Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Vorhi Alestrani

    Fishing for answers (Jade Fox)

    Cerea [member="Jade Fox"] The Grandmaster was yet again on an illustrious journey. A journey of grave import to the monastery, a journey of meaningful and potent times. For, the blind oracle had promised to return with a grand treasure for the children in his care, and he would abide that...
  2. Vorhi Alestrani

    Crashing a Party

    Vorhi Alestrani was on the Black Citadel of Roon. Not for gentle reasons, or kind ones. No. Vorhi Alestrani was here for what was his. His research, his life's work on Force Traditions, regardless of their moral or spiritual tenets. He had studied the monks of Borann-durr, who put their brains...
  3. Vorhi Alestrani

    Approved NPC  Monet Nyrkit--The many fists of the Grandmaster

    The uniform of general rank and file. Image credit to, but the still is from the movie "house of the flying daggers." Uniform of the Peukalo tactical officers. Image credit to Image is from the video game destiny. Uniform of the kämmen squad leaders...
  4. Vorhi Alestrani

    Behold, the might of the Sälãi Käsi!! (Q&A/advert)

    Have you grown tired of politics forcing the innocent to suffer? Do you seek an end to this cycle of war into which the galaxy has been plunged? Do you want to punch evil in it's big fat face. Pictured above: Someone who had it coming. Then the order of the hidden fist might be what...
  5. Vorhi Alestrani

    Approved Location  Kivi Apua

    Name: Kivi Apua (stone of help in old Palawan) Image Source: The credited artist is Shuxing Li. Keep in mind that romanization may make me all kinds of wrong on this name, but it's all I've got. Intent: For Vorhi’s...
  6. Vorhi Alestrani

    Sälãi Käsi interest check.

    I'm debating making this a minor faction. In essence, I'm thinking of a group of force-sensitives who train in Teras Kasi and do the heroic vigilante thing. Anyone think this is a good idea? Or a bad one? Any thoughts?
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