Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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ga senate

  1. Mara Voss

    Character  Mara Voss

    MARA VOSS Music MS. JACKSON Aliases [UNKNOWN] Class(es) Politician Administrator Assignment High Representative of the Metellos System Flagship Stalwart Birthplace Metellos Age Early 50s Personality Traits Tough as Nails Bombastic Tireless Fierce Education Traits University of...
  2. Sycorax Laveaux

    Faction  The Equal Rights Act | GA Senate

    The times were a-changing, and somehow Sycorax Laveaux, Senator of Dahrtag, was at the heart of it. She was about the last person you would expect to engage in progressive activism—and indeed, no one was more surprised to see her leading the charge than Sycorax herself. An Isolationist Shepherd...
  3. Atos Vodus

    Faction  Thyrsus Senator Acceptance Speech | GA Senate

    Kiro Torne | Théodoro | Lucas Gracin | Cynthia Alucard | Ijaat Mereel | Casteban Mecetti | Auteme | Kitter Bitters | Xasha Callisto | Vaudin Miir | Darth Ayra This event will be broadcasted on the HoloNet, anyone may post their feelings and reactions on the event even if not in the Senate...
  4. Cessair Ideon

    Faction  Thread Withdrawn

    OOC - This Thread has been withdrawn, sorry for any inconvenience to the participants
  5. Natasi Fortan

    Faction  The Way Ahead | GA Senate

    It should have been a simple, straight-forward operation. A group of Senators -- Natasi Fortan included -- had sponsored the confirmation of Amelia von Sorenn to the position of Supreme Commander of the Galactic Alliance Defense Force. The position had been filled by interims for too long now...
  6. Natasi Fortan

    Faction  No Armor Against Fate | Galactic Alliance Senate

    Natasi Fortan had returned to Coruscant only a day and a half, and she already felt as though she could count on one hand the days of good grace she had left in the Federal Assembly. True, she might have been imagining things -- might have been letting her paranoia get the better of her -- but...
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