Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Corazona von Ascania

    First Reply  Guilty Conscience

    Coruscant Level 1313 Everybody had their vices. Even Jedi, who often held themselves up as paragons of virtue, were not immune to sin. Ukatis, Mirial, Jedha - one after another, a cruel cycle of violence that never seemed to get them closer to any sort of ending. It weighed on her, and led...
  2. Makai Dashiell

    First Reply  Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho

    PYDYR Waves gently lapped the shore of Pydyr, a hilly, tropical ocean filled moon in the Outer Rim. Lush and vibrant, it was hard to believe the main orbit was a windy, frigid planet. A stark contrast to the beautiful conditions currently being experienced. One would think the tropical...
  3. Box Mattox

    First Reply  Where Nobody Knows Your Name

    SOMEWHERE IN THE RIM... Box walked into the bar, his muscles tense and his nerves on edge from two-dozen days of straight campaigning. The Company had just engaged in jobs for three clients, one right after the other. Now they were in a gap between jobs. It was something that could prove...
  4. Phryne Dithe

    First Reply  Treasured Goods

    "Good," Phryne praised quietly, drawing her hand up a rough, coarse femur bone of one of her dying Animations and shooing off the last wisps of darkness that clung to it. Sticky strands of mock muscles and false flesh tying dry bones to each other. She untied the Gorraskin pouch always...
  5. Kahlil Noble

    Suggestion  Expand The First Reply List

    I'm not good at coding so I don't know if it's a possible thing or not, but First Reply threads have been popping off as of late. Though, some just don't get replies because they pretty quickly get buried by other threads in the public forum, and only the newest First Reply is shown on the...
  6. U

    First Reply  Keldooine Fight-Night

    Keldooine, the Drunken Nerf Cantina There was nothing like Open Cage Night at the Drunken Nerf, most places needed signups and sponsorships and other complicated, useless, contract-y stuff before you got to hit someone for money. But the Nerf let anyone who was willing step into the cantina's...
  7. Glar Ulchtar

    LFG  Anyone Interested?

    I have recently posted a First reply thread on public RPing. I made it relatively open end, so whether you want to make an alliance with my character, or get into a fight with him, is up to you. The link is here for anyone who is interested.
  8. Delila Castillon

    First Reply  Don't Open Dead Inside

    Project Blackwing | Locale : Dandoran Dry brush crunched underfoot as the grizzled spacer stepped closer to the facility. He had heard the stories - legends at this point - of a sickness that brought the dead back to life. Graying, Arik had been kneehigh to a womp rat when he had first heard...
  9. Drifter

    First Reply  Uptown Funk in Zeltros

    OOC - Hi, open to 1 person, the first one to post wins! Someplace on Zeltros as the result of really stupid, bad decisions... Under normal circumstances, the man going by the name of 'Drifter' would have been more than curious to explore the present sent of circumstances presented to him...
  10. F

    First Reply  All That Glitters

    Denon. Fiolette let the rush of chemicals fill her head, the ash hung loosely off the end of her cigarra. Mechanical music whirred about the club and the dense smoke of the lounge clouded her vision. The leather jacket on her body smelled of fuel from a stop not too far from the club. She...
  11. Luidaeg Phrikborne

    First Reply  Nible-Nim, Nible-Nim, Nible-Nim

    Emberelene. It had taken her several months to find this place. Whispers of worlds where women reigned had made their ways to the witch, and she wished to see what it looked like, first hand. Nothing at home had a whiff of such happenings. On Niri, there were four ruling courts, two rebelling...
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