Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. C

    Dominion  Crucifixion | Dominion of Generis | NIO

    PENTASTAR OPERATION PART 2 | CRUCIFIXION New Imperial Order G E N E R I S 867 ABY The Sith-Imperial Remnant's retreat from Dantooine was not a mere rout but a carefully devised plan to lure the New Imperials to Generis where the Sith spring their trap. In the midst of the fighting for the...
  2. C

    Private  Looking For Trouble [Alina Tremiru]

    Location: Generis, Sith Empire Territories. Tagging: Alina Tremiru. Valen's disappearance from the Order of the Silver Jedi had been abrupt and unnoticed, much to the astonishment and concern of Caedyn Arenais when he had returned to Kashyyyk following the recent battles that had taken place...
  3. Aspect of Resolve

    Major Faction The Castle Stands (TSE Generis Victory)

    Against our walls they fell With numerous metal shell Now here we all stand With victory in our hands THE CASTLE STILL STANDS Join The Sith Empire Today!
  4. Lynnori Cruz


    kairos, noun; the perfect, delicate, crucial moment; the fleeting rightness of time. Generis, Some Un-Named City, The Local Watering Hole, Evening Tears In Rain | Interacting with [member="Dante Sotari"] ~ Gods & Monsters ~ "In the land of gods and monsters." —————————————————————— Generis...
  5. Azrael

    Generis to a Fault Line [OOC Dominion Discussion]

    Greetings The Mandalorians rush to aide the planet of Generis that has just suffered a massive planet-wide earthquake that has ripped apart the landscape at three key locations. This thread is for discussion of allies that wish to participate, or those truly evil people who actually want...
  6. Azrael

    Generis to a Fault Line [Mandalorian Dominion of Generis]

    Soon after the Primeval cut off the Mandalorian trade route of the Braxant Run, a natural disaster occurred that shook the very foundations of the peaceful and lush planet. The rocky terrain was split in twain by massive seismic activity causing various sections of farmland, and mountainous...
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