Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Taresa Kae

    LFG  Seeking an Assassination, Espionage, or Theft Target.

    Anyone game? It doesn't matter what faction. Good and neutral parties are preferred, but i'm not picky with this one. The Kae Kill List: Zarus Valorian - Ongoing Valery Noble Dracken Pryce Castor Crane Pal Veda
  2. Seku Bondara

    Private  The Aquarius Directive

    Location: Cloud City, Whitetower Arms Hotel Objective: Apprehend compromised SIA operative Good afternoon, Agent. Your destination is a fashion show at Cloud City's prestigious Whitetower Arms Hotel by Blue Lotus, one of the galaxy's leading couture brands. Your target is Clarys Boralle, noted...
  3. Lilith Nytehand

    Approved Tech  Field Cyber-Adapter

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create an illegal cybernetic Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Unknown Black Market Cybernetics Doctors Affiliation: Lilith Nytehand Market Status: Closed Model: N/A Modularity: Yes...
  4. AMCO

    Approved Tech  Project Cloudkill

    "It works. It's nasty, but it works. I'm not proud of it - but in the end, it's no worse than a blaster, right?" - Cadence in Internal Development Log 2304#B1:FINAL OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Discreet conflict resolution. Meant to usher NPCs towards plot-advancing deaths and give...
  5. V

    Public  A Cry from the Cold

    LOCATION: Naos III ||| Palace Hotel The galaxy was teeming with different worlds that catered to just about every pleasure a being could pay for, from lush, tropical resort worlds to dens of just about every vice that has ever existed in Galatic history. But one look at Naos III from orbit...
  6. Desric Terassi

    Approved Tech  Subspatial Nanotransmitters

    "It isn't music, but it isn't exactly not music either. Think of it like a harmonic resonance from which a great deal can be extrapolated." - Cadence trying and failing to explain the technology to Globex's researchers. OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Spy on people using 'transdimensional...
  7. AMCO

    Approved Tech  Compound H | Fuel Sabotage Substance

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: "Infantry wins battles, logistics wins wars." Image Source: Fuel Capsule by Ruslan Voit Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Name: 'Compound H' Manufacturer: Apex Research Collective Affiliation: Apex Research...
  8. Kal

    Approved Tech  FR1-x Comspike

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A sneaky way of listening to private conversations / spying on enemy combatants. Image Source: Year Million (2016) series: Ear Phone - Concept Art by Gergely Piroska Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer...
  9. Laertia Io

    Espionage Enhancement System

    Intent: To submit Image Source: N/a Canon Link: N/a Permissions: N/a Primary Source: Cybervision PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Affiliation: Market Status: Closed-Market Model: Modularity: No Production: Semi Unique Material: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Classification: Size: Weight...
  10. Aithche Wierz

    Private  Backwater Intrigues

    The bar stank. Aithche's nose wrinkled but on further reflection, she had to admit that she wasn't doing too great either. The humidity had hit her the moment she'd arrived at the spaceport and she wondered what sadist had insisted on building a settlement so close to the planet's equator. She...
  11. Kal

    Approved Tech  Nanoshredders

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Maintain plausible deniability through the expunction of exposed assets. Image Source: Disintegration by Yaroslav Primachenko | Avengers: Infinity War Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Suicide Pill (Wookie) | Disruptors | Memory Wipe...
  12. Tulan Kor

    Campaign  Through the Veil

    Ambience ORD MIRIT LOCAL TIME: 0100 HOURS "OPERATION PICKPOCKET" NEW IMPERIAL ORDER INTELLIGENCE ASSETS/STORMTROOPER SPECIAL FORCES JOINT OPERATION It wasn't pouring, but it was still raining. In the dim light, the dark red-glow of the cigarette of the man's cigarette illuminated his...
  13. Gramani Fey’la

    Minor Faction The Spynet is back. Over. The Bothan Spynet is back!

    The Bothan Spynet The Bothan Spynet has been one of the most important espionage organizations in galactic history. No other spy network in the galaxy could claim the level and expansion of what the Bothan Spynet once had. It was originally destroyed many years ago, but now with the help of a...
  14. Ambrose Cadera

    Spores on the Wind (Vong & Clans of Mandalore)

    Qiilura’s sun shines on my fur, and the settlement of Kad’Harang is further along than the last time I ventured to my homeworld. After the Mandalorians saved a good amount of our population from poaching slavers, a new capital city was commissioned to act as a waypoint and dissemination zone for...
  15. Drystan Marakos

    Jedi Knight Drystan Marakos, Covert Asset for the Alliance, reporting for duty!

    Hello, friends. My name is Drystan Marakos. I am a Jedi Knight & Deep-Cover asset for the SJO & The Alliance. For over a decade, I have been employed in countless assignments, tasked for such missions as target aquisition, reconnaissance & infiltration, imbedded support, espionage, and...
  16. Amethyst Sovereign

    Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained

    "Welcome to The Scarlet Dream" You know why habit rhymes with rabbit? Because your whole life disappears down a rabbit hole. When you grow long sensitive ears to better hear the sounds of sirens coming for you, it becomes an instinct to escape down that hole before your predators find you...
  17. Ravenfire

    Approved Tech  E-ESPO

    Outside of the droid Inside the droid Intent: To create a Espionage Droid Image Source:, Restricted Missions: N/A Cannon Source: N/A Primary Source...
  18. Subject 37

    Things Hidden[OOC]

    This is the OOC for this skirmish. The thread is meant to be a fun sort of espionage game rather than a straight up combat thread. Enjoy :)
  19. Subject 37

    Things Hidden

    Tingel Arm - Former Dominion Territory Outpost Kresh Tyrian slowly drummed his fingers on the side of the small table, his eyes wandering across the datascreen lingering in front of him. Things had gone well over the last few months, extremely well. Raekkar has grown to exceptional strength...
  20. Relina Zhan

    Mark 1 Micro-Spy chip

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A new spy technology Image Source: Canon Link: n/a Restricted Missions: n/a Primary Source: n/a Note: This, of course, only is useful upon consent of the targeted party OOCly. Spying can be...
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