Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Ubasi's Travelling Rest Stop

    Public  Ubasi's Travelling Rest Stop has touched down on Mygeeto!

    On the snow-kissed crystalline planet of Mygeeto, the low rumblings of machinery shook the earth as a Sandcrawler made its way through its frigid landscapes. Rocks were crushed under this gentle giant's treads, and at the helm of this hulking goliath, there sat one jawa, one hand on the...
  2. Ubasi's Travelling Rest Stop

    Character  Ubasi's Travelling Rest Stop

    Staff photo! (Ubasi in front) Age 30s, give or take Species Gender All of us are male! Height 1.0 m Weight 25 kg Force Sensitive Nope! PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION The jawas here all wear their standard jawa outfits, though if you wanna know who...
  3. Cubanwriter

    Approved Tech  Quality Jawa Heavy Ion Pistol

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a high quality Ion Pistol for use by Jawas who need them. Image Source: I made it with Midjourney. It came out pretty sweet. I edited a few details in photoshop. Canon Link: Permissions: N/A Primary...
  4. Cubanwriter

    Approved Tech  Quality Jawa Ion Rifle

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a high quality Ion Rifle for use by Jawas who need them. Image Source: I made it with Midjourney. It came out pretty sweet. I edited a few details in photoshop. Canon Link: Permissions: N/A Primary...
  5. Azezghil Klecika

    Character  Azezghil Klecika

    NAME: Azezghil Klecika FACTION: Twisted Sands RANK: N/A SPECIES: Jawa AGE: 17 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 3'3 WEIGHT: 22 KG EYES: Pale Green HAIR: Maroon SKIN: N/A FORCE SENSITIVE: No
  6. Ti Izat

    LFG  Jedi Jawa Time

    Made the first actual post with Ti here yesterday and I'm already really feeling him. Super mystic angled Jedi Jawa who doesn't actually like the typical Jawa things. He'd much rather study dirt than mess with technology of any kind. He's as patient as stone and speaks in haiku. Only haiku...
  7. K

    LFG  Jawa Thread Looking

    Memes aside. I am looking for threads with my new Jawa character. He has a lot of skills from Underworld Trading to Slicing making him a jack-of-all-trades sidekick to run around with and a headache for people due to his criminal tendencies. So if anyone wants to roleplay pls let me know.
  8. Kenji Saizin

    Character  Sivoy Pok

    SIVOY POK Faction: New Jedi Order / Galactic Alliance Species: Jawa Homeworld: Nevarro Gender: Male Age: 16 GSY Height: 1.07 Meters Weight: 55 kg Hair: Dark Grey, furred body Eyes: Bright orange-yellow Skin: Pink and brown pads / nose / flesh Force Sensitivity: Yes Voice: Pierre Coffin as The...
  9. Vizjaw Tanakt

    LFG  Jawa Juice

    So, I am basically looking for threads with my freshly made Jawa crime boss here. Vizjaw leads Twisted Sand, and has been looking for an "In" to the Hutt Space Consortium. I am open to threads of just about any kind, with the stipulation that the story would have to take place on Tatooine. I...
  10. Vizjaw Tanakt

    Character  Vizjaw Tanakt

    Vizjaw Tanakt Basic Info ALIASES: Vizjaw Tanakt AGE GROUP: 19 FACTION: Twisted Sand (Leader) HOME WORLD: Tatooine SEX: Male GENDER: Male SPECIES: Jawa FORCE SENSITIVE: No. EYES: Yellow HAIR: Black Fur, short HEIGHT: 3'5 ft. WEIGHT: 75 lbs BUILD: Average shape and condition DISPOSITION...
  11. Z

    Character  Zev Wakeed

    Zev Wakeed FACTION: The Galactic Alliance & The Jedi Praxeum RANK: Untrained wanna be Jedi, trader & mechanic SPECIES: Jawa AGE: 19 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 1 meter WEIGHT: 24 kg EYES: Red HAIR: none apparently SKIN: black FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, and never trained STRENGTHS: very...
  12. Khama Fett

    Character  Theptak Ptay

    THEPTAK PTAY PronounciationTHEEP-tak TAY BirthplaceJakku Age30 GSY FactionGalactic Alliance RankSenator Political AffiliationCorporatists HomeBalmorra SpeciesJawa GenderMale Force SensitiveNo Height1.04 Meters Weight28 kg Eye ColorYellowish BIOGRAPHY: The life of...
  13. The Third

    Approved Lore  Kkak Clan

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: It is Tek's(my Jawa character), clan. Image Credit N/A Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Tek, Takiik, Jawa, Lucrehulk GENERAL INFORMATION Organization Name: Kkak clan Classification: Clan Affiliation: Jawa Organization Symbol: N/A Description: They are a...
  14. The Third

    Approved Location  Takiik Starship

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: It is the home of the Kkak clan, and for my character Tek, it is also a place for all Jawa PC's and NPC's to rest and meat fellow Jawa Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Image Credit: /...
  15. The Third

    Approved Lore  Jawa missing Lore

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: There is a lot of information missing in Jawa lore and I want to fill those gaps of information Image Credit: N/A Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Sandcrawler, Jawas, Tatooine, GENERAL INFORMATION Media Name: Missing Jawa Lore Format: Holobook...
  16. R

    Approved Lore  Red Dwarf Revolutionaries

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Private Army for Rineo Mamacid Image Credit: Links: Rineo Mamacid GENERAL INFORMATION Army Name: The Red Dwarf Revolutionaries Classification: Pirate/Rebel Affiliation: Rineo Mamacid, and Jawas Army Symbol: A single...
  17. R

    Rineo Mamacid

    NAME: Rineo Mamacid FACTION: Independent RANK: "Jedi" Sentinel SPECIES: Jawa AGE: 28 Years SEX: Male HEIGHT: 1 meter WEIGHT: 65 lbs EYES: Yellow HAIR: Black SKIN: Black-ish Voice: Sample FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes...
  18. STaCLO

    Approved NPC  Dute

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: First mate for SN's ship ​Image Role: Companion an helping hand for SN Links: PHYSICAL INFORMATION Age: 29 Force Sensitivity: No Species: Jawa...
  19. Darth Estril

    Darth Estril

    DARTH ESTRIL NAME: Ikkivu FACTION: The Sith Empire RANK: Obscure outlaw SPECIES: Jawa AGE: 43 standard years SEX: Male HEIGHT: 3'1" ft. WEIGHT: 34 lbs. EYES: Yellow HAIR: Black SKIN: Black FORCE-SENSITIVE: Yes, Dark Jedi Padawan...
  20. TI-1027

    Awa Biy

    NAME: Awa Biy FACTION: Jawa RANK: None SPECIES: Jawa AGE: 28 SEX: Female HEIGHT: 1 Meter WEIGHT: 30 Kilograms EYES: Yellow HAIR: Unknown SKIN: Unknown FORCE SENSITIVE: No...
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