Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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madalena antares

  1. Madalena Antares

    Private  Magical Things

    Katrine Van-Derveld Madalena sat in the center of her gigantic living room, legs crossed, eyes closed, and tried to focus. The invisible tendrils that only she could see danced upon her skin as he tried to force her attention on them, make them move by her own will and not by yet another...
  2. Madalena Antares

    Private  Retro Fittings of the Force

    Tahali Memnoch The freezing temperatures of Ilum tried to bite beneath the fur coat Madalena wore, but or the moment, she paid them no mind. News of war on the planet had reached her, but she wasn't here for any of that. Instead, she had taken a small stealth ship to a more or less neglected...
  3. Madalena Antares

    Call of the Hunt

    The Tower, Eve, The Scintilla [member="Zel Nar"] Seated within her office at the Tower, Madalena stared at the stack of paperwork that lay in front of her. There were few things she disliked more than paperwork. Had it already been a week since she'd tried to feed it all to the paper ripper...
  4. Madalena Antares

    Private  Catching Up

    [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] Aboard her ship, Madalena was skidding with excitement. It had been weeks now since she and a handful of others had left the Southern Systems and made for the Unknown Regions. She had ached so harshly at first, her chest hurting so much that she had been certain she...
  5. Madalena Antares

    Eye of the Tusken

    Location: Eve, Scintilla Time: Dusk [member="A'Runda"] Once upon a time there was a Princess, and the Princess was in the wrong body, on the wrong world, in the wrong everything. But the Princess had loved the place she was at. Despite this, she had loved the planet she was the Princess of so...
  6. Madalena Antares

    Party Invite

    Location: Project SPECTRE, en route to Scintilla [member="The Bridesmaid"] Morcanth lay bloodied. Bodies of Grysk littered various corners, and the people who had lived there had not come unharmed either. But Morcanth was now free. The Grysk had been shoved back, kicked to wherever it was...
  7. Scherezade deWinter

    Madalena Specific Graphics

  8. Alkor Centaris

    In Confidence.

    The job was straightforward, if dull. Assess the Bestine yards and decide how much time and funding would be necessary to bring it to modern industrial standards. With the Confederate War Machine operating at full capacity, the more shipyards and repair facilities they could count to their...
  9. Madalena Antares

    Approved Tech  Meymad

    Intent: A gift from the Silver Jedi Master Josh Dragonsflame to Madalena Special Credit: [member="Alkor Centaris"], for putting most of this sub together! Image Source: Made by [member="Josh Dragonsflame"] using SaberParts Canon Link: Double Bladed Lightsaber Primary Source: n/a Manufacturer...
  10. Madalena Antares

    Di Nuovo

    OOC Note; happens while Madalena is still in Scherezade's body but using this account for comfort. Gowns were tossed all around the Nutcracker, a variety of colors and fabrics that clung like second skin adding to the colors that generally made the interior of the ship. Madalena lay on the...
  11. Madalena Antares

    To Lean on Crutches

    It was another stretch of few days without her sister. Madalena sat on her bed and leaned against the wall, utterly exhausted. Cardinal was off on a mission this time around, so she couldn't call him to come keep her company. And when she had no company, the days stretched endlessly. She woke up...
  12. Madalena Antares


    It had been a few weeks since Madalena had been brought back from the space between dimensions. What was from the start a complex ritual that could've gone wrong at any moment (not to mention that it came after close to two months of growing a body, another thing with which things could've gone...
  13. Scherezade deWinter

    Chaotic Anomalies

    Her heart was pounding. It had been over a week now since she'd been restored to her own body, and yet still, other than those who had been involved in the process of making it happen, none knew that the woman who showed up practically everywhere as Pathfinder Madalena Antares was in fact, not...
  14. Scherezade deWinter


    Something was gnawing on the insides of Madalena as the Nutcracker broke through Kashyyyk's atmosphere and began to land at the Rest. Perhaps it was because she hadn't seen Josh in a while and so much had happened since – whatever it was that was going or not going on with [member="Cardinal...
  15. Scherezade deWinter

    How Dare You?!

    After the events of Exodus Crash, before the events of Exodus Crash: A New Dawn To say that she was exhausted would have been an understatement. The Sithling, who could now add Former Queen of Eshan to her list of various titles, had been stuck beneath the rubbles of what had not until too...
  16. Erden Tarkhan deWinter

    You Are A Rock Upon Which I Stand

    Planet: Coruscant Time: 10:45 am Location: Ming's Geomancy Arts The geomancy master poured a cup of tea for her customer, offering the beverage to him which he gladly accepted. Erden picked up the cup and took a sniff, smelling the fragrance and scent and determined that the tea leaves were of...
  17. Madalena Antares

    Madalena Antares

    Madalena Antares Name: Madalena Antares Nickname: Mad, Maddy, Madsy Titles: Princess of Endelaan Princess of Chaos Queen of Eshan [very temporary] Head of the Wild Hunt Species: Mostly Human Sexuality: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Marital Status: Single Birth Planet: Endelaan... Sort of. Living Situation...
  18. Scherezade deWinter

    Pandora's Box

    The door to the Nutcracker slid aside with a loud hiss. The Sithling came in, carrying over 250 pounds of Lupine in man form on her shoulders. Sweat beaded from her face and neck and her hair stickily clung to her neck, though neither of those things were the result of the weight she was...
  19. Scherezade deWinter

    After the Unity Celebrations

    It was a pleasant walk. Neither parties had said much while they made their way from the festivities towards the Nutcracker, the ship that was also Madalena's home. On the outside, the ship looked… Well, like a ship. Good condition. It was clear that it had been cleaned not too long ago, as...
  20. Scherezade deWinter

    Talk to Me

    Madalena's spirits had much been improved thanks to the visit she'd received by Alwine Lechner. While she couldn't say that she was overly happy again, the distraction had served its purpose and she was no longer wallowing in misery in her bed after the events of the night before. She was still...
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