Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. H

    Private  Mek-Sha Shakedown (Eclipse Mission)

    - - - MEK-SHA SHAKEDOWN - - - Mek-Sha has passed through many pairs of uneasy hands over the years, from the Hutt Cartels and the Mandalorians, to pirates, smugglers, and even the Sith. Despite its history as a hotbed for criminal activity, civilian life manages to thrive aboard the asteroid...
  2. Xeykard

    Public  Tracks in the Stone | Siege of Mek-Sha

    Malum of House Marr Marcis Sorr Rakaan Horne Minerva Fhirdiad Theus Eldoris Cale Gunderson Jasper Kai'el Xeykard paced across the room. His men were scrubbing the rest of the warehouse now, but he knew it wasn't there. The air was too still; their target had moved out of the building within...
  3. Xeykard

    LFG  Attack on Mek-Sha

    team rocket is blasting off again What's up gamers. I'm writing the lizard wizard again. Really out here tryna cook so stay with me. Going to be writing Xeykard's forces attacking the shadowport of Mek-Sha (would bigly recommend reading the whole sub, it's pretty good). Mek-Sha is an asteroid...
  4. Minerva Fhirdiad

    LFG  Mek-Sha Fun

    Hey gang I have decided to put my Mando through a self-exile phase. She likely going to set up herself up at the asteroid station Mek-Sha doing mercenary work or simply just hang out away from major galactic politics. If anyone is up for it we could have our characters meet up and do fun story...
  5. Thayne Tameron

    Private  The Mek-Sha Job

    Tags: Minerva Fhirdiad Location: Docking Bay, Mek-Sha Soundtrack: Deus Ex The door to the Port Authority office slid open with a whoosh as two armed guards - mercenaries, really - stormed out into the docks and bee-lined to a cargo ship three lots down from the 'Nomad'. Thayne watched from...
  6. Okkeus Dainlei

    Private  Living After Midnight

    Mek-Sha Slugfall Harbor The Tipsy Trandoshan Bar Come to think of it, being out in the open was not the safest thing to do on Mek-Sha, especially this late at night. The Knight had landed here only about a half hour ago for a simple supply run. He had heard that Romi had finally finished up...
  7. Sly Chance

    Faction  Where All Stars End (The Scar Worlds)

    fa-play fa-pause STARS' END CANTINA MEK-SHA THE SCAR WORLDS "I prefer to work alone. No offense." Captain Kyros leered at the motley assortment of outlaw scum assembled together at one table. In any other cantina their gathering might have seemed suspicious but this was the Stars' End where...
  8. Junker Jonn

    Approved Location  Mek-Sha

    Mek-Sha, the Waypoint OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide a hub for Scar Worlds content and space trash stories. Image Credit: First Image: Screenshot from The Old Republic, via JediPedia All Other Images: Screenshots captured by me in The Old Republic via nVidia Shadowplay...
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