Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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dagon kaze

  1. Kai Bamarri

    Private  Aerodynamic

    Aerial Arts, Denon The studio was a little hard to find, but Kai was persistent. After a few wrong turns he eventually located the entrance and descended into the underground. A vast open area filled with exercise mats and equipment greeted him. His footsteps echoed, the noise puncturing the...
  2. Ishani Dinn

    Private  Lost in the Light

    Denon Undercity, Night Ishani awoke hanging from a rope. Bound around her wrists, it pulled her arms straight up, her feet just barely touching the floor. Pain radiated through the muscles in her shoulders and back, as well as from bruises and lacerations along her torso and limbs. More scars...
  3. Amani Serys

    Private  The Doctor Will See You Now

    Medical Center Tython had been something of a wake-up call. But even in the wake of such a climactic event, days continued to pass, the galaxy continued to spin onward. And though the battle remained deeply ingrained in Amani's memory, her more zealous, reactionary impulses had died down in...
  4. Damsy Callat

    Private  Tide Rising over Ecumenopolis

    fa-play fa-pause Jedi Temple, Coruscant // Dagon Kaze \\ The so-called Mind Killer had been on the prowl for months now. Which yahoo in the press had given her that name? Yes, though it had been alleged up until mid-last week, it was now established she was in fact a she. She'd apparently...
  5. Dagon Kaze

      Dagon Kaze: Year One

    "From smut to shitposting. A true masterpiece." - The Slut Times "Not a middle-aged straight white man with vices, but a young straight white man - Zef Halo is clearly demonstrating extraordinary writing range." - The Gilamanjaro Post "He said he can't write Jedi, so he didn't. He LARPed DC...
  6. Damsy Callat

    Private  The Search

    Level ~1997, Coruscanti Underworld Hours after The Chemist Dagon Kaze Pitter patter. The case files she had asked for laid open, paged through, but now neglected on the coffee table. She instinctively sucked in her stomach across the way - the narrow carpet sea. The soft notes slipped in...
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