Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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arcturus thesh

  1. Starlin Rand

    Private  Heart of Gold

    Starlin Rand, aged eighteen, lay flat on his back in his bed, staring up at the ceiling. His eyes were heavy-lidded, his gaze dreamy, lost in the high of some extraordinarily potent marcan herb. At least, until he heard the door open. He scrambled to his feet, quickly hiding the blunt he had...
  2. Ishani Dinn

    End of an Era (short story)

    During the attempted annihilation of Korriban… Ishani was leaving the library, her arms laden with books, when something made her halt. An eerie silence seemed to have descended upon the empty corridors of the Academy, like the calm before a storm. She hadn’t noticed it that morning, as she had...
  3. Ishani Dinn

    Private  Don't Dream It's Over

    Ishani awoke from her stun bolt-induced unconsciousness chained up in a cell. It took time for her to remember what had happened—Folende, pirate raid, captured—and then to recover enough that she could stretch out and get her bearings. She figured she had to be aboard one of the pirate ships...
  4. Ishani Dinn

    Private  The Wanting Comes In Waves

    Ishani stood in the oasis, but didn’t feel like she was truly, fully there. She’d left some part of herself on Folende, it seemed—left it there until she returned to claim the agriworld in full with Arcturus. In light of all that had happened there, it was strange to come back to the Academy...
  5. Arcturus Dinn

    Private  Resume Through The Morning Tide

    "HA! it's like this place was made for you! Archae, Arc, ahahaha!" The Sulituan's shorter tentacles which hung around what constituted as its mouth wobbled back and forth as it struggled to contain its frankly gargled laughter. One fleshy tendril rose up from where it lay at the creature's...
  6. Ishani Dinn

    Private  Comfort and Joy

    Chaldea “Something’s been bothering you.” Her lips still mouthing the words of the carolers, Ishani looked up at her mother, brow furrowed. Charisse caught her eye and studied her for a moment, then nodded, her suspicions confirmed. “Something happened while you were on Coruscant.” “Mom, I—”...
  7. Starlin Rand

    Private  Squatters' Rights

    He really shouldn’t have come back. His old neighborhood hadn’t changed. There was nothing foreboding about walking the same streets he had for years. Children still played on the corners while adults sat on the stoops by their front doors, people-watching the passerby. Worse things lurked in...
  8. Ishani Dinn

    Approved NPC  The Dinn Children

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To document the existence of three child NPCs for future RP. Image Credit: Maria Hideki (edited by me) Permissions: N/A Links: N/A FAMILY INFORMATION Family Name: The Dinn Children Family Type: Nuclear Place of Origin: Thornwood Hall | Zaathru Family Size...
  9. Starlin Rand

    Lovers and Masters, Part 2 (short story)

    “You said you weren’t the best example of a Jedi. What did you mean by that?” They were still in the bar, Starlin nursing his drink and her with her glass of water sitting untouched. “I dunno.” He shrugged. “Nobody’s perfect.” “But we still try our best. You don’t sound all that hopeful.” “I...
  10. Ishani Dinn

    Lovers and Masters, Part 1 (short story)

    “I didn’t come here to fight.” Some part of Ishani thought this shouldn’t have to be said, but she knew just as well why it did, too. The moment she admitted where she’d come from, Starlin Rand had dropped into a combat stance, legs splayed apart, his good eye narrowed as he watched her every...
  11. Ishani Dinn

    Private  Afraid of Your Own Shadow

    Aboard the Leviathan, Ishani was brushing her teeth. In the ‘fresher mirror she could see the reflection of the partially open door to her right, and through it into the room beyond. Occasionally Arcturus would walk by, passing through the crack, in and out of her field of vision. She could...
  12. Ishani Dinn

    Approved Species  Kûtszarwas | Necrobats

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify a Sithspawn species for future RP. Image Credit: Vampires!! | the weight of all our conversations Canon: N/A Permissions: The Primyn Group [Permission granted by creator.] Links: "The Siege" | Sithspawn | Bloodbats & Gackle Bats GENERAL...
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