Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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katrine van-derveld

  1. A-Kree-I

    Character  A-Kree-I

    {{ PRIMARY INFORMATION {{ ASSIGNED NAME: A-Kree-I NICKNAME: Kree MODEL: HRD A-Kree-I SPECIES: Sentient Droid MODEL: Intruder-class Replicant Droid {{ Fourth Degree }} MANUFACTURER: Aegis Systems {{ Arken Lussk {{ Purchased by Katrine Van-Derveld A.I. MANUFACTURER: House Verd Incorporated {{...
  2. Katrine Van-Derveld

    Private  We Will Never Be Alone (Aston)

    Aboard Nocte Aranea, near Figaro Favoura VII | Wearing this | Aston Jacobs "The plans are ready," A.K.R.I. informed Katrine as a hologram emitted, coding flashing quickly as the Lupine observed, arms crossed over her chest. "You know I don't read code," the Lupine pointed out after looking at...
  3. Madalena Antares

    Private  Magical Things

    Katrine Van-Derveld Madalena sat in the center of her gigantic living room, legs crossed, eyes closed, and tried to focus. The invisible tendrils that only she could see danced upon her skin as he tried to force her attention on them, make them move by her own will and not by yet another...
  4. Scherezade deWinter

    Private  Open Wounds

    Summer was quickly approaching according to the weather controls of the Scintilla. Scherezade had spent most of that day in the forgotten playground behind the Tower, her mind reeling over events of the past. There was little doubt as to how well she'd been doing for the past year. Since coming...
  5. Katrine Van-Derveld

    Demon Summoning is for Children

    Time: All Hallows' Eve, Midnight Location: Figaro Favoura VI, deep within the forests As a child, Katrine vividly remembered All Hallows' Eve with her Mother. A family holiday, an eve to honor the ancestors of the house and come together, Mother would say. She remembered it all the well, more...
  6. Katrine Van-Derveld

    Revolution of the Heart

    She was the sum of things. Sum of her parents, sum of the spirit’s desires, the sum of her past experiences, the sum of her capacity to love. When she had embarked on this journey, she was different. Drugs made her voices quiet, her emotions dormant, her true nature only slightly reaching out in...
  7. Katrine Van-Derveld

    Monsters Among Men

    Coruscant. Katrine had no intention of going back here. It had fallen to the Sith. There were reports of Sithspawn, of Sith, of the Galactic Alliance, falling. All this paled in her eyes in comparison to the loss she suffered here. The rest of the galaxy didn't concern her right now. She loved...
  8. Petra Cavataio

    Old Ways Meeting New Ways

    Oh, how nice Leritor was for Petra and her witches. The ones with her right now we're working with magic to build their stronghold. For Petra, she was relaxing. It was a busy morning with making the main chamber. The massive multi-level kilometers vast space. It was little draining as her magic...
  9. Katria Vekarr

    Fragmenting the Time

    Time was fickle, time was cruel, but still she persisted. For years she had wandered the galaxy in search of the next job and meal, her home her chariot across a galaxy unyielding. It was when she arrived in Confederate space, on the doorstep of the dominion of Darth Metus, that she came face to...
  10. Gerwald Lechner

    What Once Was Mine

    Dragonflower was in the past, but the ripple effects of the day still played out for Gerwald Lechner. By now he was over the embarrassment of walking back to the ship, and traveling back to Ryloth, mostly nude because a particular witch had stolen his shirt to cover herself. One thing Gerwald...
  11. Katrine Van-Derveld

    New Moon Rising: Part Two

    The Nightlands seemed so quiet from the Altar of Spirits. Katrine sat at the very edge, her feet hanging over the edge as she studied the valley ahead. She could feel all the spirits here, even as their fires burnt brightly at their pillars. You are troubled, the spirit pried as she felt him...
  12. Katrine Van-Derveld

    Age of the Lupine

    "Look out the window, missy. You can see Figaro Favoura now." Her Mother's voice sounded almost too real in her head as images of the moon flashed before her eyes at the same time as her eyes saw the green moon on the window ahead. It was as it was in her memory, every detail, even from this...
  13. Katrine Van-Derveld

    Approved Tech  Oracle, Nightmother's Chakram

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A personal weapon for Katrine Van-Derveld Image Source: Tumblr Canon Link: Chakram Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: Chakram PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: House Verd, Incorporated, Darth Metus, Katrine Van-Derveld Model: N/A Affiliation...
  14. Katrine Van-Derveld

    You Hear the Song of the Steel?

    Katrine Van-Derveld had gotten the bug for creating useful things. First, the Spirits had instructed her to create an armour for herself because of who she was to them, that had been the easier part in some ways but because of it, she'd been inspired to create herself a unique weapon. While...
  15. Katrine Van-Derveld

    Approved Tech  Nightmother's Armour

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A personal armor for Katrine Van-Derveld Image Source: Hollywoodtuna, Marvelcinematicuniverse (Extra used in Photoshop: Alphacoders, Laoblogger) Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: House Verd...
  16. Katrine Van-Derveld

    Legends foretold of Dust or Gold | Mandragora, CIS

    It is time, It is time,, It is time. They had all conveyed the single unified message, one after the other as they had summoned the one they had chosen to a single spot for to come, only a single short sentence conveying the message. Time had come. Katrine Van-Derveld Hawk had been born on a...
  17. Katrine Van-Derveld

    New Moon Rising: Part One (Completed)

    It was only the next morning of meeting Pebble that the Lupine’s eyes fluttered open, her brain taking a moment to sort itself out before she remembered. “Pebble!” She squealed almost immediately as she jumped out of her bed and progressed her usual morning routine at a far faster pace than...
  18. Kayla Wylen

    Follow the Spirits

    --- Although it had been no more than a number of months, it felt like lifetimes ago now when Kayla had left behind her previous life. Seeing the real face of war and how the parties involved stood in it left her not just questioning her allegiances, but reconsidering them completely. Leaving...
  19. Katrine Van-Derveld

    Approved Tech  Talzin's Sword

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To give the Mandragora Nightmother a weapon worthy of her position. Image Source: Wookiepedia Canon Link: Talzin’s Sword, Spirit Ichor Restricted Missions: The Dark Crystal Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Mother Talzin Model: N/A...
  20. Katrine Van-Derveld

    Pebble in Hand...

    It was to the sands of Ryloth that she had been summoned, far beyond the city limits. Her speeder stayed dormant behind her as she approached the area where she could vividly now recall the first time she had laid her eyes on the Grimore. It was an important event in the girl's eyes, the...
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