Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Pegysussy


    I stumbled onto this site while looking around for fanfic research. It's a little odd that I found this place out of nowhere, but it seems like a lovely time! Now a little bit about me: Real name: [REDACTED] You can just call me Pegysussy Age: 23 even if I don't look it Gender: a very sapphic...
  2. Cailen Corso

    Private  To Find What's Missing

    TO FIND WHAT'S MISSING A Star Wars Story Location: Jedi Temple, Coruscant Tags: Amani Serys Objective: Meet a new friend Soundtrack: Tranquility In all his visits to the Jedi Temple, Cailen had never seen the Halls of Healing before. The simple natural accents and decor instilled a sense...
  3. Al-Saher

    Where Cats Play and Predators Hunt

    It'd been awhile since I'd done....really anything. What with The Family dispersing and all... As it was I was walking through the lower city when I came across a club. The Vixen's Vantage....interesting name. I'd been undercover with The Family but after it vanishing I was left on Triple Z with...
  4. Celiana

    Where The Dark Demons Play

    I'd been transferring assets from my club on Coruscant recently. Having a new hideout in The Unknown Regions was much better than a city planet. Nothing against Triple Z....just sometimes I needed a place more....secluded especially recently my last run in recently with a member of The Silver...
  5. Celiana

    Profitable Partnerships and Smuggler Havens

    I'd recently cemented an alliance with a young, incredibly attractive smuggler by the name of [member="Nyree Justice"]...She'd asked what kind of services I could provide her. Along with my having offered her use of my storage facilities and shadowport I'd mentioned finding places away from the...
  6. Celiana

    Shadowy Figures In Smoky Clubs (PM for Invite)

    Another night in the lower levels of Triple Z...Seemed like not much had changed. Not too terribly long ago I was dancing for some sleazy club owner, now I was the one owning a club. As a Jedi Knight no less. Funny how things progressed....So far tonight had been good. Some of our regulars had...
  7. Celiana

    Council Chambers and Counseling The Younger

    I'd come back to the Silver Rest to check in on assignments available from The Council, see f anyone had signed up for classes with me. The usual drill of when I came down to The Temple. I had quarters here...which were furnished. I just wasn't a typical Jedi, I longed for bits of a home all my...
  8. Celiana

    What Lays Buried In Dust and Forgotten Books

    I'd recently returned to The Silver Rest after salvaging what I could bookwise from the library on H'ratth. Bucketheads and Sith always seemed to ruin things which couldn't really afford to be replaced. As I'd been scanning through the various scrolls, manuscripts, and files several things had...
  9. Celiana

    The Fire Of The Echani (PM to join)

    My blood was boiling, after all the osik about controlling my emotions and mandatory meetings with specific Masters I was furious. Had I not been stuck here with wookiees I'd have watered the ground of Eshan with my blood in defense of her and my people. I may not have the white hair or silver...
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