Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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great houses of serenno

  1. Galen Dooku

    First Reply  Channel What's Inside

    // Serenno | Seven years ago... "He is a shame, Elena!" his father hissed. Mother recoiled at the word, more afraid now of what that branding would do to her son than what her husband's wrath would do to her. She clenched her fists, white-knuckled as she stomped at him from across the family...
  2. Galen Dooku

    Character  Galen Dooku

    GALEN DOOKU Music Persona non Grata Aliases Imperator Class(es) Imperial Knight Duelist Birthplace Serenno Age Young Adult Personality Traits Cynical Ambitious Self-determined Lifestyle Traits Blademaster Disavowed Noble Rank(s) Knight Warden Faction(s) The Empire...
  3. Trajann Vemec

    Character  Trajann Vemec

    Trajann Vemec Birthplace Serenno Age 52 Years Rank Supreme Leader Imperator Duke Faction The First Order House House Vemec Home Serenno Species Human Gender Male Force Sensitive Yes Height 1.9m Weight 81 Kg Hair Color Dark Brown-Grey Eye Color Almond Skin Color Fair...
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