Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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lily rhodes

  1. Darth Malum of House Marr

    Familial Relations Part 1: The Caldera Crisis

    Lily's eyes were unfocused, the acid rain carving tracks down the transparisteel of the cockpit as the call connected, her mind lost in recent memories the sounds of the undead echoing in her ears. She blinked as the blue image flickered to life revealing her cousin. A frown creased her...
  2. Iskendyr Yvarro

    Private  Wheel in the Sky

    TAVLAR MILITARY ACADEMY SOMEWHERE IN THE OUTER RIM Iskendyr was assigned hangar duties, his job consisted mainly of keeping track of the TIEs. Sometimes he had to make room for shuttles, or rotate over to the signal team. The Tavlar Military Academy was just outside Rimward Trade League...
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