Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Malicar

    Approved Tech  MAP-30 Gauss Pistol

    MAP-30 Gauss Pistol OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Personal weapons for Malicar Raith Image Source: Canon Link: Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Zeralith Defense Technologies...
  2. Karisa

    Sposia Red

    Ch'avz, Sposia Chiss Space, Unknown Regions ___ Brask'ari'sabosen could barely keep her wits about her, but knew enough that she could not give in now to the overwhelming desire to pass out. She had to find somewhere safe to hold up, but more so figure out who to ask for help as those on...
  3. Malicar

    Out of the Light

    Slick Gaffi Stick Planet of Formos Formos. It was a smuggler’s haven and the most popular stop close to Kessel. Settled on the Triellus Trade Route, it was far enough out of the way to not attract attention. Smugglers kept to their business and moved on. This was the perfect rendezvous for a...
  4. Malicar

    Approved Starship  IST-781 "Griefer" Fast Attack Frigate

    IST-781 "Griefer" Fast Attack Frigate Intent: Pirate vessel for Blood Corsairs (Black Sun pirates) Image Source: Harmonia by Komrad King Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A Manufacturer: Interstellar Starship Technologies Affiliation: Closed Market Model: IST-781...
  5. Mithias

    Approved Starship  IST-799 Dark Remnant

    IST-799 Dark Remnant OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Mobile Headquarters for Underlord Malicar of Black Sun Cartels Image Source: Mithias purchased and modified this 3D model for the images used - Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: IST-650...
  6. Malicar

    BLACK SUN | THE Criminal Underworld of the Galaxy

    Black Sun is a confederation of some of the largest criminal organizations in the galaxy. Tired of being stomped out by large empires, the underworld entities have decided to align the cartels together into an elusive criminal presence the galaxy has never seen... The Underlords and Vigos...
  7. Malicar

    Approved Lore  Black Sun Cartels

    Intent: This organization was designed to be a home for criminal organization RP as well as being able to play with the "big boys" as a Major Faction down the road. This organization is the result of multiple discussions about criminal organizations and their place in Star Wars: CHAOS. We...
  8. Malicar

    Black Sun Cartels

    Intent: This organization was designed to be a home for criminal organization RP as well as being able to play with the "big boys" as a Major Faction down the road. Image Credit: Star Wars - Black Sun Symbol (modified by Mithias) Canon: Black Sun ​Links: Underlord, Vigo, Xizor, Malicar...
  9. Malicar

    Of Trade and Travel

    Intergalactic Monetary Fund Headquarters Mygeeto The Shadow Hammer slipped out of hyperspace into the Mygeeto System. Quickly, the Chiss verified his identification with planetary defense and made his approach to through the atmosphere. This trip was business representing Interstellar...
  10. Malicar

    Contracts Available: Interstellar Shipping

    Contract Offered By: Interstellar Shipping Type Of Contract Offered: Intergalactic Freight Shipping, Order fulfillment services, Courier Services, Passenger Transportation Services, Refuse Disposal Transport, Shipbuilding (internal use only), Security Services (internal protection only)...
  11. Mithias

    Shadow Hammer - Interiors

    SHADOW HAMMER INTERIORS Shadow Hammer Shadow Hammer - Simple Layout Shadow Hammer - Cockpit Shadow Hammer - Medical Shadow Hammer - Lounge, Common Room, and Crew Berthing Shadow Hammer - Bedroom 1 Shadow Hammer - Bedroom 2 Shadow Hammer - Main Corridor (runs...
  12. Mithias

    Approved Location  Interstellar Shipping Corporate Headquarters

    Interstellar Shipping Headquarters – Dremulae OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION • Intent: To provide a headquarters for Interstellar Shipping and RP within • Image Credit: • Canon: Kaadu Island and its buildings are not canon...
  13. Malicar

    Of Honor and Practicality

    Shadow Hammer in Mandalore Atmosphere Mandalore The Shadow Hammer cut through the clouds of Mandalore and approached the spaceport with little difficulty. A pair of Mandalorian fighters escorted the modified light freighter in as soon as it broke Mandalorian space. The Mandalorian Empire...
  14. Mithias

    Open Market  Interstellar Shipping - Contract Terminal

    ABOUT US Interstellar Shipping was a freight service that began nearly a millennia ago, usually operating out of the Tion Hegemony. In the last decade, the company came into some financial trouble and was on the cusp of bankruptcy. Conveniently (perhaps a bit too conveniently), Malicar and a...
  15. Mithias

    Interstellar Starship Technologies (Subsidairy of Interstellar Shipping)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: HERE Canon Link: Development Thread: See threads with [member="Malicar"] that show the growth of Interstellar Shipping Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Interstellar...
  16. Mithias

    Approved Starship  IST 50 "Connect" Rapid Courier Starship

    IST 50 “Connect” Rapid Courier Starship OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: This ship is the standard courier starship of Interstellar Shipping Image Source: Mithias created this image Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Interstellar Shipping...
  17. Mithias

    Approved Starship  IST 650 "Luggabeast" Heavy Freighter

    IST 650 “Luggabeast” Heavy Freighter OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: This ship is the standard heavy freighter cargo ship of Interstellar Shipping Image Source: Mithias created this image Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Interstellar Shipping...
  18. Mithias

    Approved Starship  IST 100 "Spur" Escort Starfighter

    IST 100 “Spur” Escort Starfighter OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: This ship is the standard escort starfighter of Interstellar Shipping Image Source: Mithias created this image Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Interstellar Shipping Technologies...
  19. Mithias

    Approved Starship  IST 450 “Purrgil” Medium Freighter

    IST 450 “Purrgil” Medium Freighter OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: This ship is the standard freighter cargo ship of Interstellar Shipping Image Source: Mithias created this image Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Interstellar Shipping Technologies...
  20. Mithias

    Approved Starship  IST 250 "Kaadu" Light Freighter

    IST 250 “Kaadu” Light Freighter OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: This ship is the standard light cargo ship of Interstellar Shipping Image Source: Mithias created this image Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Interstellar Shipping Technologies...
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