Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Sinestra

    Private  Fear is as vibrant as Coruscant, but the vibrancy here's the motley list of races each trynna paint the other crimson red, if you get my gist. It's a melting pot a degree less from a melted pot and it's been getting way, way hotter with what's been goin' out there at Zabrakplaast lately...
  2. Jonyna Si

    Seasonal  Don't Fear the Reaper | INVITE ONLY THREAD (Yes this is a private thread with extra steps)

    Onboard the Newly Retrofitted Reaper It wasn't often within the NJO that members were invited to 'parties' within the organization. That said, Jonyna was never someone who followed 'tradition' within the order. With war looming once again, Jonyna felt it important to hold a sort of...calm...
  3. Darth Nefaron

    Private  A Product of Fear

    Jutrand was home to countless palaces, fortresses, and monuments to Dark Lords both feared and hated. But it was within the bowels of the Sith Throneworld that one might find a laboratory entirely dedicated to the continued advancement of fear. It was a bleak place, free of the ornamentation...
  4. Darth Nefaron

    Approved Tech  Nefaron Mind-Breaker Toxin

    OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a terror weapon employed by Darth Nefaron Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Fear Toxin (DC) PRODUCTION INFORMATION Name: Mind-Breaker Toxin, Fear Toxin, Nefarons Toxin Manufacturer: Darth Nefaron Affiliation: Darth...
  5. Darth Nefaron

    Character  Darth Nefaron

    Darth Nefaron Age 45 Species Human Gender Male Height 6'0" (1.82 Meters) Weight 145 LBS (65.77 KG) Force Sensitive Yes PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Despite being human, Nefaron looks far from any man you might encounter in the galaxy. Twisted and broken, Nefaron is always clad in his...
  6. Gatz Derrevar

    Private  To Fear the Future

    Ship: The Red Night Weapons: Tag: Briana Sal-Soren Gatz had hoped that a shower might clear his head, and wash away his fear. He'd been wrong. The vision lingered in his mind, playing over and over again. It was vivid, almost unnaturally so: even now, he could describe it down to the very...
  7. Vazz

    Private  They Say Fear Keeps Even The Local Systems In Line

    A Sith was nothing without an apprentice. Or something like that. Vazz himself hadn't put much thought into it, but as the Sith continued to spread their influence and the Jedi once again began to take notice, such beliefs were starting to make him wonder if, perhaps, he should at least take...
  8. Vazz

    Private  There's No Room For Fear In This Order

    "Come along Acolyte. We've got some Jedi to hunt." That was how it started. Vazz had grown used to living as a shade of the Sith, helping to hunt down their enemies and kill those who posed a threat. Internal, external, it didn't matter who they were. The Defel killed them all the same...
  9. Katarine Ryiah

    Private  The Black Marsh Files: Don't Fear the Reaper

    Location: Coruscant Objective: Investigate Local Murders Tags: Gatz Derrevar Seasons don't fear the reaper Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain Murder on Coruscant! As life continues busy and chaotic on the city planet local authorities are baffled by a recent string of murders...
  10. Taeli Raaf

    Approved Species  ri Nairi - the Fear

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit a Sithspawn mutant created in the aftermath of the corruption of Elrood Image Credit: Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: The Veil of Elrood The Sith Order GENERAL INFORMATION Name: ri Nairi -...
  11. Jonyna Si

    Private  (Baby) Don't Fear the Reaper

    The lounge of the Reaper was alive with music. Giran Thraker would know why, it was Jonyna's way of relaxing. She knew she'd need it. War had been declared. Her thoughts wandered as the music from her time rang through the room. Maybe it was her own fault. Taking on padawans when she wasn't...
  12. Nefaron

    First Reply  Fear Leads To Hate

    Taris "You fight, you win, you get stronger." It was the unspoken rule of the arena. Fight, win, kill. The only fate for someone who lost was the end of their life. It was illegal, in most places. But here after the fall of the Sith Empire, laws hadn't mattered. Not down here. Owners came with...
  13. T

    Duel  Confess, Fear, Anger, Hate, Suffering, Mordius

    Telos IV Telosian Jedi Academy Three Years Ago Walking at a brisk pace in the old temple, he had knew it seen better days. Most of the area has now fallen asunder, more so on the inside as the melted snow now pours into the ever flowing river that was now this strangely odd temple. Moving at a...
  14. Darth Carnifex

    Approved Starship  SVRN-1 Saziliebm-class Space Superiority Fighter, the Nameless Fear

    Intent: Create Darth Carnifex's personal fighter Image Source: Click - Pete Norris Headers - Ingrid L'lerim Canon Link: N/A Permissions: First United Astral Engineering Permission Primary Source: N/A Manufacturer: Malsheem Shipyards Affiliation: Darth Carnifex Market Status...
  15. D

    Character  Darth Timur, Lord of Fear and Madness

    NAME: Sith Name: Darth Timur Birth Name: Alexandr Knight Title: Lord of Fear and Madness FACTIONS: The Brotherhood of the Maw The Sith Order RANK: Darth SPECIES: Human AGE: 23 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5' 11" WEIGHT: 175 lbs. EYES: Naturally green, yellow from Dark Side corruption. Left eye...
  16. Finnea Virlee

    Cure for me

    Heya, So, Finnea has just discovered that she might be force sensitive and she absolutely hates the idea and want to get rid of it. Haahh... realising that's not an option, she's smart enough to understand that she needs to be at least in control of it. Especially since she's constantly...
  17. Darth Strosius

    LFG  Acolyte spreading a little joy and fear this year

    Hello hello everyone! It is I yet again, here with another thread request! In all seriousness though, happy holidays everyone! I hope work and school, and life in general, haven't been too hectic for you this time of year. But back to business, the threads. Obviously I have my boy here, an...
  18. Taeli Raaf

    Approved Species  Nairisiqsa - Fear Demon

    Several Nairisiqsa summoned by Darth Arcanix OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit a new spirit/demon that can be summoned through Sith magic Image Credit: Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Force Ghost/Spirit Smoke Demon...
  19. Nezira Viresh

    Private  Fear of the Unknown

    Tag: Cas Tynen Theme: Ambience Location: Dathomir Nezira had been pacing back and forth in front of the entrance of an ancient Dathomirian temple, built long before her time or much of the Dathomirian people as a whole. The pale girl looked worried, hugging herself around the waist, waiting...
  20. Darth Prazutis

    Phobis Crystal

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: ​To flesh out the relatively untouched world of Ravaath. Image Source: Restricted Missions: Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Name: ​Phobis Crystal Manufacturer: ​House Zambrano-Verd (De Facto) | The Sith Brotherhood...
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