Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Delphi Larkspur

    First Reply  3720 to 1 | Ilum

    3720 to 1 Ilum Tags: Open <Intern Engineering Officer D-Delphi Larkspur...> A lone G9 Rigger-class light freighter sat alone, crash landed on the icy world of Ilum, far from the hemisphere that housed the Jedi Temple. The vessel emmited a distress call, one intended for it's origin point but...
  2. BB-610

    Private  ❝ No Droids. ❞

    | LOCATION: Ilum | | TAG: Valery Noble | BB-610 was no stranger to melancholy, but very rarely was it fused with anger. The droid prided himself on seldom losing his temper, and while he may be one to act on emotions, he had nonetheless resisted the temptation to give in to anger more than a...
  3. Jenn Kryze

    Private  A walk in the snow

    fa-play fa-pause | Location | Ilum | Objective | Begin the journey. | Focus | Valery Noble Jenn had faced her fair share of doubts since the beginning of the war. And, in a way, she knew they would never leave her. All the could haves and should haves were here to stay, to remind her of...
  4. Athsheva Rin

    Private  Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

    Tagging: Aurelian Sigismund The bitterly cold winds of Ilum whipped around her, scouring the exposed skin of her face and ears like bites from a million and one pestilent insects. For a Yuuzhan Vong, of course, it was barely more than a tickle-- but that didn't negate the potential damage that...
  5. Sevatar Vizsla

    Public  Ilum or Bust

    Location: The Jedi cruiser Darkness Illuminated Destination: Ilum Gear: Beskar'gam, Padawn robes, Wooden staff Abroad the Darkness Illuminated Sevatar was currently in the ships mess hall during the 'night cycle' the reason he was currently alone in the mess hall was because despite being...
  6. C

    Faction  Shaka, When The Walls Fell

    I L U M AFTERMATH OF THE INVASION [ post theme ] [ armor ] [ lightsaber ] Well, today had been a thing. While his Thyrsian blood might have been sated by the thrill of the battle, the thirteen-year-old was struggling with fatigue as it seemed the boy's usually boundless energy had found its...
  7. Spirit of Perseverance

    Faction  The Wall of Ice | GA Victory at Ilum

    Ilum stands After the clash on New Alderaan, the Galactic Alliance and Empire found themselves in a state of Cold War reminiscent of the war between the Republic and Sith Empire thousands of years ago. But with the Alliance focused so heavily on liberating its core worlds, and the Empire...
  8. Valery Noble

    Public  After Action Reports: Ilum

    AFTER ACTION REPORTS THE ERA OF RECLAMATION THE SECOND GREAT HYPERSPACE WAR FOLLOWING THE EVENTS OF THE INVASION OF ILUM Jedi Temple | Ilum | NJO Outpost With a deep sigh, Valery entered her meditation room at the Ilum Temple and dropped down into a seat. Not long ago, Dagon Kaze and...
  9. Saul Vandron

    LFG  Mercenaries Look Here | Ilum Invasion

    - AURODIUM SWORD CONTRACT: ILUM REWARD: 20,000 UCs The Empire is offering generous mercenary contracts to individuals and groups for temporary deployment on the world of Ilum to aid the Empire against the Alliance. REQUIREMENTS: Participate in the IC thread of the Empire Invasion of Ilum...
  10. Valery Noble

    Mission  [NJO Padawans] - A Cold Warning

    A Cold Warning The Padawan sparring event on Coruscant had overall been a great success. It had brought the generation of NJO students closer together, and while there were some points of tension to work out... the future of the Order looked promising. Their cooperation, however, was something...
  11. Cailen Corso

    Private  The Gathering

    Tags: Valery Noble Location: ILUM A right of passage for Jedi Younglings for millennia, the Gathering was a near-sacred trial intended to help aspiring young Jedi overcome their personal fears and failings. It was during the Gathering that a Youngling would find their kyber crystal, a...
  12. Aleksandr Stirsea

    Private  Feeble Joy

    It was all my fault. It was all my fault. It was all my fault. He sat there silently at a table in his master’s freighter, and Aleksandr Stirsea allowed the guilt to swallow him whole. It had all happened because of his selfish desires. He was the one that had begged Cale for a lightsaber. He...
  13. Cale Gunderson

    Public  Why No Officer, We Aren’t Supposed To Be Here (Ilum)

    Why was it always so damned cold? He knew the answer, that Illum had always been cold, and that at his age he was simply feeling its sting more sharply than he used to, but it didn’t stop him from complaining. He was in his fifties now, chronologically, late thirties physically thanks to an...
  14. Zark San Tekka

    Campaign  Balance Point (Open to All Jedi)

    JEDI TEMPLE ILUM UNKNOWN REGIONS Master San Tekka gazed out upon Ilum's frozen wilderness. An arctic gale tousled his mane but the grim old Jedi paid the elements no mind. Zark's eyes were fixed on Prosperity looming above in low orbit. Its beacon was active which meant more would be arriving...
  15. Zark San Tekka

    Major Faction Fate of the Jedi

    <"To any Jedi who can hear me, this is Master San Tekka aboard the Prosperity. We are en route to Ilum. The Circle is asking everyone who can wield a saber to muster with us in the Unknown Regions. For too long we've fallen short of our promise to be galactic keepers of the peace, seldom roaming...
  16. Dagon Kaze

    Private  Reconciliation

    RECONCILIATION STAY AWAKE WITH ME vol. II Issue #1 Cold wind breezed from the large plateau up ahead, its cold touch carrying the troubles, the turbulence and general disconnect that recently beset Yula and Dagon's relationship. Black forms on the wall of the plateau pinpointed the cavern...
  17. Spirit of Faith

    Junction  ILUMinate the Void | Junction of Ilum [GA], Pashvi [NIO], and Empty hex Northeast of Rhand [BOTM]

    I L U M Galactic Alliance | New Imperial Order | Brotherhood of the Maw Ilum- A place of wonder, sanctity, and self-discovery. Since the rebirth of the New Jedi Order, the planet has long been sought after. More than just a conduit, the holy land offered roots to the blossoming organization. It...
  18. Hawk Hinata

    Public  A Cold Day on Ilum

    Hawk and the world around him seemed to move in slow motion as computer consoles erupted into flames, couplings became uncoupled, and gases began to vent into the cockpit. The battle had been a trap and their force too small once the trap had been sprung. He didn't know how many had managed to...
  19. Veino Garn

    Rebellion  The Light Cometh Unseen- Underground Rebellion of ZU Ilum, Redoubt, and Volik

    Veino looked out the viewport of the corvette-sized pocket carrier and its attendant support ships as around them, more ships dropped out of hyperspace. Corellian freighters. A few ragtag squadrons of starfighters. More support ships. Even a few small frigates and light cruisers. Hardly a fleet...
  20. S

    Faction  To Ilum We Must Go [Galactic Alliance; New Jedi Order]

    Source by Mark Molnar Ilum, circa 860/861 ABY In Orbit: The New Jedi Order's Home, The Prosperity The ancient home of the Kyber Crystals, Ilum has survived in a unique position within the galaxy. Over millennia it was a site of pilgrimage for Jedi on a journey to build their first lightsabre...
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