Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kinsey Starchaser

    Soldier, Poet, King

    Makeb Blue eyes filled with a thousand starbursts looked sharply out the viewport as they entered the atmosphere of Makeb. The rock formations pierced through the upper atmosphere like cumulonimbus clouds. She'd just come off the Mara Corridor and heard a distress signal from the Silver Jedi...
  2. Armaud Eden

    Continuing the Search

    Image Source Betha II Port Canverous He hadn't spent his time idly, despite his typical desires to do just that. Time enjoyed wasted isn't wasted at all. Master Vandal spoke in the back of his mind, their continued conversation over the ethereal tendrils of the force kept the young man...
  3. Rune Shamalain

    An Aur Diamond in the Rough [Kinsey]

    Honoghr was not a planet known for its many technological advances. Populated by a race of reptilian humanoids known as Noghri who were the cultural equvalent to an Atrisian Samurai, they preferred their methods of cohesion with their environment. Rune couldn't say he disliked this, but it did...
  4. Kinsey Starchaser

    Eye of the Beyonder

    Coruscant - Level 67 shipping district Kinsey Starchaser cast a surreptitious glance over her shoulder. Feth. They were definitely following her. The Keenjay clan seemed to be more widespread than she'd anticipated. They must've found a way to track her from the university. Maybe when she'd...
  5. Kinsey Starchaser

    A Mighty Big Space

    @Abelain Narv'uk Fingers tugged off the helmet of her thinsuit. Readings were right: breathable air. Funny how a wrecked Star Destroyer could have chunks of working atmo in the middle of the deep black. Should be some good finds in here. Helmet attached to her hip with some good old...
  6. Kinsey Starchaser

    Beasts of the Salvage

    CATHAR Rumor had it there was a crashed space station on the savannah plains of Cathar. Hard to miss, even with some of the grassy knolls and clusters of large-tree cities. This time Kinsey was on her own. No Brak or other fleet member. Sure, she traveled with the fleet and was still trying...
  7. Kinsey Starchaser

    Adventure Ideas for this Wanderlust Kid

    I'm looking for adventure ideas and fun, niche places that Kinsey can explore through a series of rps. Anyone have any ideas? Cool places to travel in the 'verse? Artifacts to find, species to interact with?
  8. Kinsey Starchaser

    A Homestead for Troubled Teens

    [member="The Revenant"] (if you want to drop in) Something was wrong. The Starchaser-teen wasn't responding to the bacta. The wounds she sustained on Kiffex against some prison thugs were slow to heal, in particular, a plasma-dagger stab deep in the right side of her chest. There were also...
  9. Kinsey Starchaser

    Not Official but Mostly Official

    Soon to be official IC, Kins has run away from the One Sith thanks to [member="Darius"]. I'll probably be looking for someone she can train with or a few someones. She's still a little too dark for full on Jedi training. Too much Coren in her and mentally warped Sage Bane. I'm looking more...
  10. Kinsey Starchaser

    What Happens in Nar Shaddaa, Stays in Nar Shaddaa (PM for invite)

    [member="Dax Starchaser"] Halfway across the galaxy from the Dawn Treader. It was like vacation. Even if the main reason she and her twin were on the seedy planet of Nar Shaddaa was because they were filling one of the never ending shopping list from their folks. The 18-year old relished the...
  11. Kinsey Starchaser

    Kinsey Starchaser

    Kinsey Starchaser NAME: Kinsey Starchaser FACTION: None yet RANK: Annoying Sister SPECIES: Human AGE: 24 SEX: Guuuuuuurl HEIGHT: Average WEIGHT: Average EYES: Too blue HAIR: Dirty blond, but she changes up hairstyles like she changes up ships - all the time SKIN: White but not as pale as...
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