Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Ak'lya

    Gida Toqema

    NAME: Gida Toqema FACTION: Unsure RANK: Padawan SPECIES: Twi'lek AGE: 20 SEX: Female HEIGHT: 1.7 m WEIGHT: 73 kg EYES: Purple HAIR: None SKIN: Pale Red FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes...
  2. Veino Garn

    To Become A Defender

    Veino stepped outside the door and slumped against the wall beside it. He could still hear the delegations conversing with one another. Hopefully, they would continue to do that for some time. A long time. Or maybe they wouldn't. Maybe the negotiations would collapse quickly and the Order would...
  3. Veino Garn

    In Which Veino Has Even more Questions About Jensaarai Armor

    I'm finishing up the cortosis thread, with a goal of completion within the next two or three days. This has led me to begin actually honking about the submission and I'm left with a few more questions, since the canon details are somewhat lacking. Most of the information is condensed here at the...
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