Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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hazel zanteres

  1. Hazel Zanteres

    Private  Reunion

    Balmorra, Pavanos Residence As the Pavanos homestead came into view, a degree of tension twisted in Hazel’s stomach. She wasn’t sure why, was it concern or worry towards how things had ended? That being nothing at all. Amongst the people Hazel had known, she hadn’t said anything to either...
  2. Hazel Zanteres

    Private  Show and Tell

    In transit to an unknown location… There was an amusing sense of deja vu to this whole situation. Many many moons ago, Hazel had fled from Monastery, abandoning the Order of the Sacred Lotus. And in her wake, broke the friendship of someone who looked up to her. And shattered the bond with...
  3. Hazel Zanteres

    An Offer Accepted

    " acquaint yourself with your newfound power..." It had been some time since Hazel had last been on Bastion, and yet the words spoken by [member="Darth Carnifex"] still lingered in her mind. Originally she had left in a hurry, both because she had somewhere to be; to help a close friend...
  4. Hazel Zanteres

    How Things Have Changed

    Coruscant - Before Shadow’s Fall Hazel watched in amusement as she passed by a small family, the young child looking up at her with a wide-eyed fascination. The horns tended to have that effect on children, a naive innocence that resulted in them wanting to touch. Sometimes she indulged it...
  5. Hazel Zanteres

    Clipped Wings

    The moment had been fleeting. In the wake of the events on Monastery, Hazel had felt an odd sense of peace as she made her way through the remaining hallways and onto her ship. That dark spot; the one that had found its place in the Hapan since Hoylin, had been steadily expanding since that...
  6. Hazel Zanteres

    A Deadly Farewell

    She needed to leave. It felt like something had been itching beneath her skin, an irritant that refused to go away no matter what the Hapan did. The sensation had been building up ever since Hoylin, and everything after that had made it worse. Her actions on Ord Mantell had been the tipping...
  7. Hazel Zanteres

    Fight or Flight

    It had been a particularly gruelling number of days for Hazel and the crew of the SLV Satori. While the OSL wasn't exactly moving about in great swathes anymore, the Hapan still made the effort to spearhead relief efforts when she could. This usually involved pulling together a crew and setting...
  8. Hazel Zanteres

    An Angel's Wrath

    Ord Mantell She had finally found him at long last. Karo the Hutt. The gluttonous slug that had caused irreparable damage to both her life and body. It had been almost twenty years since Hazel and her peers had been kidnapped and forced into slavery for a time. Sure, two decades had since...
  9. Hazel Zanteres

    A Doctor Learns to Fight

    Monastery Field East of Sanctuary It had been about a week since [member="Mishel Ren"] had last visited Monastery. It was where the young woman had given Hazel her gift, a thank you for what the Hapan had done for her since the fateful day on Mustafar. To say it surprised Hazel would be an...
  10. Nylea Apollodor

    Unrest in the Streets

    The streets of Coruscant were never quiet. There was something going on at every hour of the day, which drew many a person to the planet. For Nylea this was not the reason, however. Coming here wasn't much of a choice at all in fact. Many years ago now she was brought here by her old Dark Jedi...
  11. Hazel Zanteres

    Bright Morning, Brighter Day

    Zeltros - Hazel Zantere's Apartment Post - Bright Lights, Bigger City [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] | [member="Ishana Pavanos"] The night at Club Blush had gone for several more hours after the trio had dissappeared up to the VIP room. In which many more drinks were ordered and consumed, along...
  12. Hazel Zanteres

    A Lotus Welcome

    Location: Mid Rim - Monastery Sanctuary Today was just another ordinary day for the Order of the Sacred Lotus. The skies above Monastery were bright and clear, the weather was pleasant and Sanctuary was abustle with activity. And Hazel was going to take full advantage of that fact. A couple...
  13. Hazel Zanteres

    The Results Are In

    Location: Mid Rim - Monastery | Sanctuary - Hazel Zanteres' Quarters Once Sanctuary's construction had been completed, the living quarters had quickly been designated to the various people of the Sacred Lotus. Hazel had been one such person, although when [member="Bethany Kismet"] had informed...
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