Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Leo Vandermolen

    Hello Bad Guys, How Are We?

    G'day to everyone who happens to read this post. I'm currently planning a team swap arc for Leo here and was wondering if anyone was interested in helping out. Basically, He's been a higher up/commander in the ORC for awhile now, and while I adore those folks back at the ranch, I gots to spice...
  2. Darth Carnifex

    The Ithor Accords

    Tafanda Bay Ithor The Crestfallen emerged out of hyperspace above the viridian sphere of Ithor hanging against the backdrop of endless space as the light of Ottega crested the planet's horizon, offering an enticing visual to the occupants of the Imperial shuttle. But they were not here for...
  3. T

    As Long and Sharp as Yours

    "The trap is set, Goldenmane," said a Togorian pirate. Long had Thengil waited, pirating the edges of known space with the band of Togorians he'd freed from that mongrel Epicanthix's cages, searching for a worthy prey. Then he'd heard tales of this new Mandalorian Emperor and his crusade upon...
  4. Kiegan Lysle

    Diamond in the Rough [ME vs TC]

    Objective 1: Raid the Diamond Mines of Arkania Allies: The Mandalorian Empire Enemies: The Collective The Gold Wolf peered through his visor down at the gem of a planet below, the thoughts of riches running through his mind as thoughts of what the diamonds held below would bring to the...
  5. Subject 37

    The Razing of Aldera[ME vs FWC]

    Objective: 1, Attack the Alder Spaceport Allies: Mandalorians Enemies: Free Worlds Coalition Aryn stood hunched in the small shipping container, his heavy warhammer leaning to the side and a half dozen or so Mandalorians in Beskar armor squished into the space behind him. He heard some slight...
  6. Negative

    Negative's full boddy

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a Cruiser for the Metallords Image Source: Canon Link: na Restricted Missions: if needed Primary Source: na PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  7. Subject 37

    Moonlight Entertainment

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Its...its the moon Canon Link: Entertainment Development Thread: N/A Primary Source: Me, I'm great CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Moonlight Entertainment Headquarters: Nar Kreeta Locations: Nar Kreeta, Coruscant Operations: Film Production...
  8. Flannigan Mcnash

    1000th Post, Ask Me Anything!

    Hello everyone, this posts mark a landmark in my time on the site, from meeting wonderful people and experiencing a story I'd never get to see any where else, so thank you for that. So to celebrate ask me anything for my... 1000th post!
  9. D

    What's Yours Is Mine (MC V SA/OS)

    It had been some time now. Recopia. In the Core Worlds it was just another pretty planet, but once upon a time it held the One Sith's darkest secret. Or one of them, depending on who was asked. The Sith Assassins. Once lead by Darth Ferus, then by [member="Darth Ophidia"] , they lived in the...
  10. Dunames Lopez

    Beaches of the Dark Side

    After what transpired on Morellia, and rumors of Star Tours' involvement in a planned raid on Kuat, it was good for Dunames to be her normal self again, even though said self was not natural by any means. To think of it, the Mandalorian Empire has little Star Tours service at this point...
  11. Thane Drexel

    Do We Have a Deal?

    Thane sat on a barstool, sipping on a Corellian Whiskey. He'd sent out a message to everyone left in the RA and asked them to meet here and discuss an important topic. He'd been in contact with a Mandalorian of sorts, one some call Manda'lor. He'd been in the works of bringing the Rebels into...
  12. Darth Metus

    Hear. Me. Roar. [ ME Dominion of Cademimu Hex ]

    C A D E M I M U - H E X The Lion is mighty. With awesome strides does it dominate the land, crushing under claw his foes. Fear is inspired by its roar, reverence by its rule. The Lion is a King of its land, but even the mighty needs sustenance. Thus does it hunt, kill, and eat. The...
  13. Gray Raxis

    A box of crystals for ME......

    Gray had to do a duty for SocMin Fed here recently, which was odd for him since he had gotten the company running well enough they didn't really need him. The problem they had though was something they didn't know how to address. On the planet of Aeten 2 one of the crates of stygium to be sent...
  14. Zef Halo

    Mandalorian Fight Club

    On one of Echoy'la asteroids, a dome was built full with fighting grounds. Fighting grounds that were eight meters in diameter. Small size indeed as Mandalorians want to see a fight not a sprinting competition. The audience positions are full with beskar'gam armored men and women craving for a...
  15. Darth Metus

    Approved Tech  Echoy'lii Shuk'orok (Echoy'lan Crushgaunts)

    Intent: A Crushgaunt variant to be rewarded to outstanding, Mandalorian Empire individuals. Development Thread(s): Hunting the Pack - [member="Varian of Myryr"] and [member="Alexandra Feanor"] embark on a Jakobeast hunt. Operation Weedkiller v2 - An illegal, beskar mine is destroyed and its...
  16. Gray Raxis

    A Punishing Job (Dev Thread)

    So things had taken an interesting turn for Gray. He had been order by [member="Isley Verd"] to spray all of these phrik suits with something called nightshadow as punishment for that message he had sent during the terrorist attack. He figured it was because of what he had very briefly said...
  17. Darth Metus

    Calling All Shipwrights!

    The Mandalorian Empire Wants You! Are you seeking a major faction contract? Would you like to see your well devved, hard earned submissions in lights? Well look no further! The Mandalorian Empire is looking to sponsor a plethora of Shipwrights to aide in the construction of its national fleet...
  18. Zef Halo

    Mandalorian Fight Club [ Sign ups & OOC ]

    The Mandalorians have always fought for glory. Fought to forge their names in the annals of galactic history. Fought for their Mand'alor. Fought for their honor. Fighting is part of the core that shapes a Mandalorian. So come join the Mandalorian Fight Club! Be part of Mandalorian...
  19. Keira Priest

    The Force Is a Tool [Mandalorian Knights]

    Music Bastion Ravelin - Capital City The Mandalorian Knights were a sect most would find intimidating in their own right. Mandalorians by themselves were an entity not to be trifled with, and the idea of adding the Force to such a foe's arsenal wasn't exactly a heartwarming thought. It...
  20. Zef Halo

    Operation Weedkiller V2

    "Who in their right minds sets up their own poodoo in our damn capital ?" The captain of the Gunray Star Destroy asked, his tone both annoyed and comical. It was to be the main ship of this assault force. "Apparently these guys, cap'n." Zef muttered as he stared through the viewport. The...
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