Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Makko Vyres

    Faction  By a Thread

    Makko was finally out of the bacta tank, out of surgery and into a room. He was quite glad he didn't remember much. Waking in a bacta tank briefly, which would have panicked him had it not been for the drugs. Then the surgeon explaining what they were going to do to his spine. Explaining that...
  2. Makko Vyres

    Private  Waltz for Anaxes

    Note: Set during: Golden Orchid Gala Corazona von Ascania ANAXES Makko pushed open the door, holding it for Cora like a proper gentleman. A private smile flashed Cora’s way could have been Makko saying that yes, I do have some manners. The chill of the night air was brisk after the warmth of...
  3. Makko Vyres

    Private  My fee has doubled

    NOBLE HOUSE Makko collapsed in exhaustion. The triplets were finally down. He had read The Drexl that Pooped a Planet four times. He had intercepted Adam trying to wake up Aurra twice. Aris and Vera were no longer fighting over what was on the screen before they had to go to bed. He was half...
  4. Makko Vyres

    Private  To Quell the Tempest Softly

    "Kark." As a Knight he was afforded something closer to a studio apartment. He had his own shower, a bed, a small desk and even room for a small microwave and mini-fridge. There was a small bookshelf he had tried to hang himself, before giving up and asking for help. That was very new. There...
  5. Makko Vyres

    Private  Caged

    HYPERSPACE SHIELD | ARMOR | LIGHTSABER | DRONES | SHIP | PISTOL Rayia Asai "Wake up!" Makko opened his eyes. His gaze followed the sound to the barred door. There was a heavyset gran on the other side of the bars. "Crap," Makko muttered. He had been aware of the bounty placed on his head...
  6. Makko Vyres

    Private  The Prince Stole the Stars From Her Eyes

    FLEET Makko had never been one for space travel. It was never quite still. The engines of the Alliance capital ship were firing, taking them to a new heading. The noose reverberated through the entire vessel, through every bulkhead and corridor. Through to the room Cora had been assigned. If...
  7. Makko Vyres

    Private  The Ferryman

    Pagodon Makko had sent a relatively broad channel, open message. He had not named Jend-Ro Quill but had expressed that he was landing to talk to someone who had been an ally to those in need. First and foremost, he hoped that this man existed. Like many people his age Makko liked to challenge...
  8. Makko Vyres

    Faction  The Path of Great Resistance (Knighting ceremony)

    On uneven ground every step forwards had the chance of becoming a stumble. Makko had come to realise that if you stopped picking yourself back up, that stumble was no longer part of the journey - it was the destination. His life had felt mapped out on Denon. Every week had blended into the...
  9. Makko Vyres

    Private  Take a Breath

    Teru Challo Makko's chest rose and fell quickly as he returned to the benches around the sparring arena. The area had been the source of some high drama recently. After returning from Denon, Makko had been here often. Pushing his body and his mind to the limit to prepare himself. The Sith...
  10. Makko Vyres

    Nightshrike Armour

    NIGHTSHRIKE ARMOUR OUT OF CHARACTER Intent: To create a small set of suits for tech-heavy force users Image Source: Shadow Warriors (Fury Ghost) Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source(s): Obsidian Armour,Taozin Beskar'gam, Nightshrike Armour PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  11. Corazona von Ascania

    Private  On the Rocks

    Cora had been in the club for a grand total of ten minutes, and already the establishment had managed to offend her aristocratic sensibilities several times over. Everything was constantly in motion; the people, the lights, the music. Nothing was static or stationary. It was difficult for her...
  12. Corazona von Ascania

    Private  In the Garden of Eden

    The Harvest Festival had been a success. No major upsets, and the local populace seemed to mesh well with the off-worlders. Above all, the Alliance personnel who'd been present for her sudden and disastrous engagement party several months prior seemed to enjoy themselves. A step in the right...
  13. Corazona von Ascania

    Private  Talk is Cheap

    Sometimes, Cora found strength in facing difficult tasks head on. Sometimes, just the thought of broaching a tough subject was enough for her to give in to cowardice. Her destination had been clear. Pacing along one of the high-ceilinged corridors, Cora was headed towards the library to return...
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