Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Aaaine

    Private  A cup of tea and a discussion of theorem

    Location: Atmosphere above Belsavis Time: 1300 hours Aaaine really, truly needed to find a better solution. Ever since agreeing to help with this group on the side, lending her mind and services how best she could, they had seemingly flown her from one end of the galaxy to the...
  2. Noah Corek

    Private  Drinks, Games and Conversations

    Mandalore Keldabe Oyu'baat Tapcaf 2nd Floor Private Booth Mia Monroe Noah sat in a private booth on the second floor of the famed Oyu'baat Tapcaf in the capital city of Mandalore, a mug of sweet ne'tra gal cradled in one hand as he watched a pair of young Mandalorian warriors nearby playing a...
  3. V

    Private  The Pandalorian and The Tusk...alorian?

    Vo walked along a long and lonesome road. Which is to says he unequivocally had no idea where he was and his stomach was reminding him that that was not the ideal situation. He was still on Mandalore....probably. And that meant food had to be close to things with people. So, he took off his...
  4. Kivah

    First Reply  Cage Fighting for Fun and Profit

    Canto Bight, CANTONICA There were nice places in Canto Bight, places that gleamed like the stars as gems inset in chandeliers illuminated the polished walls in the gilt casinos and hotels. That had fountains sometimes flowing with wine and champagne. This converted warehouse out in the shipping...
  5. Adeline Noctua

    Private  Whispers and steel

    Equipment | In Bio Location | Yalara academy Tag | Eido Wreyth Time had passed since she was first taken from those old slave pits, but how long had it been? Eido had gotten to see fellow students who wished to apprentice under her master fall one by one, be it from the depths of this cursed...
  6. Judah Lesan

    Artist  Dizzy's Stuff and Things

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Nunc id cursus metus aliquam eleifend mi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ut. Morbi leo urna molestie at elementum eu facilisis sed. Rhoncus mattis...
  7. Velran Kilran

    Junction  Darkest Jungle - SO/EOTL Junction of Felucia and Manpha | OOC Sign Up Thread! Set for March 17th!

    Darkest Jungle - SO/EOTL Junction of Felucia and Manpha Felucia, a humid jungle world, stands upon the precipice of two great powers. To the galactic north, the Sith of Darth Carnifex’s domain led out of the dreaded Malsheem, are known the galaxy over for their brutality, for their butchery...
  8. Gatz Derrevar

    LOA  Burnt Out and Unmotivated

    Gonna take a few days or so. Just not feeling it at the moment. Will try to catch up on posts when I'm feeling a little better.
  9. Ordo

    Private  Yaim and Hearth

    Hilal Vizsla Ordo was standing in a clearing near the edge of what remained of the veshok tree forest near Keldabe. A large area was staked out and stacks of wood and materials were nearby as He watched one of the construction droids dug out the hole for the foundation while another added...
  10. Drego Ruus

    Faction  Ruus and a Hard Place | MP Boot Camp

    Wayland Temporary Headquaters of Clan Ruus Drego had seen plenty in his days as a Mandalorian. The Protectors were his new Vode, and thus, he expected a lot out of them. Some would argue that was unfair, but Drego never paid those types much mind. To him, being a mandalorian was much like being...
  11. Adi'ka Awaud

    LFG  Returning and searching for players

    Hello, I am returning after a long pause and would like to play again. I am lost as always with the lore of the forum, and I am not a native speaker too. So be gentle, please. ^^ I have a Mandalorian Lepi as main char, a sith and a Zeltron archaeologist as secondary, but would adapt and make...
  12. Fervos Kej

    LFG  The Vanguard Corps wants YOU! Seeking soldiers and other professionals

    Looking for a place to write that military story you've been sitting on for a while? Interested in fighting some Pirates, Hutts, Slavers, and even The Sith? Join the Vanguard Corps today! We offer full benefits to all enlistees, and guarantee opportunities all across the Outer Rim. See far flung...
  13. Revna

    Looking For A Padawan To Fight For Experience And (Maybe) A Saber

    So per the next campaign that Darth Strosius is holding, my character Revna (who is his apprentice) is looking for 1 (maybe 2 but that might be biting off more than I can chew atm!) Padawan level Jedi that she can fight against so she can earn some more combat experience, but also perhaps give...
  14. Cremek candorus

    LFG  Looking for friends, enemies, and perhaps acquaintances

    It has been some time, has it? I seem to have forgotten this site even existed! well, out of sheer luck, i've rediscovered this site, and am currently looking for threads to enjoy and shake all this annoying rust off! i'm down for basically whatever, as cremek is quite flexible with his goals...
  15. Jonyna Si

    Faction  Flips and Tricks | NJO Ataru Training

    Location: NJO Temple, Courscant Time of Day: Just before Noon It was a new experience to ask to lead her own training session. Jonyna had offered to teach Ataru, a form she was thoroughly familiar with. She had opened the floor, the training room within the temple that she had designated for...
  16. Amber Kris

    LFG  Looking for Pirates and Scoundrels

    So, with my new lady here, I figured I would try something I have never done before. Exploring a pirate/criminal element in the star wars universe. Amber here, the self titled Queen of Sorrow, is looking to expand her organization of raiders, pirates and other less savory types, with plans to...
  17. Cain Sevu

    Private  Dinner and Diatribes

    Cain's fingers brushed against her sternum, pale skin flaking away a web of dried blood. Lianna was cold tonight. Especially cold given the body at Cain's feet was already losing its heat signature. What used to be a living breathing man all of five minutes ago was now reduced to a corpse on...
  18. Miri Nimdok

    Private  Snapped and Plotted

    Secure apartment, Vonnuvi Seated at the kitchen table, Giselle worked on her embroidery with practiced hands. Even as her fingers pulled needle and thread through cloth, her gaze kept flicking toward the chrono, counting down the minutes until Corazona was due to arrive. The Duke of Alderaan...
  19. B

    LFG  Connections and more!

    Hello writers of Chaos! I'm reaching out to explore potential developments for my characters: Bastila Sal-Soren and Darth Ira. If you're curious about their backgrounds, you can delve into their character biographies, or feel free to ask me for more details. Firstly, let's focus on Bastila...
  20. Cairan Shannon

    LFG  Pirates, Scoundrels and Scum

    Ello! So a few days ago I threw an LFG up with no real intentions other than just getting a feeler for what was out there. Since then, I've developed in my head where I intend for Cairan to go as a character. I even have a pretty storyboard complete with highlighted sections. Due to all of that...
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