Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Volo Dragr

    Approved Tech  Ring of Vision || Dragr Forgeworks

    RING OF VISION OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent- To create and codify a ring to assist Mandalorian's exploring the Worldship Crater on Kestri, Image Source- Ali Express Canon Link- N/A Permissions- N/A Primary Source- N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer- The Mandalorian Enclave, Volo...
  2. Volo Dragr

    Approved Tech  Orar'kad || Dragr Forgeworks

    O R A R ' K A D OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent- To codify and authenticate the blade of Volo Dragr Image Source- Displate Canon Link- N/A Permissions- N/A Primary Source- N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer- Volo Dragr Affiliation- Volo Dragr Market Status- Closed-Market Model-...
  3. Volo Dragr

    Approved Tech  The Beskar'gam of Volo Dragr || Dragr Forgeworks

    B E S K A R ' G A M OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent- To codify and authenticate the Beskar'gam of Volo Dragr Image Source- Jake Bartok Canon Link- N/A Permissions- Kiff Perm. Kiff Perm. v2 Kiff Perm. v3 Shai Perm. Shai Perm. v2 Ijaat Perm. Ijaat Perm. v2 Ijaat Perm. v3 Primary...
  4. Gwyneira Vizsla

    Work In Progress  Iron Heart Forgeworks Security Countermeasures

    I R O N ~ H E A R T ~ F O R G E W O R K S OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a sweet electronic countermeasures suite for ships and computers. Image Source: N/A. Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A. Primary Source: N/A. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Iron Heart Forgeworks...
  5. Gwyneira Vizsla

    Catalog  Iron Heart Forgeworks

    I R O N ~ H E A R T ~ F O R G E W O R K S Situated on Kestri, in its capital city of Tor Valum; Iron Heart Forgeworks is very Mandalorian in its culture and products. It has an entire selection of products only available to Mandalorians, especially amongst the Enclave. However, it does not...
  6. Gwyneira Vizsla

    Factory  Iron Heart Forgeworks

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Here. Canon Link: N/A. Primary Source: Kestri; Tor Valum. CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: The Iron Heart Forgeworks. Headquarters: Tor Valum, Kestri. Locations: N/A. Operations: Engineering, robotics, slicing and anti-slicing tech, vehicle...
  7. Gwyneira Vizsla

    The Iron Heart Forgeworks

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Here. Canon Link: N/A. Primary Source: Kestri; Tor Valum. CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: The Iron Heart Forgeworks. Headquarters: Tor Valum, Kestri. Locations: N/A. Operations: Engineering, robotics, slicing and anti-slicing tech, vehicle...
  8. Kami Meran

    Approved Tech  Jed Kerkov's rapier

    Image Source: Intent: A personal / ceremonial weapon for Jed Kerkov Development Thread:if needed Manufacturer: Forge Works Forge works Weapons Model: na Affiliation:@Jed Kerkov Modularity: no Production: Unique Material: Dimond Electrum...
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