the wider galaxy.

Integral Role in the UGF: The Lilaste Order plays a central and pivotal role within the United Galactic Federation. Their military might is unparalleled, as they form the backbone of the UGF's armed forces. The order's unique blend of Force abilities, drawn from both the Light and Dark sides, provides the UGF with a potent and adaptable military presence.

As the United Galactic Federation's stalwart defenders, the Lilaste Order continues to embody their core principle of balance, offering hope for a brighter future in a galaxy long plagued by conflict and discord.

slot 2 [VACANT]

Slot 3 the new Star League remnants. they provide basic needs for the rest of the alliance such as food and medicine as well as being the factions diplomats

Each alliance member plays a crucial role, creating a balance and check of power between them, each relying on the other for survival. With the motto "Together strong, alone we fall."

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