Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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darkwire renaissance

Shadows Multiply
  1. Cassus Akovin

    Minor Faction A New Definition: Corpocide

    corpocide /ˈkôrp(ə)ˌsīd/ noun The deliberate killing of all elements relating to a specific corporation or group of corporations with the aim of destroying that corporation or group of corporations. plural noun: corpocides "the revolution committed to a full corpocide and eliminated their former...
  2. Darkwire Prophet

    Faction  Fate of Denon: Attention, All Residents [Darkwire]

    "Will you stand against the churn of the Corporate Machine? Will you stand for Denon?" The broadcast shut off after only a few minutes, but a few minutes was enough. Across the whole, wide city-world of Denon, citizens stopped to listen. The message of freedom, of a life not linked to their...
  3. Samnai Rouber

    Faction  Ghost in Your House

    LOCATION : Waydeen Mansion, District 1, Denon OBJECTIVE : Steal financial documents and implant fake evidence in Mr. Waydeen’s house Loading... Click “The man is out of Denon for a week and has charged his servants with the upkeep of the mansion. The key is with the head butler and is kept in...
  4. Xan Deesa

    Faction  The Radio Star (Darkwire & Allies)

    //Establishing connection…// //Recording…// Our voices aren't enough anymore. Never have been. Each time we raise our voices and cry out against them, they stomp on our throats and silence us. It's time to make them listen in a way they can't ignore. Our target is Corell Tower in the Seven...
  5. Xan Deesa

    Private  Pizza Blues

    22h39 With everything going on, Xan began to feel that she and Cartri simply weren't spending enough time together anymore. What concerned her more, though, was the tension she felt between them at the tat-chat. After the horrible rift her disappearance had caused, the last thing she wanted was...
  6. Ivory Stroud

    Private  Quid Pro Quo

    With preparations in place and Darkfire’s rise in motion, Ivory Stroud & Xan Deesa had sat down to discuss the foundational necessities needed for the splinter cell’s operations. The recent Tatt-Chat meeting to discuss Darkwire’s involvement in the coming fights had gone better than she’d hoped…...
  7. Ivory Stroud

    Faction  Welcome To The Revolution (Darkwire Tatt-Chat)

    fa-play fa-pause ("Firstlight", VNV Nation) “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.” She was still getting used to the surreal, dream-like state of the amorphous "Reality" that was colloquially referred to by members of Darkwire as the...
  8. Marissa Shoda

    Private  A Friend in Need

    Denon/Doc's Office Late Evening/Rain It was quite late in the evening when the battered speeder came to a halt outside of the office in the Slums. It was riddled with blaster marks, smoking, and its driver didn't look any better. Her armour was scorched and a towel was taped to her neck while...
  9. KinkyPrawn

    Character  Marissa Shoda

    C R I C K E T . N A M E Marissa "Cricket" Shoda . S P E C I E S Human . F A C T I O N Darkwire . R A N K CorpSec Officer . A G E 21 g.s.y . SEX Female . H E I G H T 1.67m (5'6") . W E I G H T 58kg . F O R C E . S E N S I T I V E Yes . V O I C E . / . A R T N/A /...
  10. Ivory Stroud

    Private  Fire In The Sky

    fa-play fa-pause ("Vegas", Jesper Kyd) Location: Sarko VI, The Nest Tags: Jocelyn Pavaliah, Gabriel Lynch ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Like a dormant volcano rising into the sky, The Nest commanded both admiration & respect from the local populace. It towered above the buildings...
  11. Xan Deesa

    Private  Resist and Disorder

    Denon/Seven Corners District Late Evening/Cloudy The mess at Sakedo tower was unacceptable, a disaster brought upon the people of Denon all because of ideals and misplaced faith. Xan supported Anakin all the way despite her hesitation of doing things peacefully. And where did that get them...
  12. Darkwire Prophet

    Minor Faction Live from Denon: Corporate Succession Assured, Darkwire Declared Terrorist Organization

    ENTERPRISE DAY 874 ABY Welcome, Denonites, to another year's Enterprise Day! The mood on Denon today is solemn. Usually so full of festivities and profit-making announcements, this years Enterprise Day is marked by recent events which have left the Corporate Authorities feeling a little...
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