Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Nichos Velt

    Private  Credits Will do Fine

    Location: Fort Skywalker, New Jedha Equipment: Current Appearance, Red Menace Tag: Mya Jesel The Liburna Class Dropship made landfall at last. Nichos bloodied and bruised spent all morning behind enemy lines taking out key areas of the Brotherhood remnants. 2 weeks ago, Nichos accepted a...
  2. Nezira Viresh

    Private  The Crude, the Smooth and the Shattering

    Tag: Darth Insatious Location: fa-play fa-pause Nezira woke up with a thumping headache and a blinding light. As she tried to move a hand to her head, a tug in her other hand, forcing it to get pulled down to the cold ground. Blinking a couple of times, she looked down at her hands in...
  3. Sikkol Cull

    Private  Body, Heart, and Mind

    SHIP: Helljumper Combat Dropship CREW: Helljumper Crew WEAPONS: Heklerkok FP-01, MAA-011 HjPBP x2, MAA-010 HiPR x1, Lodestone Devices x4 - Rolling Order, Lookout Probe Droid x2 - Rolling Order, Terminus Shiv's x2, Journeyman Knives x4 - Rolling Order ARMOR/CLOTHING: Tinfoil Hat Band, MAA-001...
  4. Sergeant Omen

    Private  Working out with the mind

    Tag: Linquista Malnorn Omen reported to the weight room as requested, dressed in his old Grand Army workout gear. He knew better to ask about a direct request from Master Malnorn about what they would be doing, only acknowledging her message to report to the weight room. The Trooper didn't see...
  5. Amea Virou

    Public  Denon State of Mind

    A Gozanti-class freighter touched down on the planet of Denon at seven minutes past midnight. By the time its owner had stepped out from the docking bay it had been little less than another fifteen more. In the streets the rain fell accompanied by the insistent static of low-grade monitors sold...
  6. Jen

    Approved Tech  Mind-Coil Syringe - Drug

    Mind Coil Image Source: Star Wars the old republic gameplay. Intent: A new drug to sell to the addicted masses around the galaxy. Development Thread(s): Jennifer arranges the contract with Doctor Zendu...
  7. Alaina Merrill

    I be looking

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