Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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jedi watchman

  1. Henna Ashina

    Private  Tears Of Tython | Tales of the Watchman

    A few years ago, in a galaxy far, far away… Shortly after the Shatterpoint Kato Zakar Bernard In the centuries since the ancient battles of their predecessors had ceased to haunt the sacred grounds of Tython, the firelands had settled into a rhythm, a testament to the planet's renewed...
  2. Mira Quinn

    Private  Uptown Girl

    Denon District 1, The Capital Mira tugged at the hood that hung at her back, debating whether to just draw it over her head and turn back. She wasn’t in any danger here, not physically at least. District 1 was the shining jewel of Denon. The Pentaplex. Upcity. Yet somehow, her senses felt...
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