Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Aloy Vizsla

    Public  Calling all Vizslas! | Vote for Alor | Open to Clan Vizsla OCs

    CONCORDIA, THE FORTRESS MOON BLACK FLEET ENCAMPMENT, 30 MILES FROM WEAPONIZED EQUATOR ZONE 1700 HOURS "For too long has Clan Vizsla lain dormant" The holo-message began, a cloaked figure in weathered full Mandalorian armor appearing "Scattered across a thousand worlds, fighting for as many...
  2. Laphisto

    Public  expedition to Concordia

    Location: Concordia Objectives find old Beskar mines or Ancient Mandalorian war era vaults The hum of the ship's engines resonated through the bridge of the "Conquests Agenda," its vibrations a familiar and comforting sensation under Laphisto's feet. The sleek silhouette of the Forray class...
  3. Salazar Niminen

    Work In Progress  Concordia Central "Silver Mine" Library

    Silver Mine OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a central library for all individuals of the Silver Jedi Concord. Image Credit: Scenic View: DeviantArt Library Staircase: DeviantArt Library Hall: DeviantArt Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Military Base...
  4. Mig Gred

    Approved Starship  Concordia: The White Wolf

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a unique sub for the heavy destroyer Concordia. Image Source: Here, Battlestar: Galactica (2004) Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Concordia-class Heavy Destroyer PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Concord Specialized Technologies...
  5. Aloy Vizsla

    Approved Lore  Clan Jjota

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To flesh out Joti Johayc's backstory and clan, possibly for future stories. Image Credit: Myself! Canon: N\A Permissions: N\A Links: Joti Jjota, GENERAL INFORMATION Organization Name: Clan Jjota (Joe-tah) Classification: Mandalorian Family\Clan...
  6. Aloy Vizsla

    Approved Location  Cin'Vode ~ The White Sisters of Concordia

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To flesh out a location mentioned in another sub and to provide a location for future stories. Image Credit: (Towers)(Gatehouse)(Crucible)(The Spiral)(Armoury)(Throne room) Canon: N\A Permissions: N\A Links: Clan Jjota. SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name...
  7. Coren Starchaser

    Votes Are In - New Executive Branch

    “Welcome to Concord News Network, where we give you live coverage on the emergency measures that have taken place over the last few days. While the dead of Yurb still wait extradition, we take you back to the measure officials say they will be laying out in the coming days. “With Concordia...
  8. I

    In light of recent events, a personal statement.

    To whom it may concern… During a congregation with my peers within the Concordian Party of the Order of the Silver Jedi, it was requested that I offer my thoughts upon recent attacks within Silver Space, as well as current events on-going within our neighboring Nations. As many of you may be...
  9. I

    A Safer, Civilized & Judicial Galaxy

    To whom it may concern… My name is Administer Ipali Torru of Manaan, and of the Nations living under the protection of the Order of the Silver Jedi. I live alongside many peoples of Manaan, the Selkath among numerous others of various backgrounds and ideologies, all of which hold one thing in...
  10. Darth Carnifex

    Approved Location  Fortress Imperious

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a massive Sith-Imperial military base on Concordia Image Credit: [x] - Cody Williams [x] - Angelos Karderinis Canon: N/A Permissions: Corondex Permission Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Military Base Name: Fortress Imperious Classification...
  11. Darth Carnifex

    Approved Location  Concordia, the Fortress Moon

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Flesh out Concordia under Imperial occupation Image Credit: [x] - Wookieepedia Canon: [x] Permissions: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Astronomical Location Name: Concordia, the Fortress Moon Classification: Moon Location: Orbiting Mandalore -...
  12. Zippy Zabelle

    High-Speed Spelunkers

    Concordia Moon of Mandalore A limp body, that of Greten Go'Wan, lay reclined in the seat of her VK swoop bike, arms and legs flopped lazily over each side. A datapad lay between her legs on the blue leather seat, the screen bright. One eye open, she looks down at the glowing invitation...
  13. Teagan Stoirm

    Salvaging the Past (PM to join)

    Concordia-Mandalore Moon The Clone Wars had seen great strife for the Mandalorian people. Following the Great Clan Wars that had decimated the original beauty of the planet, the people were forced to live in biodomes just to survive the harshness of the desolation outside. There was shortage...
  14. Subject 37

    The Future[Death Watch]

    Concordia It was starting. They had come slowly at first, almost slovenly, but the last week had seen an influx of people that had surprised even her. They were all Mandalorians, all warriors. Some had been fighting wars for a long time, other's had never even seen a Jedi. Every single one of...
  15. Zef Halo

    Approved Location  The Pale Man |Structure|

    Name: The Pale Man | Racin Jag in Mando'a Image Source: jnickblack @ Deviant Art Classification: Tavern/Inn Location: Concordia on the way between the two biggest beskar mines on the moon. Affiliation: Zef Halo Description: A big enough tavern that also provides services as an inn mostly...
  16. Izzy Aureth

    Do You See Me? (Anija)

    Izzy blankly stared out onto the streets. Her eyes flicking back and forth as she scanned the area from the shadows of the alleyway. Few thoughts entered her mind, still looking, watching.... She needed an easy mark. Someone who wasn't paying any attention. A part of her wondered if a soul saw...
  17. E

    Task Force 9: Ghosts of Concordia

    Concordia, one of the two moons that Orbited the planet of Mandalore and like the planet that it orbited, it too had beskar, the nearly indistructible metal that in the past fueled the Mandalorian war machine. Because of this, Concordia's once lush surface had been desimated by mines and battles...
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