Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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dev thread

  1. Hansen

    To Reclaim what was lost

    Joan Lunor Reclaimer-class Assault Ship Joan's hands clutching a pair of guiding sticks make a series of gestures. Guiding Malachor One into its berth aboard the great Reclaimer-class Assault Ship; A new vessel with the purpose of transporting troops and material. "That's it! Keep going, back...
  2. Darlyn Excron

    A Legacy of Violence - The Hunt for a Blade

    Click for introduction, you won't regret it! Exiting hyperspace above Zakuul, one of Commenor's Kantos-class frigates came into existence, slowly settling as they prepared for the day's operation. Normally, official Commenorian frigates stayed at home, as part of the planet's official defense...
  3. Hansen

    To Destroy the Stars

    Halle Ren, Anoat Sector. Halle looks out from the bridge over the Bow of the Imperial I-Class Star Destroyer, her eyes glow yellow like hot sulphur. Halle saunters down to the port-most transparisteel viewports and inspects the Turbolaser batteries from up on high. "Impressive..." Halles'...
  4. RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

    An Icy Abode Carlyle crossed the tarmac of the naval yards, he stood out among the naval technicians who began to finish the defences. Wearing a cape, and uniform that blended into the snowy tundras of Hoth, Carlyle inspected it all. This had been his vision, his...
  5. V

    First Order: Sunglasses at Night [Development]

    Hoth, Outpost Veers Objective: Don't Freeze to Death Friends: [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] Companions: Edra, Cin & Paddy (NPCs) Protection: Valessia's Chrome Guard + 2 Chiss Agents Valessia's phantom whirred as it approached the army base on Hoth. Edra sighed as she looked...
  6. Jessica Med-Beq

    Math is hard

    "Jessica, I have a few misgivings about this book on Instinctive Astrogation Control. I mean, we're both all for using the Force for knowledge, but your choice of co-author leaves much to be desired" Catria warned Jessica. "She [Cathul] has roughly as much experience with Instinctive...
  7. Darth Ayra

    The Holocron of Heresies [Closed]

    The Holocron of Heresies | [member="Darth Veles"] | The insatiable thirst for power was a constant motivation. Coupled with ambition, there isn't anything one would do in order to seize the ancient knowledge hidden across the galaxy. Secrets, ready to be taken by those were the strong...
  8. Preliat Mantis

    The Day The Demon Came (Ionite Thread)

    I can remember when I first met Preliat Mantis. He was a young man then, no older than 24. He had just been known to the galaxy as the Wolf, and the Mandalorians had recently destroyed a planet. Needless to say, we never thought that any war would come to our doorstep. We were a farming...
  9. Quietus

    Codex Development Thread Guide

    The Codex Development Thread Guide The below was the creation of Rusty with some editing from [member="Valiens Nantaris"] and Lorelei Darke. It is a guide to how dev threads are managed and what they will be usually requested for. Remember, the CJ of a submission has final say on whether a dev...
  10. Akio Diachi

    A wardrobe change--Making a Jedi Pt 1

    KRO VAR Amid his time holding a seminar on Jedi Focus Discipline, Akio had been asked by a padawan to give him dedicated time and training. Of course the Blue Pilgrim would oblige, he owed it to those around him to give back to the community, to the Jedi he knew to pass along what he knew...
  11. P

    Alpha and Omega (Roche)

    He'd not been to Roche in a long time. It had been a small number of years, at best, since he'd last seen the system, much less seen the mining facility he owned on one of the asteroids. With the coming projects set for Tenloss to reveal in the near future, he found himself returning to the...
  12. Jhett Justyce

    The Making of the Dark Regent

    Jhett stood overlooking the massive city that was Akalan. It's glittering, gleaming glory was more than just his homeworld--One day it would be his domain. Today he was just a Prince but one day very soon he would be the King. A knock came at the door. The near human turned, smoothing his...
  13. Garza

    Excavating within your Soul (Crusaders)

    Dromund Kaas The jungles of Dromund Kaas were not forgiving. They would tear you apart were you not prepared for the worst possible circumstances. The Hunters with me I had told to prepare from their body, their mind, and their soul. This trip would not be forgiving. We had to collect materials...
  14. Jessica Med-Beq

    Narvhal Hive Cluster

    While the Swarm awaited the return of their prophesized commander, some Swarm Lady that had grand plans for the Swarm naval forces, and who promised the Swarm an array of capital ships, the Archons wasted no time drafting their own plans on a smaller scale. Knowing that they do not have the...
  15. Garza

    To move forwards, You must move backwards

    Holding the sword grip in my hands as I tightened down the pommel down on the sword. Righting the skull on the blade, I could feel my mind clouded in the force. Even as I held it, I could hear the screams of hundreds of thousands of people's screams and cries for help. Looking over the crimson...
  16. Aeshi Tillian

    Kal'Shebbol Fixer-Uppers (The Outback)

    Kal'shebbol- in the Kathol Outback- just Galactic South of her where her outpost was going to be established. It seemed in her best interest then to be on good terms with them and see how things worked there. She'd done a little poking around about this Kathol Outback and the Kathol Republic and...
  17. Gir Quee

    Among the Cold Starlight

    LL-1200 Light Freighter Java, near Hast "Ease the throttle up nice and slow," coaxed Gir, "like if you're trying to open one of those old-fashioned swinging doors without making a sound." Gir leaned over the pilot's chair, watching the green-tinged mon calamari adolescent gingerly pull the...
  18. NightSister

    Hear me roar [Solo]

    Crack. In a second, Mara's head snapped up, eyes watchful and alert. Her gaze rested on the large, scaly egg in the corner of the room - and the small, but prominent, jagged line running down the top. She'd been sitting there waiting for the egg to hatch ever since she snatched it from an...
  19. Onley Xiangu

    Ah, Phrik It

    Arkania Maybe it was his blood, or maybe Uncle Jared had just thrown them on enough planets for his sensitivity to climate to be all but gone. Either way the cold of Arkania didn’t bother him as they emerged off the ship in to a surprisingly massive cavern in which most of the traffic passed...
  20. Cyrus Tregessar

    A Fleet in Being Word of the events at Kuat had preceded Cyrus' battered fleet as they limped in to Bilbringi. At first, he thought the system was being evacuated by personnel and civilians who wanted to divorce themselves from the actions of the rogue Admiral. A...
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