Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Matsu Xiangu

    Private  A Place To Rest

    The black sands stretched in front of and behind them, their heat oppressive and legendary. The silks they wore - Maenan in design and necessity - would protect their skin from the sunlight both from above and reflected off the earth’s surface. They had planned this carefully so as to avoid...
  2. Matsu Xiangu

    Private  The Eldritch Beyond

    From their vantage point on a walkway criss-crossing above the plaza they could see the steam of dozens of food carts hard at work. It swirled above the milling crowd, pulled in to the ceaseless exhaust system of Level 372 thumping overhead - a metronome to match the aching in her skull. She...
  3. Matsu Xiangu

    Approved Planet  Maena - Update v.2

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION INTENT | To update a previous Codex entry for Maena as the original is severely outdated after RP development, and to bring it in line with the current planet template. IMAGE CREDIT | Found throughout sub, or watermarks left on images. | Culture Image Credit |...
  4. Aeron Djo

    Ashes of a Soul

    Location: Unknown Regions, Maena, near the Unit Aeron awoke to a burning pain in her lungs. She was disoriented, didn't know where she was and why she was hurting. She coughed. Then a horrifying realisation hit her: she was alive. A cough merged with a sob. The skin, where the salty tears...
  5. Heca Foliou

    First Steps

    MAENA THE UNIT So much had enlightened her eyes since that one night when she met her. The Spider. A woman, sculptured in muscle and machine, that made Heca know what fear really was. The young woman's skin would grow cold, her heart raced faster, and the hairs on her arm would spike up...
  6. Cassandra Paige

    Damned and Demand

    Itash thought of Maena as a planet of the Damned. Cass saw it as a planet of Demand. The truth of course, was that it was both. Cassandra Paige gazed out the transport window as they came in, following the prescribed flight path above the city. She.... wasn't really sure how she felt about...
  7. Matsu Xiangu


    MAENA - THE UNIT MATSU'S PRIVATE LABS 3:15 PM The Unit was built on the ruins of an older city, sprawling over its skeleton and down in to its marrow beneath the ground. That wasn’t all that uncommon for Maena though. It was a common saying among locals, especially older native families: every...
  8. Lok Xiangu

    Underworld Industries

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Here, shoutout to [member="Darth Carnifex"] for the photoshop. Canon Link: N/A Development Thread: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Underworld Industries Headquarters: Maena Locations: New City - Maena...
  9. The Demiurge

    Rael Rus

    NAME | Rael Rus FACTION | Independent RANK | Neutral Master / High Priestess of Xoth-Za SPECIES | Nautolan HOMEWORLD | Maena AGE | 36 SEX | Female HEIGHT | 5’ 10” WEIGHT | 160 EYES | Gold HAIR | N/A SKIN | Dusty Purple/Green FORCE SENSITIVE | Yes STRENGTHS Warrior Priestess - Born and raised...
  10. Leliana

    An Eye Opening Experience

    Maena Institute The journey to Maena was not overly long, but nor was it a particularly active one either. Leliana had mostly kept to herself beyond the occasional question towards Ophidia. Although she didn't ask nearly as much as she wanted, there was a whole list of things swirling around...
  11. Xena Amonali

    Among the Scum and Villains

    Maena New City Level 270 The stench of fumes filled the streets and nearby cantinas, hanging to the air like thick tar. Legal and illegal services crammed the packed street with vendors, bounty hunters and everything under the sun being available if you knew where to look, and had the...
  12. Reverance

    Approved Location  Maena Theme Park - Carneval

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Flesh out a cool place on Maena. ​Image Credit: X Canon: / Links: Maena, Nadir, Point Nadir, Fated, Faithful, Fatal SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: Carneval Classification: Amusement park Location: Maena Affiliation: Nadir...
  13. Reverance

    The disposition of the shrike, untethered.

    Maena Wherever monsters sleep… Hands moved across the board of ivory, gliding over the gloss as matte of black interrupted the level of his palm. Each note hummed, half depressed, as he looked along the data pad that rested across the sheen of the rosewood piano. Lacquered to a vibrant shine...
  14. Jacob Crawford

    Wandering Minds

    Maena The Asylum The furthest reaches of the Wastelands had always been a odd place to find a sense of solace and serenity, amongst the swirling darkness that inhabited the planet. It was located miles away from the New City and the Slums; from the Unit and the Tower. It was quiet, with only...
  15. Amun

    Dust In Your Pocket

    Maena; Between levels 50-100 This place reminded the Bounty Hunter very much of Coruscant. Right up in the heavens were the rich, the elite, the things that a lot of people desired for and focused on. And below the the skies and beautiful architectures was the Underworld. It was obvious where...
  16. Darth Abyss

    Approved Location  The Dead Dragon

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To add a Outpost/Money Source for Abyss in the New City of Maena ​Image Credit: Canon: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: The Dead Dragon Classification: Crime Hub, Hideout Location: Maena - The New City - Level 477-487 Affiliation: Darth...
  17. Matsu Xiangu

    Approved Location  Maena - The New City

    "The best view of heaven, is from hell!" OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent | To provide more concrete information as to the feel and purpose of the city for players looking to roleplay in and around it. ​Image Credit | HERE | HERE | HERE Canon | No Links | Will be provided if necessary...
  18. Matsu Xiangu

    Approved Tech  Obsidian Nova Crystals

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent | To create a variation on a canon item that allows for new and unique story elements and tradables for those scummy criminal elements and factions without scruples. Image Source | HERE | HERE | HERE Restricted Missions | N/A Primary Source | HERE...
  19. N

    Whereabouts Unknown

    Nisha did not like Maena. It would, in fact, be fair to say that she utterly despised the planet. It wasn’t that she bore any ill will towards its ruler; the woman known as Matsu Xiangu was a friend of Irajah’s, and any friend of the doctor was, at least, tolerated. Nor were the inhabitants to...
  20. Jacob Crawford

    Approved Location  The Asylum

    The Silent Lighthouse, watching over the Dead Sea. Ri Winasi Roksota, titji driyi ri Tsûduma Kita OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create both a residence and a base of operations for Jacob Crawford. ​Image Credit: Overlord Wiki - Dark Tower Concept Artwork Canon: N/A Links: N/A...
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