Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Draven Eterena

    Private  Another Day, Another Form (Training Between Draven and Travot)

    Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple, Training Room Tag: Travot Ravenna Draven was taking a moment to just relax one evening amidst the training room within the temple. Which was currently selected as a training spot for Draven and his selected mentor to partake in a new form for him to learn...
  2. Draven Eterena

    Private  Parts And Predicaments (Elami Iria and Draven Eterena)

    Draven wasn't exactly sure the reason he found himself at Galactic City. While he was a Jedi, albeit a very combat oriented Jedi. Draven was not one who was under the direct allegiance of the galactic alliance. Even though they were considered friendly over the grand scheme of things. None the...
  3. D

    Character  Draven Sloan (WIP)

    DRAVEN SLOAN Music i am the storm that is approaching Aliases The Failure Subject 0138 Title(s) N/A Class(es) Corpo Birthplace Unknown Age Unknown Virtue(s) Ascension Innovation Egoism Rank(s) Executive Faction(s) Darkwire The Trade Federation Home Phaeda Species HRD...
  4. Draven Dursden

    The Old Dog's New Tricks

    Draven was...Tired. How long had he been fighting something? Working endlessly towards that goal of becoming the Galaxy's premier fighter, the heroic legend which he had envisioned in his mind? Too long. Far too long. As his mind grasped for consciousness, the first thing it registered was the...
  5. Draven Dursden

    Custom Art

    Ladies and gentlemen, I have gotten into the hobby of Drawing. It would be a pleasure to draw your characters and alts for you, if you would like, just lemme know in this thread. I have asked around in discord, so I figured I'd put one up here. Just post below, and we can work it out in pms, my...
  6. Draven Dursden

    Coming Home [Open]

    Limping along, The Silver Rest would come into view, Draven would take a moment to lean against the low wall which accompanied the entrance. His battered, beaten appearance quite distinct in the lush, and generally soft aesthetic of the rest. He had been missing...for a little over two months...
  7. Draven Dursden

    The makings of greatness

    Draven would stand amongst the flowers and vegetation in the temple gardens. He stood next to an enormous, and beautiful fountain which let out long arcs of water, sparkling in the air as they fell peacefully. Draven felt anything but peaceful. He felt like crud covered crud. The young knight's...
  8. Draven Dursden

    The Mind's Eye

    (Music) He sat in the cockpit of his little ship, silent. Outside his Dudes walked about the hangar, moving about lazily, and their conversation was rather...grim. Captain George relayed what the council had said about their...rash actions. This only caused outcries from The Dudes, complaints...
  9. Draven Dursden

    The Night

    The young Padawan stepped out on to the planet of Toydaria, the hot, humid air assaulting his senses as he did so, Draven muttered to himself, "I have really got to stop going to swamp planets." Even though he had about had his share of the hot humid air already, Draven could still find...
  10. Draven Dursden

    Approved Tech  Draven's Battle Armor

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a set of armor to protect Draven in battle. Image Source: Canon Link: Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: Medium Armor PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer...
  11. Draven Dursden

    Approved Tech  Draven's Lightsabers (Shatter)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a lightsaber that can be split into two one handed sabers or one two hand saber, and has a unique cross guard. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: Lightsaber PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  12. WelshGuy

    The Learning Curve

    [member="Draven Dursden"] Thud. Yuroic landed hard on the ground, completing his early morning exercise. He had spent most of the morning running around the surrounding areas of Kashyyyk. He took a look at his plans for the day, most of it was overseeing the Archives and recording anything he...
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