Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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keira ticon

  1. Bounty Hunter's Guild

    Keira Priest

  2. Keira Priest

    Approved Tech  Kar'ta'shukur (Heartbreaker)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A personal weapon for Keira Verd Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Keira Verd Affiliation: Keira Verd Model: N/A Modularity: No. Production: Unique Material: Corellian Bloodsteel, Mandalorian Steel...
  3. Keira Priest

    Approved Tech  Lacub'ika Beskar'gam

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Personal beskar'gam for Keira Ticon Image Source: Deviantart Canon Link: Mandalorian armor Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Keira Ticon Affiliation: Keira Ticon Model: N/A Modularity: Armor systems and technologies can be upgraded...
  4. Vilaz Munin

    For Your Own Good

    ECHOY'LA - MUNIN COMMAND CENTRE 1:59 AM LOCAL TIME It was a long fight and chase with many bruises, scars, cuts, some broken bones here and there. Some minor civilian casualties and collateral damage were at hand, but he did not care. Not a single damn was given, showing his cruel personality...
  5. Other Space Kaiden

    The Stars That Bound Us... [Flashback]

    Music Irridius drifted away below the Ossus stars, eyes searching the sparkling canvas above him. Dozens of regulations had been broken just to set foot on the hull, but the Captain wasn't paying that any mind. Not now, not while he knew his purpose was out there somewhere. It may have been...
  6. Connor Harrison

    Look Back, But Don't Stare

    Abandoned Imperial Outpost Vaal, Vaal System Connor Harrison stood atop the large cliff-face clearing, his ship behind the old outpost. His crimson cowl flapped gently in the high breeze and his black and grey tunic was a far cry from the crimson one. His blue eyes were tainted, spotted with...
  7. Miss Blonde

    Approved Tech  Ash Eater

    Ash Eater OOC Info Image Source: Coldsteel & X Intent: To create a force imbued Beskad for [member="Keira Ticon"] Development Thread: Beskar Owed, Beskar Delivered: [member="Gray Raxis"] delivering payment of beskar for the sale of Mand'alor's Armor. You Hit The Metal With The...
  8. Miss Blonde

    End of the Line

    It was time. Everything led up to this moment. The reason for the raid, the selling of Mand'alor the Preserver's armor, and the forging of a short sword Beskar. With all that work done there was no going back now, and there was no use of hiding it from Keira. As the leader of the crusaders she...
  9. Connor Harrison

    Slvr & Irn II

    Abandoned Imperial Outpost Vaal, Vaal System The message was shorter than the previous. ”Vaal. Now, please.” This time it was Connor Harrison who sent the communicae to Keira Ticon of the Mandalorian Clans. Following the visit to Korriban and the diplomatic meeting with the Mandos, things had...
  10. Connor Harrison

    Slvr & Irn

    Abandoned Imperial Outpost Vaal, Vaal System The dust was starting to settle over the whole Korriban situation, but it didn’t mean things had been forgotten. That was a long way off. Connor had only been back for a day when he had received a message on his com ”Vaal. The Outpost. We need to...
  11. Alkor Centaris

    Bar Room Blitz

    It was a quiet night, all things considered. The hall of Quors Icthal on Adumar was like a dreamscape for those who relished combat. The Adumari vaunted Starfighter Pilots and skilled duelists above all else, so they embraced those who walked the path of the sword with open arms. A lightsaber...
  12. Connor Harrison

    If They Break You, What Will You Become?

    Dredge's Arena Aurum, Wild Space It had taken a while, and even the menial bounty hunter’s trying to detain him were useless, but Connor Harrison had finally found [member=Dredge]. It appeared a few easy corruptible navigators in Voss-ka were the eyes and ears for Dredge and his crew which made...
  13. S

    Heaven Knows

    Upper City Multi-tiered towers jutted high into the city scape, their tops round as clam shells. A unique facet of Taris architecture. But Sal Katarn wasn't here to admire the landscape. He tugged at the armor weave beneath his rugged black poncho. The armor bit into his armpit, chafing...
  14. Artemis Vahl'Nyx

    Queens of Chaos {Keira Ticon}

    VOSS; A RUINED BATTLEFIELD The ashes were gone. Only a few scattered pieces of bone let one know that once upon a time something had happened here. Plants had grown wild, the fires that had razed the land had been put out long ago, and the grass was at least a foot tall in most places. Slivers...
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