Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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character introduction

  1. TheWater125

    Character  Hannibal "Morally Bankrupt" Adoniah

    CHARACTER BIOGRAPHY TEMPLATE "Hannibal Adoniah de Tion" NAME: "Hannibal Adoniah Lutherhelm XII" QUOTE: "Who needs democracy when Credits rule the Galaxy?"-Hannibal Lutherhelm FACTION: [N/A | WIP] RANK: [Unlanded Merchant] [PHYSICALITY | MYSTICISM] SPECIES: [ Human | Tionese Indigenous...
  2. M

    Public  Arsonist's Lullabye (Character Introduction)

    Somewhere deep in Coruscant's underbelly... McGill approached what looked like an abandoned building, stepping over piles of scattered trash and debris. Metal gleamed as he impatiently darted the lighter in his right hand between his fingers. The air smelled foul, reeking of garbage and urban...
  3. Wendell Mortimer Glolmark

    A Busy Day At The Spaceport (Character Introduction)

    Edit: I have decided to scrap this particular character, disregard this post.
  4. Glar Ulchtar

    Public  So Many Possibilities, So Little Time (Character Introduction)

    Glar Ulchtar was in a bad situation, and he knew it. He was completely alone, had failed badly, and was going to need far more luck than he had to get out of his dilemma. Glar was a Pyke who had been born into one of the most infamous crime families on the planet Oba Dia. A few hours ago, he had...
  5. A

    LFG  An exciting start with a new character

    Hiya! (Yes I had no idea how to name this thread but idc), I've created this character a few days ago and am willing to start my first thread with her. She's a Silver Jedi Knight and pretty timid/pacifist. So I'm not really looking for any combat at first, but I'd honestly wouldn't mind if it...
  6. Bal Kanu

    An Expedition [ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ ɪɴᴛʀᴏ]

    MUSIC: FOR YOUR IMMERSION: [1]: [DESCENT] [2]: [FIGHT THEME] [3]: [RELIEF] -- “Right then; get up! C’mon!” “Hahahaha!” “Come on, mate! We’ve barely started!” -- "Canned laughter." [1]* "It was like some sick sitcom. The bruise painted my core like a nasty tattoo, and hurt like it was getting...
  7. EllieEx

    Pirates, Spice, And- Hey, That's not very nice... (Free Fleet\Open)

    Had Abbadon Orbit 1100 Hours OOC Info: A lone Dreadnaught class MK2 Cruiser drifts high above the pinkish hue of the abbadon system. Any attempted scans would bring up only a glimpse of the cruiser's situation, The old vessel appeared to be running on emergency power, the thrusters were all...
  8. Mirax Eygan

    A Journey of Self-Discovery

    I have constructed a character who is a medic by trade, although a somewhat unconventional one. Unlike most doctors, she is not grounded but tends to travel the Galaxy in search of her true purpose (dissatisfied with her current primary and secondary calling). I would like her to embark on a...
  9. Herza Xaos

    Deep Space

    Space. As always it was space. Herza had been stuck in this Cryo-freeze for goodness knows how long; but of course nobody was there to help him, nobody ever had been. This part of space was usually deserted it wasn't a shortcut anywhere and it just generally got in peoples way so it seemed as if...
  10. Celiana

    Celiana Drayven

    NAME: Celiana Drayven FACTION: Silver Jedi Order, Justice Shipping RANK: Jedi Knight SPECIES: Echani AGE: 25 SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5'9 WEIGHT: 140 lbs. EYES: Green eyes with flecks of Gold and Crimson HAIR: Chestnut Brown (waist length) SKIN: Lightly tanned FORCE SENSITIVE: YES - Meditation...
  11. Celiana

    Celiana Drayven

    NAME: Celiana Drayven FACTION: (Currently None) RANK: (Currently None) SPECIES: Echani AGE: 25 SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5'9 WEIGHT: 160 lbs. EYES: Green eyes with flecks of gold HAIR:Chestnut Brown (waist length) SKIN: Lightly tanned FORCE SENSITIVE: Force sensitive (no training yet)...
  12. EmKay

    The Opening Curtain

    [member="Coren Starchaser"] SLUIS VAN Tachon hummed a little tune to himself whilst he lounged upon the exceedingly uncomfortable cot upon which he found himself. The monotonous tap-tap of a guard's boots strolled near, reached its closest point, then carried on. He took...
  13. Arik Andees

    Infochant for Hire

    Freelance Private Investigator Seeks Next Case Arik is an infochant backed by Firemane Industries. He freelances from his office on Deservo near the planet of Tion I'm looking for a case that you'd need taken care of. It appears as there is a need for these kind of types. Any...
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