Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Harley Fenstermacher

    Continuing Conversations

    So far talks and collaborative events between Harley and the different ministers of the CIS were going well, a rather funny thought considering how the two factions where enemies in the past. Even so that was centuries long gone, this new Confederacy run by different people with different rules...
  2. RC 212

    Stations and Starships oh my! ATTN: CIS

    Geonosis Orbit [member="Darth Metus"] [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Srina Talon"] A small fleet appeared over Geonosis. Six Jast 1st Rates and a few 2cnd Rates. From the side of the warships a lone Whisperlite Shuttle emerged and rocketed towards the surface. Hala sat in the cockpit, red...
  3. RC 212

    The Commenor Mandalore Connection

    CSA Space Orbit of Commennor [member="Lady Kay"] :: -OR- Any CSA Diplomats A single Jast Whisperlite Shuttle flanked by two larger Jast 3's emerged from hypserspace. A small tear in the fabric of the space itself opened up, spitting them out. Above Commenor the alarms would be going off, but...
  4. RC 212

    Serrena Chiz

    SERRENA CHIZ NAME: Serrena Chiz FACTION: OPEN RANK: Diplomat SPECIES: Human (Hapan Heritage) AGE: 35 SEX: Female HEIGHT: Short WEIGHT: Small EYES: Brown/Hazel HAIR: Brown SKIN: White/Tan FORCE SENSITIVE: No...
  5. Sanya Val Lerium

    Delegated (ORC - RR -Ancora)

    [member="Mark Crassis"] Location - Ancora diplomacy centre Sanya waited in a large room with a rounded and decorated ceiling. There was no one in there but her although she was soon expecting someone, someone from the republic remnant. In a way she was excited and yet nervous at the same...
  6. Gray Raxis

    Of Common Mandos (ME & CSA: PM to join)

    Commenor Royal Palace The Galaxy was a place of meetings. The rays of the sun meeting planets. Beings meeting their kin. A representative from one faction meeting with another. No matter the scale or the reasons, meetings were what pushed everything forward. Mandalore needed to move forward...
  7. Kainan Wolfe

    The Second Triumvirate

    [-SOUNDTRACK-] Attn: [member="Darth Metus"] | [member="Mythos"] Windshear Keep Winter, The Shrouded Moon Winter was world surrounded in mystery and rumor. The capital of the Shrouded Republic, this small moon of Nibelungen was hidden away by an unbroken shroud of volcanic ash, plunged into...
  8. Mythos

    Eye See Old Allies. Magnus Opus.

    Now was finally the time to reach out to the old world of Korriban, the home of his ancient power and the house on which the foundation of his skills was born. The Ancient Eye called now called The Sith Empire as a son of the One Sith, a former ally and a brother to many in the order ruled from...
  9. Yasha Cadera

    Breaking Bread (The Collective)

    Breaking Bread High Orbit, Eshan Katlaydr of the Cuir Rekr stood at the round table facing the view port, with her hands behind her back. The 6’2” Epicanthix woman was in full gold and black beskar’gam, her crimson wolf and dagger cloak hiding her hands. Her helmet rested beside her place at...
  10. J

    Alliance Advisory Council

    Name: Galactic Alliance Advisory Council Intent: A political organization made up of Representative PCs and other high ranking diplomatic officials to promote a more cohesive environment for government focused role-play. Membership Requirement: Representatives Ambassadors/Diplomats Nobility...
  11. Aryn Teth

    An Offer You Can't Refuse [GA/ORC]

    Aryn Teth [hr] Coalition Embassy, Terminus, Kallea Sector, The Outer Rim Territories Interacting With: [member="Bryce Bantam"] The trip through Terminus wasn't exactly an easy one for the Alliance delegation. Following the blockade of the Hydian Way and the greater dangers that came with the...
  12. K

    The Misadventures of Kolab: Moff to a Bad Start [Republic Remnant/The Sovereignty]

    Exiting Hyperspace Outside Eadu Onboard Amathia-Class Corvette Puddlejumper Mission: Republic Remnant Diplomatic Delegation to The Sovereignty on Eadu Escort the dignitaries on their visit to the capital of The Sovereignty. It wasn’t the sort of glorious mission that would lead to a war story...
  13. A

    [Republic Remnant/Metal Lords] Creating A Sharper Image

    It was a strange invitation. Adder had, of course, worked with many droids and the like over the years, but not ones that believed themselves sentient beings or some such. Now he could see that being the case for the cyborgs, since they were partially flesh and blood, but the regular droids...
  14. Diysuperguy33

    Colonisation of Dagobah

    Hey, so Dagobah has been left out of the light for a very long time and I think it deserves some love in the form of colonisation and setting up a government. I understand there is some debate as to if it is Neutral or Galactic Alliance territory but we shall find out soon enough. Anyone is free...
  15. HK-36

    The One Where HK Marries A Hapan. Wait, They're Not Hapans? [Metal Lords and Tapani Confederation]

    [member="Ivlyn Mecetti"] Denon, Capital of Droid Space, Part of the Metal Lords' plan for expansion and ensuring the sovereignty of their established independent space was reaching out not only to various companies and forming contracts which bound them into the corporate sectors of Metal...
  16. Allyson Locke

    Mission Impossibru (PM for invite)

    Bastion Some Big Important Government looking building. Infiltration. It was something the Galactic Alliance had trained their SIS agents to be good at. Most had the force to help them out, Ally on the other hand had a few tools and tricks up her sleeve. Data and energy swirled around her hand...
  17. RC 212

    Operation: Olive Branch (Diplomacy/Open to all Factions)

    OOC: Open to Diplomat Types and anyone else. No shooting please. A new message had been broadcast across the wide nets. It would be repeated across relay satellites to the major players of the Galaxy and their respective Embassies. Even the lesser known and more seclusive folks on the rim...
  18. Josephine Lorraine

    Josephine Lorraine

    "I am a woman of peace. I represent order, and stability." Basic Information Name: Josephine Lorraine Alias: N/A Faction Allegiance: The Sith Empire Faction Rank: Diplomat Species: Human Races: Talravinian Age: 26 Standard Years Height: 5'3" Build: Slim Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Blonde Skin...
  19. Cathul Thuku

    The Coruscul Job

    After news of the Silver Jedi relocating to Kashyyyk arrived to the Alliance authorities, and rumors of various alliances between their enemies began being circulated, the memories of the Jedi Conclave that went nowhere resurfaced. But this time around, it would be a different scope and not...
  20. Zeradias Mant

    Imperial Entanglements

    BOTHAWUI, LOW ORBIT GALACTIC EMPIRE AIRSPACE White turned to blue, blue turned to black, and the view out the bridge of the ISV Resolute returned once more to the vacuum of space. Before it lie a lone planet - Bothawui. The homeworld of the Bothan race lie on the edge of the Galactic...
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